Prequel Chapter 10: Take it Slow

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Ross's POV:

So far the birthday party has been fine no Laura and Niall scenes thank god... I could not bare to watch that. And I spoke to soon.

Niall taps Laura's shoulder as Laura looks behind her with a smile "Hey Mitch"

"Hey so can I have this dance" He says as the music slows down that was previously playing... no please....

Laura smiles nodding as Niall and her get in the position that Austin and Ally were in at prom....

"The kids like you" Laura says with a smile as Niall smiles "Really that's great" He says as she nods "Dylan came running up to me smiling about how you helped him beat that one level in whatever video game it was" Laura says as Niall laughs. Dylan is played by Ryan.

"It was Plants Vs. Zombies, but yea it was fun. I like hanging out with the kids their a ton of fun" Niall says as Laura laughs "You regret saying that when you live with them 24/7 365" She says as Niall laughs "But you still love them" Laura nods "Yea I do. Being a parent is amazing, obviously it's hard sometimes being single but Ava is such a help" Laura says with a smile as Niall nods "If you need me I could always help out" Laura smiles "Really"

"Of course" Laura smiles as "Mommy this is the best party ever" I hear Katie say as Laura smiles down at her as Niall and Laura detach themselves from the dancing position.

"Great I am so glad Kate" Laura smiles "Come on Aunt Ava is about to attempt to chug water faster than Uncle Hunter" Laura laughs and smiles "Oh man I have to see this" Laura says.


Soon they wrap up for the day as Laura walks off a set and falling on Maia.

"I'm tired" She groans as Maia laughs "You old person"

"Hay Your older" Laura says as Maia laughs "Point taken"

Laura laughs and looks over at me "So what did you think Super fan" She says with a laugh as I smile "I thought that Maia and Bradley chugging the water was the most hilarious thing ever" I say as Laura laughs along with Maia. "Oh most defiantly. I did not even have to like fake laugh for that" Laura says as Maia rolls her eyes and looks at me "What about the other scenes like some with Niall" She says with a smirk as Laura glares at Maia slapping her "Why would you say that" She says as Maia smirks "You were wondering to, don't act all innocent here" Maia says as Laura glares at her.

"Woah are my eyes deceiving me or is Laura's ex here" I hear Niall say as I groan... of course he knows to... well I mean most of the world knows about Laura and I's break up...

"They are defiantly not deceiving you. Niall Ross. Ross Niall" Laura says smiling as I wave at him "Sup" I say as he smiles "Hey man" Niall responds.

"Oh man get the popcorn Laura Marano's Ex and old co star and love interest meets her new castmate and new love interest find out who Laura Marano gives the final rose to on the next episode of the Bachelorette" Ryan says as everyone laughs besides Laura and I.

"Oh come on Marano that was hilarious" Maia says as Laura rolls her eyes.

"My life is not a bachelorette story" Laura defends as Ryan laughs "Your right, you don't have any love going on" He says with a huge laugh as Laura glares at him.

"Oh my god Laura should go on the bachelorette could you imagine her with 25 other guys" Bradley says as everyone starts cracking up besides Laura and I again.

"Oh my god Laura would not know what the hell to do, she would just run off crying" Maia says as Laura glares at her.

"Would not!" Laura defends as Maia smirks at her. "You have not kissed another guy besides Ross in your whole life. You would be lost" Laura blushes as she glances at me and I look at her... I was her first everything... and she has not kissed another guy besides me... that makes me feel amazing....

"Okay Maia we are done here" Laura says groaning "Come on Ross for once he is the only one I can tolerate" Laura says groaning as I smile at her standing up and following her to her dressing room. She closes the door as I turn around putting my hood back on from stopping myself doing something stupid.

I eventually here "Your good" She says as I see her back in leggings and a lose shirt.

"Sorry about my annoying castmates" She says as I shake my head "Its' cool I mean we should be immune to teasing at this point after being on a tour bus together with my siblings for a year" I say as Laura laughs nodding "Your so right." She says with a laugh.

"You really are good at acting by the way" I say as she smiles "Thanks Ross" She says with a smile "Even if it is with another guy" I say as she looks at me.

"Eh I seem to like guys who are younger than me" She says with a laugh as I smile at her and then frown "You like complimented me but at the same time annoy me by saying how I am younger" I say as she laughs nodding "It's so cute how you get so mad over how you are a month younger than me" She says with a smile as I look at her... she called it cute.. which technically means she called me cute right?

"Sorry" She mumbles I think realizing what she said as I shake my head "It's cute you called me cute" I say with a smirk as she looks at me sighing "We should head back get you home, I have a busy day tomorrow" She says as I sigh nodding... maybe I should not of done that... I think I am trying to move us to fast again...calm down Ross... take it slow...

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