Chapter 83

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Ross's POV:

I hear Laura's phone go off as I ignore it not want to go in her business when I hear it go off again as I groan grabbing it to turn the sound off when I look at it.... no..... I open the phone up going to her conversations and click on the one that says 'Asshole Adam' as I scroll up to see a message from yesterday at 2 am from him.

Adam: Hey baby how are you?

The fucking nerve of this guy....

At 3:45 am he sends another one.

Adam: Come on baby I know you want me back

Adam: I know you want to have fun

I cringe clenching my good hand.... this guy...

At 8 Am I see another one from him.

Adam: Baby I saw you read the texts, come on and respond to me

Adam: I know you are reading this little one

Oh my god that's it... I called her Little one....Oh my god I said "Your not escaping little one" Holy fuck... that sounds like a rapist so bad.... no wonder she was so scared....

Adam: I know your on tour baby, I will come visit you

Oh hell no... please god no...I look to see Laura messaged him back finally at 10 am yesterday.

Laura: Stay the hell away from me, and my bandmates

Adam: Oh like your little superhero boyfriend or the lead singer of the stupid R named band

Laura: It's r5 for your fucking information, and stay the hell away from him. I swear if you do something to him, I will file the police report the second I find out

I look at the text as horrible as they are... I smile a bit... she really does care about me...

Adam: Honey it's been years no one is going to believe you, and I did nothing to you, and you have no proof I did anything, it's your word vs mine and trust me it would look bad that you fess up years later to saying I did something


Adam: Then why did you not tell the police Laurie


I look at the texts in shock... Why did she not tell the police... as I see she sent that around 3 o clock today as I see he responded back to her right now.

Adam: Awww Laura you getting mad. You know I love that fire.

Adam: Laura if you don't meet up with me and let me finish what I started your little blond headed boyfriend is getting in

I look at the text shocked... No.... What the hell do I do..... I can't possibly question her about it... right... I sigh... I take screenshots of the texts and send them to me, and then delete the evidence I sent them to myself. Now what do I delete the texts.... oh man... should I tell my mom.... or my siblings... god I have no idea what the heck to do... I guess I will just leave her conversation with Adam alone... I guess I just have to watch Laura and make sure she does not leave...

But I can't question her about it... She would freak out probably at the mention of his name... God why is this happening to her... she does not deserve this...


I wake up after like legit a couple hours of sleep... I could not fall asleep last night to many thoughts in my head... I should delete the texts right... I would rather him do something to me then do something to Laura... oh my god how could I be so dumb...

Wait...where's her phone... frick... no oh my god.... What time is it... It's already 2. I quickly get up and go into the living room to see my brothers and Ratliff in there.

"Where's Rydel" I ask.

"With Laura"

"Did she give Laura her phone" I ask as they look at me.

"I think Laura asked Rydel to get it" Rocky replies....

"Fuck" they look at me confused "Why"

"I'll tell you later, can we see Laura yet?"

"The Doctor will be here around 3, Rydel has been In there with her since like 11 I think" I nod "Okay"

"Don't worry bro she's going to be okay"

"No she's not" I say worried as they look at me "Guys Adam has been texting her and he's threatening me to get to her guys he texted it last night and I looked and guys I'm worried" I say as they give me sad faces.

"Bro that's bad. Talk to Laura"

"I can't man. I went through her phone without her permission and then I go through her texts like I can't do that, especially with her probably freaking out at his name" I say as they sigh.

"Ross so what if Laura gets mad at you for a little bit, your probably saving her by doing this, by speaking up bro" I hear Riker say as I look at him "Damnet your right" He nods "I know"

"I want her to be okay first, then I will ask her about Adam and maybe she will just show me the texts" I say as they look at me.

"I need everyone on Laura watch, if Laura goes off this bus I want one of you going with her, don't bother to come get me just go with her and text me. I don't want her doing something stupid to protect me." I say as they nod "Got you bro"

"Thanks guys" They all nod as I sit down.

"How's your arm" Ratliff asks as I sigh "It's been better" I say.

"Bro if Adam goes after you, you are a lot weaker right now" Rocky says as I sigh. "Your right I am" I say... frick....what is wrong with this world... why do people have to be like this, why do people have to go after the innocent, like who the fuck would do something to Laura Marano she would not kill a fly, and here you are trying to rape her, what the fuck Is wrong with this world...

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