Chapter 38

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Ross's POV:

This was the best past 10 minutes of my life by far...

Kissing Laura is like the rush of energy from being on stage, and the great taste of pancakes, and then so addictive just like hockey...

I just want to kiss her again and never stop... I'm falling for her....

We get back to the car and I steal the drivers seat as Laura looks at me confused.

"I'm driving" I say "Get in the passenger seat" She nods getting into the passenger seat as I take drivers seat starting the trip back.

"It's already 11:30 it's going to be so late, and I'm so tireddddd" I hear her groan. I chuckle a bit.

"That's why I am driving you home"

"What about you this is my car" She says

"I'll get a cab-"

"Just stay at my house" She says

"You sure" I ask as she nods "There's no way I am letting you take a cab at like midnight" She says as I smile "Thanks Laur" She nods as I continue driving back to her house.

"I had a lot of fun tonight" I hear her say as I stop at a red light and smile at her "I did to, trust me" I say as she giggles blushing.

"Did you now" She asks as I nod. "Oh yes the view was amazing" She laughs as I smile at her and then continuing to drive us home.

I see her head fall against the door as she leans on it closing her eyes. I smile continuing to drive her home.


I pull into her house getting out of the car and going to her side opening the door as I pick her up out of the car and closing the door locking the car and then walk to the porch taking about 5 minutes to figure out which key is the house key. I finally figure it out and open the door and closing it locking it again as I take her up to her room laying her on the bed, taking her shoes off and then putting the keys on her night stand. I smile at her covering her up with the blankets and then kissing her forehead whispering "Night Laur" I say and then walk out of the room and go into the guest room taking my shoes off and laying in the bed falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


I wake up to the sun shining in my face as I smile, that was a good sleep. I sit up and realize, I'm at Laura's house. I reach over to the night stand and grab my phone... HOLY CRAP IT'S 2 IN THE AFTERNOON ALREADY. I get up messing with my hair trying to make it as presentable as I can as I head downstairs and see Laura in the living room sitting on the couch with a guitar in hand as she strums it, I smile leaning against the wall watching her strum it for a little as I hear mumbling lyrics probably but can't really hear them.

"Hey" I say walking to her as she turns around and smiles at me.

"Good Afternoon Sleepy Head" She giggles as I roll my eyes sitting next to her.

"I guess I was the one who was really tired" I say as she nods.

"What time did you get up"

"Like 3 hours ago" I nod "Thanks for letting me stay last night" She smiles nodding "Thanks for putting me to bed" She says as I smile "Of course"

"I was very confused when I woke up" She says as I laugh "Yea, I was to, at first forgetting where I was" She nods "Your sweet" I smile "You are adorkable"

She smiles as I look at the guitar.

"Wathca doing" I say indicating to the guitar.

"I am not sure I'm just messing around" She says as I nod "I do that all the time" I say as she nods "Yea I should be you know learning my new songs but it's alright I got a couple months till tour" I laugh "Same though honestly" She smiles at me resting the guitar on the little table she has in the living room and then sitting back at the couch sitting a lot closer to me and resting her head on my shoulder as I smile my heart beating faster as I soon wrap my arm around her protectively.

"What you want to do" I hear her ask as I think.

"I don't know. You got any ideas" I ask.


"You could come to the hockey rink with me and my brothers and Rat today, to hang out" I say as she lifts her head up looking at me.

"Are you sure they won't mind"

"Naw, Riker brings his girlfriend all the time and Rydel comes to hang with Ratliff as well"

"In that case then why not" I smile at her "I think we are meeting there at like 5 so you want to get some food first, and then we can stop by my house to get my gear and stuff"

"Sounds like a plan. I'm going to get dressed then" I nod at her as I let my arm fall from her shoulder as she gets up and looks at me.

"I'm trying to think if I have clothes that would fit you, or clothes left here" She says "It's cool we can go to my house"

"I know I just feel bad" I smile at her.

"I think Jace has an emergency bag here actually" I look at her confused as she shakes her head "Don't even ask why, I honestly don't even know why, but it has like clothes and all sorts of stuff in it" She laughs as I look at her confused "Alright then" I say as she laughs "Come on I think it's downstairs" I nod at her as I get up following her into her basement as I look around.

"It's not done yet, and very bare. I'm thinking of turning it into a studio one day, probably after this world tour" She says as I nod looking around "Laur this would be a sick like studio and hang out area"

"Yea I was thinking maybe an air hockey table"

"Yo yes please, if we get a mattress, a toilet and a fridge down here I would never leave" She laughs "Not to self never put those things down here" I laugh rolling my eyes "Haha so funny"

She laughs grabbing a bag and pulling things out of it and tossing them at me "Found them" I laugh catching them "Thanks Laur" She nods "You can change in the bathroom or guest room whichever one you want"

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