Prequel Chapter 50: Long Days

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Laura's POV:

It has been hours since I have seen Ross and he has not come downstairs. I sigh as I ordered food for us as I head upstairs to my room to not see Ross, I look around confused. Where is he?

I walk around soon seeing the guest room door closed....that's never closed. I sigh opening it and seeing Ross their on the bed as he throws his phone in the air once again as he looks at me.

"You could of knocked" He says madly as I look at this guy serious.

"You do realize this is my house right" I ask as he rolls his eyes as I look to see his phone on the ground as I walk to it to pick it up when I see him jump off the bed going to it before I could get it.

"Don't touch my phone" He says as I look at him confused....

"I was just going to hand it to you calm down" I say as he puts his phone in his pocket and stands up walking out of the room as I look at him confused as he starts walking down the stairs putting his shoes on.

"Where are you going" I ask confused as he looks at me "It's your house" is all he says as I look at him confused "Wait Ross I did not mean for you to leave I was just saying...." He is already out the door and going to his car as I watch him pull out of the driveway and leaving...Where is he going....I has to be something with his phone right? He's now being protective of it.... Courtney is In jail so it can't have something to do with her right? What else could it be.... I sigh and close the door locking it and then going up to my room laying on my bed and going on my phone going through twitter....

Ugh this is not working.... I need to know what's going on with Ross....

I hear my phone go off and see it's Rydel, I sigh picking it up as I hear.

"Laura do you know why Ross is here he literally just walked in and went right to the room he has been staying in" I hear her say sounding worried as I sigh "I have no idea he's been like moody since last night" I say sighing. "So he's fine" I ask.

"Yea I mean besides the fact her ran to the room he did not look hurt or anything" She says as I nod "Maybe he just needs time to himself" I say sighing.

"Rydel we both know Ross always wants to be with you" I hear Rydel say "I think it has something to do with what's on his phone Rydel, he's been like super secretive of it, and he never is" I say as she sighs "I will try to figure it out if he decides to come out of the room"

"Thanks Rydel"

"Yup" We hang up after talking a bit longer as I sigh trying to fall asleep knowing I have to go to set early tomorrow but I can't.... god I am running on like 30 minutes of sleep and I can't fall asleep again....


"Laura it's been 3 days now and how much sleep have you had in the past 72 hours" I hear Maia say as I lay on my couch "Like 4, and most of that being naps" I say as she looks at me "Oh my god I am getting Ross" I hear her say as I sigh laying on the couch.

I soon hear the door open as I look to see Maia behind Ross pushing him as he glares at her.

"Talk to your girlfriend and fix her, I am not going to say it again" I hear Maia say to him as Ross groans as Maia slams the door shut as I look up at Ross.

"You can just go" I say tiredly hoping I can get some sleep during the hour break I have.

I see him nod leaving the room....I did not actually want him to go....Ugh....I'm to tired to chase after him right now, as I feel myself falling asleep.

I feel shaking as I groan and open my eyes to see Maia there "Ugh it's been an hour already" I say as she shakes her head "Nope it's been 2, we did another scene since I told Chris you were super tired" I nod sighing getting up and walking with Maia to set as I look around "Where's Ross" I ask

"He's off already" I sigh nodding as we get on set starting to act, and almost finish these final episodes.


These have been the longest 4 days ever.... It's finally the weekend but Ross has been like MIA for the past 4 days. The past 3 he has not been at my place once, and I really miss him. Like really badly. We have not had an actual conversation in 4 days.... and after 3 weeks of being with him every second basically this fricking sucks...

I hear my phone go off as I see it's Rydel.

"What's u-"

"Ross won't eat" I hear Rydel yell.

"What why" I ask.

"I have no idea he won't talk or anything he is like how he was when you guys broke up" I sigh "I'm coming over right now" I say.

"Okay, hurry Laura" I sigh as I end the call and go to my car driving to Rydel's house. Oh Ross....what is going on with you....

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