Chapter 16

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Laura's POV:

Ross Lynch.... I can't stop thinking about him. After meeting him yesterday I just can't stop thinking about him. The smile he gave me, how cute he was when his siblings messed with him.

Ugh why can't I get him out of my head. What is wrong with me. I met him once and only talked to him for like 10 minutes... And most of it was with his siblings. But the time we spent together it was like.... Oh my god what am I thinking. I am flipping losing my mind. I met this boy once and now I can't get him out of my mind.

God Love at first sight is an understatement right now. I sigh and look at my phone and going to Instagram and typing in Ross Lynch and follow him along with all his siblings and Ratliff... I need to make it look like I am not just following him....

Plus his siblings seem really nice as well. I start watching Harry Potter when I see a follow message on Instagram as I click on it and smiling to myself... Ross followed me back...Holy poop. God what is up with me right now. I feel like a kid when your crush talked to you for the first time... oh wait it's kind of true...

God please help me. I hear my phone go off again as I look down at it as I see a DM from... no.... the man of the hour himself... Ross Lynch.

I click on it and look to see what he said.

Ross: My sister is freaking out that you followed her

I smile to myself and begin to type

Laura: I'm freaking out she followed me back

Ross: Haha. She will love seeing that.

Laura: *insert thumbs up*

Ross: *insert smiley face*

Laura: Anyways, why did The Ross Lynch slide into my DM's, I know for sure it was not just to say his sister was freaking out

Ross: Well damn we got a detective here don't we

Laura: What can I say I'm a Curios George

Ross: Haha can I be the tall yellow guy

I look at the message. Okay I am overthinking this, I bet a lot of people call that guy the tall yellow guy... right... But both their names are Ross... no there's no way the guy I have been messaging is Ross Lynch.

Laura: Sure you can be the Tall Yellow Guy

Ross: Yay! Life goal accomplished

Laura: *Rolls eyes*

Ross: Oh boy you like to do that to

Laura: Do what

Ross: Say *Rolls eyes* I have another you could say friend that loves to do that

No... it must be a coincidence. I mean this is Ross Lynch I bet he has plenty of friends he talks to.

Laura: Oh really

Ross: Yup, Sooooo what's up Marano

Laura: Nothing much. What about you Lynch

Ross: Nope not really, getting ice cream with the siblings

Laura: And you did not invite me! How dare you

Ross: I mean you could come, I would not mind, and I highly doubt my siblings would mind

Laura: I wish, I got to go to the studio in like point 2 seconds

Ross: Damn point 2 seconds

Laura: Haha, I got to go Ross

Ross: See ya around Marano

I smile turning my phone off and heading down my stairs and getting into my car driving off to the studio.


Ross's POV:

"Awe Rossy is texting Marano" I roll my eyes at Riker.

"Not anymore she had to go to the studio" I say putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Awe poor Rossy" Rydel says as I roll my eyes "I invited her here, but she had to work in the studio" I say as Rydel's face drops "Damn stupid studio" I laugh as Rydel pouts.

"So I saw the look you were giving her, Rossy defiantly has a crush" Rocky says as I roll my eyes "Do not"

"Hmm sure whatever you say"

"I don't. I barely know the girl"

"But you like her I can see it"

"Do not" I defend a little to fast as they smirk at me.

"You get very defensive about things you know are true but you don't want us to know are true" Riker says as I groan.

"So maybe celebrity crush-"

"AHHHHHH" I groan as Rydel's squeal breaks my ear drums.

"-But nothing more" I finish as she looks at me "You guys would honestly look cute together" She says as I look at her giving her the 'really' look.

"Are you being serious right now how can you see that-"

"Just how you guys were, you guys talked to each other so normally. She came up to you to talk to you."

"So who cares"

"You are a celebrity we are not suppose to just walk up to people especially like in the situation that was that one" I roll my eyes "She knew who I was Rydel, it was not like a threat"

"Still, she came up to you and smiled as you guys talked, your welcome by the way" I look at her confused "Oh come on I know you liked her and you would not of went to talk to her by yourself so you best sister had to help you"

"Only sister"

"Still your welcome" I roll my eyes "Say thank you Ross" I roll my eyes "Thanks Rydel" She smiles "Awe I feel so loved"

I roll my eyes "So how is the other Laura" I glance at Rocky "I have not texted her since Monday actually"

"And it's Wednesday oh my god Ross what ever will you do" I roll my eyes at Ratliff.

"Shut up"

"You used to go crazy when she did not text you back" He fires back.

"Yea, yea. I will text her later" I say as we continue to talk about random things and upcoming maybe tour we might be going on for the release of our new album, which I am ecstatic for.

Raura- Fell In Love Through TextingWhere stories live. Discover now