Chapter 30

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Laura's POV:

We are sitting on the bed against the headboard with the notebook as we look at each other.

"Where do you want to start" He asks

"Let's start with the like brand new flipping new one" He nods and looks at me "What's the last emotion you felt"

I look at him thinking and smiling a bit "Love" He smiles at me "Really" He asks as I nod "Yea I was with you and you made me feel loved unlike other people" I say as he smiles at me blushing a bit and grabbing my hand squeezing it "Your so damn adorable" I giggle a bit.

"So what about love" He asks as I shrug "I don't know it never wears out like it will always be here" I say as he smiles nodding "It's Timeless" I whisper as he smiles "Hey that's good"

He gets up as I look at him confused as he grabs the guitar I have in my room and comes back to my bed and strumming it as I soon hear...

"This love is never gonna fade

We are timeless

We are timeless"

I look at him shocked as he sends an innocent little smile.

"Ross that was incredible" I say as he smiles "Really"

"Yes really, this could be really good" I say as he smiles "Here write down those chords and lyrics that can be the chorus" He nods grabbing the notepad and pen writing it down as I think this might just work...


I hear him strum the last note on the guitar as I look at him "Well you did it" He says as I shake my head "No we did it" I say as he smiles.

"We did it" I smile at him as I glance to see it's already 6 o clock.

"Damn where did the time go" He says as I shrug "Who knows, we just wrote that song in like 6 hours though" I say as he smiles nodding "We make a pretty good team Marano" I nod smiling "We do don't we Lynch"

"I can't wait to hear you rocking out that song on stage." I smile at him "You should sing a verse" I say as he looks at me "Wait what" I smile at him "I mean if you ever show up at a concert you should take a verse we did write it together" I say as he smiles "I'd love to Marano"

I smile at him as I hear his phone vibrate again as he groans "I probably should head back to the house, my siblings are about to lose their balls, and Rydel her hair if I don't answer them" I hear him say as I nod not wanting him to leave yet...

"Yea you have been here for a while" I say as he nods looking at me "You okay" He asks "Why wouldn't I be-"

"After your little break down, you going to be okay" I look at him realizing I did not even tell him why I broke down in tears.

"I should be fine, thanks for asking though" He sends me a smile "Of course Laur" I smile at him "I'll see you tomorrow then" He says as I smile remembering that my mom invited him to Jace's birthday.

"Yes you will" I say "I will text you the details" I say as he nods "Can't wait" He says as I smile as we head downstairs walking to the door looking at each other.

"See you tomorrow then" I nod "Bye Ross" He walks out as I go on the porch and watch as he pulls out of the driveway as I wave bye to him watching him drive away... already missing him. Just something about him gravitates me to him making me never want to leave him...


After a long and when I say long I mean after a long flipping day in the studio of talking tour and writing songs I am finally out of their and I am going home to change and then hurry up and go to Jace's surprise party.

We got a lot done though, I finished the songs basically and just need to record them. Also we have the tour dates booked and they are making the posters right now as soon as my manager meets with the manager of the artist that I may be going on tour with in about 3 months. I can't wait to find out who the artist is hopefully it's someone I know or at least like.

I get home changing out of my work clothes and into a blue dress as I quickly get into my car thinking there's nothing else I have to do right? I finished the songs, talked tour, and texted Ross the address, we are good. I start driving to the place the party is going to be at as I soon get their heading in and seeing our family here already as I smile greeting my other cousins and Aunts and Uncles and most of the rest of my family, as we wait for Jace to arrive.

"Laura, where is this Ross boy" I hear Vanessa say as I look at her "He's a friend don't go crazy Nessa"

"Do I ever go crazy" I give her the look as she groans "Shut up"

I laugh as we talk a bit soon my parents coming over.

"Where is the pop star" I hear my dad say as I sigh.

"Dad seriously don't do anything to the boy" I say "We will see"

"Dad I swear if you lay a finger on him I am going to lose my mind" I say as I hear an "Awe" I glare at Vanessa as she throws her hands up "Calm down.

"When is Jace supposed to be here"

"I think his mom said his girlfriend was bringing him in about 15 minutes" I nod at her.

"Oooo I can't wait to meet Jace's girlfriend" I hear Vanessa say "I met her already" I say as she rolls her eyes "Yea well some of us don't see him every day" I roll my eyes "I don't see him everyday" I defend

"Sure you don't" I roll my eyes continuing to talk to my family as we wait for Jace.

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