Chapter 53

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Laura's POV:

Maia has a boyfriend.... she has a boyfriend.... Focus on that Laura... she has a boyfriend.... There are no feelings between Ross and Maia.... right? Yes correct... there friends, that starred in a movie together that got a second one... There Just friends.

Phew now that that's out of the way....

I continue to listen to our managers about our cross over on tour with them, as Ross is now sitting on the chair next to me.

"Alright starting tomorrow Grace, Garrett, and John will be with us for the next week to practice their parts, along with backup dancers for it including some of the other cast members"

"Please tell me Chrissie (Cheechee) is going to come with her huge hair pleaseeeee" I hear Ross say as his cast laughs.

"Yes please I need to see that hair again" I hear John say.

"I do believe she is coming" Ross smiles jumping up "Yes let's go"

"Ross don't you dare annoy her with the hair again" Maia says strictly.

"Fine mom calm down" Ross groans as Maia rolls her eyes "I'm going back to Australia"

"Kay have fun say hi to the kangaroos for me" Ross replies as Maia growls "I can not work this kid"

"I can not work with her" Ross pouts

"Great so we are all best friends here" Kristen says as we all laugh.

"Alright that is it for today practice starts tomorrow at 2 Raura you want to get here on time" Ross and I laugh

"That was totally Ross's fault"

"Was not"

"Your the one who wanted food"

"And your the one who took an hour to get ready"

"But you wanted food which caused us to get into Traffic"

"It's Laura's fault"

"Nope it's Ross's"

"It's defiantly Ross's" I hear Maia say as I smile at her "Ha teamed up on" I say as he rolls his eyes "Oh hush"

"Ross was always the one to be late" Grace says as I smirk at him "Triple Teamed"

"You guys just team up on me this is not fair"

"All is fair in Love and War"

"Haha real funny Laur" I smile as he rolls his eyes "You guys are all meanies" Ross groans.

"It's okay Rossy" I say as he glares at me.

"Alright you fools we have had enough of you guys for one day get out of here" I hear Kristen say as we laugh .

"Jeez kicking us out I see" I say as she laughs as we get up and heading out of the room out of the studios to our cars.

"Ross we are going out you coming bro" I hear John say

"Of course, I missed this cast so much" He replies.

"Maia I'm driving with you" Ross says

"Of course you are" She responds rolling her eyes as Ross laughs.

"Rocky can you take my car home"

"Sure man" Rocky replies. Rydel looks at me "Laura you coming with Sav and I to the mall" I shrug "Why not"

"Alright awesome, see ya there" I nod as I see Ross already walking away with his cast as I watch him get in the car with Maia... he did not say bye.... maybe he just forgot... yea let's go with that...


I walk into the studio going into the dance room to see r5 already there and Maia as I see Ross and Maia standing in the middle with a camera, I walk to Rydel confused "What's going on"

"There doing a live stream for insta to promote the Teen Beach Movie cross over for Tour" I nod at her sitting down between her and John.

"No guys Maia is the problem" Ross says as Maia's mouth drops as she looks at him.

"I am not the problem Lynch"

"Yes you are" He says laughing "Guys #It's Maia's fault we did not get Teen Beach 3" He says as Maia slaps him "ROSS" She yells as he laughs.

"Just kidding don't hate on the Aussie guys" He says as Maia rolls her eyes.

"Oh yea Maia how was the kiss" Ross smirks as Maia rolls her eyes "I still can not believe you told that interviewer that" She says as Ross laughs looking at the phone "I told them to just annoy Maia guys"

"I'm putting this out here again that it was all Ross's idea" Maia says as my mouth drops... feeling the jealously again. It was Ross's eyes for them to kiss...

"Oh hush you agreed to it"

"After you peer pressured me saying that the fans would love it and do it for the fans"

"And it worked didn't it" Ross says smirking as Maia rolls her eyes

"If we ever do end up with Teen Beach Movie Maia is not allowed to be in it" Ross says as Maia's mouth drops looking at him.

"He's so mean guys" She says to the camera and then back at him "Can I please be in" She says as he laughs "Nope your not allowed to"

"But what about Brady and Mack"

"He will find a new girl"

"Wow, I see how it is" Ross laughs and wraps his arm around Maia pulling her to him smiling "Just kidding guys, Maia can play a tree in the movie don't worry"

"I hate you" Maia says as Ross laughs "Yea guys were best buddies aren't we Maia" Ross says squeezing her closer to him as she groans "Yea Best buddies" Maia says rolling her eyes.

"That sounded like sarcasm"

"Maybe cause it was"

"Nope Maia is not allowed to be a tree anymore" Maia laughs as Chris finally comes in thank god... Please end this already.

"Alright mates that's all we got time for today, we got to get to practice" Maia says as Ross bursts out laughing "That was so Australian oh my god Maia"

"Shut up Lynch" Ross giggles "We will try to do another one of these soon guys"

"We love you" Maia says as they wave at the camera and then Ross turns it off smiling as him and Maia high five.

"Nailed it" Ross says as Maia smiles nodding "Oh yea, that was great"

"Alright you guys Ready then" Chris says as everyone nods as we soon start practice.

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