Chapter 59

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Ross's POV:

Laura and I just got back to her house after we went to my house first to get me some nice clothes and also to pack a bag that has clothes in it for me, to leave at her house, since I seem to stay at her house a lot...

We walk in going to her room as I set the bag down on the bed and pulling out the black jeans, white shirt, tie and leather jacket. I see Laura going through her closet looking at everything carefully.

"Laura there your family you don't have to worry about dressing nice" I say as she ignores me continuing to look in the closet.

"And you don't have to worry about dressing nice cause whatever you pick Is going to look amazing on you" I say as I see her stop and turn around and look at me with a smile.

"Your so fricking sweet" She says as I smile "I'm showering, I am a sweaty monster" I say as I see her nod "Okay" I walk out of the room to the bathroom with the clothes as I shower and change into the nice clothes and of course struggling with the freaking tie... damn trying to look nice. I sigh giving up and walking back into Laura's room sitting on the bed still messing with the tie when I hear.

"Ross can you help me out" I hear Laura say as I get off the bed "Sure can I come in" I ask "Yes" I hear her reply as I walk into the bathroom my mouth dropping.

"You look gorgeous" I say looking at her as I see her smile "Yea, yea compliment me later, I need help zipping it up I am having many problems" I hear her say as I laugh walking to her as she turns around and moving her hair out of the way as I grab the zipper zipping it up as I feel her jump a bit tensing up at my touch as I smile to myself, she's so adorable. I finish zipping it up as I turn her around so we make eye contact.

"You look so amazing, but isn't this a bit much" I ask as she shakes her head "It's like a super fancy place" She says as I nod as she looks at my tie "You need help" She asks giggling a bit as I sigh nodding.

"Yea, as you could probably tell I don't dress up a lot" She smiles her hands going to my tie and fixing it correctly making it look perfect as I look in the mirror.

"How the hell did you do that" I ask amazed as she laughs "I guess it's easier when it's not on your body" She says as I smile at her through the mirror as she smiles back at me.

I wrap my arms around her below her neck pulling her close as she smiles resting her head in my arms closing her eyes as I smile.

"We look adorable" I say as she opens her eyes looking into the mirror smiling "We need a picture" She says reaching for her phone on the counter and taking a picture as I smile at her as she takes the picture.

"Shoot Ross we have to go" She says fast as I unwrap my arms from her as we leave the bathroom her grabbing her little purse thing putting it on her arm as we head downstairs putting our shoes on and heading into her car, me getting into the drivers seat.

"Where is this place again" I ask "Take the next right" I hear Laura say as she starts to give me directions.


I park the car as we get out and heading into the restraunt going to the employee that seats people.

"Two people" The person asks.

"Actually we have a reservation under Marano" Laura says kindly as the employee looks at his computer and nods "Right this way" He says grabbing two more menus as we follow him around to a backer room as I see her parents and sister and another guy, I have not seen before there talking as he points as we smile nodding as he puts the menus down on the table as everyone looks at us.

"Awe you did bring Ross" Vanessa says as I smile at her "Hey Vanessa"

"Hey Ross" She says with a smile as Laura and I sit down as Laura smiles at the guy.

"Oh man I have not seen you in it feels like months Logan" I hear Laura say as he smiles "I know I missed the baby Marano" He says as Laura smiles and he looks at me smiling.

"Hey I'm Logan. Vanessa's boyfriend" He says as I smile "Nice to meet you I'm Ross." I say as he smiles.

"Hey Ross nice to see you again" I hear Laura's mom say as I smile at her "You to Mrs. Marano, and Mr. Marano" I say looking at her dad as he nods at me.

"Yea but anyways Damiano it was crazy, like I have no idea how that happend" I hear Logan say, hmm her dad must like him, he gets first name, I would be lucky if he accepted me calling him Mr. Marano.

"Yea that is crazy weird" Laura's dad replies back.

"What are you talking about" Laura asks as I see Vanessa roll her eyes "Who the heck knows" She says as Laura laughs.

"So how have tour practices been going guys" Laura's mom asks as we smile.

"Really good. There a ton of fun" Laura replies and smiles at me "Especially with the Lynch's and Rat" She says as I smile at her.

"Yea Rydel loves having another girl around" I add on as Laura smiles nodding.

"So what are the tour bus arrangements" I hear her dad ask in defiantly a protective way.

"Well it's going to be Ross and r5 and me, and Rylan in one bus and then the other bus like Andre, Kristen, then Ross's parents when they are there, and then you guys if you decide to hop on the tour for a little , and then other back up dancers" Laura replies.

"What about your bandmates Laura"

"There's no need for them since r5 is a band and they have learned my songs so we are all good there" She says smiling as I nod.

"Which are awesome" I say as she smiles at me.

"So let me get this straight you are going to be on a bus with 5 guys for a year"

"And Rydel so I have one girl" Laura adds on as her dad looks at me as I gulp... this could be going worse... I mean I could be dead already.... so hey... it's okay...

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