Chapter 15

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Ross's POV:

My siblings and I are having a little sibling day out as we walk through the park, hanging out having a good time.

I soon hear a lot of commotion as I look over to see a ton of people in a huddle as I see a mini stage and then a girl on it singing... That's Laura Marano holy crap.

I hear Rydel squeal as she points to it as I nod at her.

"That's Lau-

"That's LAURA MARANO" She yells as my brothers and I laugh.

"Come on hurry let's go over" I sigh as she drags us over as we go off to the side as I smile watching her perform, and listening to every second of her singing and enjoying watching her sing her heart out to the lyrics, in the same way I love to do it. Putting emphasis on words and using hand motions.

I smile at her when she soon looks our way a smile coming to her face as we lock eyes as she soon looks away out at the crowd. I hear her finish the song as people start clapping as I smile clapping as well when Rydel squeals as I groan and covering her mouth up as Laura looks at us letting out a small laugh.

Rydel smiles more slapping my hand away as Laura smiles and looks over at the other fans.

"Thank you to everyone of you who came out to this meet and greet, and thanks to you fans this is possible for me to live out my dreams, so thank you so much, and I hope you enjoyed" She says as I hear people scream I love you Laura as she smiles waving and walking off the stage walking to the side we are on as she goes to a girl who I assume is her manager as they talk with two body guards by them, as the manager who I assume is on her phone probably calling their ride.

Rydel squeals again "We have to talk to her"

"Rydel she's probably busy-" Riker says getting cut off.

"Oh come on Riker. Ross you agree with me right" I look at her and shrug.

"I don't care, but we can't bother her Rydel if she is busy"

"Ugh fine we won't. We will ask politely"

"Good idea" Riker says as Rydel looks at me "Well go ask her"

"What why me?"

"Cause I am to afraid"

"Oh my god Rydel"

"You said you did not care"

"You are horrible"

"You don't want your sister to be all upset right" She gives me puppy dog eyes as I groan.

"Why do I have to do it"

"Because you do now go" I groan as she pushes me as I roll my eyes tripping a bit as I see Laura look at me with a smile as I groan... seriously she just saw that. I walk a little closer as she says something to the body guard and they walk away with the girl I assume her manager is.

"Hey, Tripping boy" I laugh a bit nodding my head "I had that coming for me didn't I?"

"Eh kind of" I smile at her "I'm Ross"

"Lynch right" I nod at her "You know me"

"I saw your sister's cover on YouTube and well I saw you to"

"Oh wow damn she would be excited she's a huge fan. Speaking of her I was supposed to come over here to get you to talk to her"

"Why did she not" I roll my eyes "She's a scaredy cat-"

"Shut up Lynch" I roll my eyes as Rydel comes next to me along with the rest of my brothers.

"Hi oh my god I am such a big fan. Like I love you so much" I nudge Rydel as she glares at me "You are really good at being nonchalant about loving her" Rydel glares at me as I hear a laugh come from Laura as I smile at her while being punched by Rydel.

"I saw your cover on YouTube Rydel, your really good" Laura says as Rydel squeals again as I cover my ears.

"You did oh my god"

"Yea you have an awesome voice along with the rest of you guys. You all are amazing singers" She says smiling at us as I smile at her.

"Thanks Laura" Riker says as she nods "Of course" I smile at her as we lock eyes once again when that girl comes over and taps Laura.

"The car got stuck in traffic. Jace will be here to pick you up in a couple minutes, he was just shopping around here" Laura smiles nodding "Alright sounds good"

The girl nods and glances at us and then walks off back to the body guards.

"You were amazing by the way" Rydel chirps as Laura smiles.

"Thanks Rydel" Rydel smiles as I see her grinning from ear to ear... she is never going to shut up about this.

"So Laura you from this area" Rocky asks as Laura smiles nodding

"Ha she's an LA girl Ross" Rocky nudges me as I roll my eyes.

"Haha so funny" I say as Laura looks at me with confusion but like a thinking face on, I'm not even sure how to describe it.

"Aww are we talking about Rossy's little cru-

"She is not my crush Rydel how many times have we been over this" I say annoyed.

"Right cause Laura Marano is-" I glare at Riker "Wow good job bud right in front of her" I say as he laughs.

"It's okay man. It will be okay" I glare at Riker as I see Laura smiling as I look at her and looking away trying not to keep my gaze on her.

"You Lynch's seem like a whole lot of fun"

"Oh trust me they are" Ratliff chirps in.

"Your the family friend right" He nods as she smiles nodding.

"We should hang out some time maybe" Rydel says as Laura smiles "That would be great, I am kind of busy now with music and acting and what not"

I smile at her as she looks at Rydel.

"I'll DM you on Instagram" Rydel says as Laura smiles "I'll be waiting"

I see a guy come up from behind her poking her as Laura squeals turning around and looking at him.

"God Jace, give a girl a warning"

He laughs "Sorry Marano, but the whole point in scaring you was well to scare you, giving you a warning would make no since"

"Shut up smarty pants" He smiles "So I heard Marano needed a driver"

"She does yet he is nowhere to be seen"

"Haha very funny get in the car Marano"

"What if you kidnap me"

"I'm going to leave you"

"No you won't"

The guy starts to walk away as Laura squeals "Alright, hold your horses Jace I'm coming" He smirks turning around as he sees us and waves as he wraps his arm around Laura's shoulder.

"Alright well I got to go. Maybe see you guys again" She says as we nod.

"Totally" Rydel chirps in.

"It was nice to meet all of you guys" We all nod.

"You to" I say as she smiles at me turning around and walking off with that Jace guys arm around her... Why do I feel jealous... God I am jealous over a girl that I have just talked to for the first time today... What is wrong with me.

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