Chapter 85

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Laura's POV:

Doctor Freeman leaves the room as now it's just Stormie, Rydel and I.

"Do you want to see Ross or wait" I hear Stormie say as I smile "I want to see him" I say, I mean I will be fine around him, I trust Ross so much, I know he would never do anything to me. Stormie nods getting up "I will go get him then" I smile nodding as she leaves the room.

"You going to be okay seeing him" Rydel says as I look at her "I was fine in the pictures I looked at him without a malfunction" I say as she nods "It's just that Ross triggered that scene before I am scared you are going to see him as someone else again" I hear her say as I sigh "Trust me I don't want to see him like that Rydel, but I know he would never hurt me" I say as she smiles.

"Good cause he would never hurt you ever" I smile when I hear a knock.

"It's Ross. Can I come in" I hear a shaky voice say as my heart rate picks up as I smile at Rydel as she gives me a nod.

"Come in" I say as I hear the door open as I see him there....I see him coming closer as I yell out "W-W-W-Wait" I say stuttering again... damn stupid stutter, he stops in his tracks and looks at me confused and worried... but mostly hurt...

"Ross she stutters around guys, she did it to the doctor to, she has to get use to you don't take it personally" I hear Rydel say as I nod scooting closer to Rydel.

Ross sighs and nods "I'm happy your better, well better than you were last night" I hear Ross say as I nod sending a smile when I look at his what happend to him...

I hit Rydel and point to his wrist not bothering to talk as she looks at it and sighs.

"He hit it hard against the wall" I look at him as he sighs.

"W-W-Why" I ask as he sighs "I felt like it was all my fault that you freaked out, so I took my anger out on the wall" I hear him say in that sad little voice, as I smile a bit at him.

"I-It w-w-was not your fault" I say as he looks at me "It sure feels like it" He says sighing as I look at him shaking my head "I-I-It's not Ross" I say still stuttering...

I look at Rydel "Why am I fricking stuttering" Oh my god now I am not...

"Damm now I'm not... This is so stupid...." I say as she sighs and looks at me.

"Laura calm down, it's okay" She says as I sigh and look at Ross as he is standing there looking not quite sure what to do, but looks hurt.

"I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry I freaked out" I say to him as he shakes his head "It's not your fault Laura. It's that guy I have so many strong words for right now's fault" I hear him say as I giggle as I see a smile form on his face when I laugh.

"I love that laugh" I hear him say as I smile more at him.

"I-I H-have strong words for him to" I say as Ross and Rydel both laugh.

"We all do Cali Girl" Ross says as I smile at him "Come here" I say not stuttering at all as he smiles super wide as he walks to me fast but not to fast as he comes to the couch and I smile going to him laying my head on him as his one arm he has wraps around me pulling me close to him as I smile closing my eyes laying against him, wrapping my arms around him tightly as I hear his heart beat racing as I smile knowing mine is to.

"Laura you good" I hear Rydel ask as I turn my head and smile nodding at her "Thanks Rydel so much" I say as she smiles patting my back "Thank you for the hours of laughs" I laugh a bit as she smiles "See ya to later" We nod as I wave and she leaves the room as I look up at Ross to see him smiling down at me.

"Hi" I say as he smiles "I missed you baby so much" I hear him say as I smile "I missed you to, when I knew fully who you were" I say through a laugh as he looks at me confused.

"Let's just say I was a bit drugged, and was loopy as poop" I say as he lets out a laugh "I can't wait to hear it from Rydel later" He says as I look at him "Oh yea there's some interesting things I said while loopy" He laughs as I feel his grip around me tighten protectively.

"I was so worried, you had me so fricking worried Marano" He says his voice shaking as I look up at him to see a tear form in his eyes as I look at him "Awww Ross" I say lifting my arm and using my hand to wipe the tear away.

"Shh Ross it's okay" I say as he looks at me "I was so scared at how scared you look, how deadly afraid you seemed of me" I hear him say as I look at him "Ross I'm so sorry I don't want you to think that you caused it you didn't it was just how you said something or what you said it just scared me, we were In a small space it just all happend so fast" I say as he nods looking at me "What if I do it again Laura I'm scared" I hear him say as I look at him "I can't promise it won't happen again cause it could but just know it is not your fault, you have been nothing but sweet to me" I say as I see him smile at me.

"I'm falling so hard for you Marano" I hear him say my heart rate picking up so fast as I smile at him "Me to Lynch. Me to"

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