Chapter 69

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Laura's POV:

I lay on Ross's chest as he finishes talking to Rydel and places my phone down next to his as he looks at me.

"We will figure this out" He says as I sigh looking at him worried, as my heart rate is going crazy "Ross we need to look at the pictures how bad are they" He looks at me sighing grabbing his phone going on it and going to Twitter and before he can even type in Raura my heart rate picks up more as 48.2k people are tweeting about Raura right now...

"Well looks like Raura is trending" Ross mumbles as I look at him "You think" I say looking at the phone "Alright click on it, let's see the damage" I say as he sighs clicking on it and the first picture is us kissing at the Walk the Moon concert as he continues scrolling to see 5 more million of them, as I see some of us just hugging, and us walking in together, others of us holding hands.

"Wow this is bad" I say as he nods continuing to scroll as I see Hollywood ones of us again holding hands, hugging, smiling at each other, the full nine yards.

"Damn this is bad but we look fucking adorable together" I hear Ross say as I laugh and look at him "Not the time Ross"

"Oh come on it got you to laugh" He says as I roll my eyes nestling my head to him once again as he scrolls through the pictures.

"We do look adorable" I say as I see him smile.

"I've got blonde hair you got brunette, we are a lot more than adorable" He says as I laugh.

"These are going to be some fun interviews" I mumble

"Oh dang your right" Ross says "I completely forgot about that" I nod "Well this should be an interesting talk with our manager tomorrow"

"Or today" I say as I hear our phones both ringing as we look at each other. I grab my phone and sigh "It's Kristen" Ross grabs his phone "And Andre" He says as we both answer them as I hear them start yelling about things as I wait a bit.

"Are you guys in the same place right now" I ask as I hear Kristen scream "YES WE ARE IN THE STUDIO FINISHING UP ORGANIZING YOUR INTERVIEWS WHEN WE SEE RAURA TRENDING" She yells as Ross and I glance at each other.

"Hang on Andre I'm going to end your call I'm with Laura just talk on Kristen's" Ross says ending his phone call putting in on the grass.

"What were you to thinking" Andre yells as Ross and I glance at each other.

"Okay were sorry that we forgot about paparazzi but seriously how did they even know we were going to that concert" I defend.

"It does not matter how they knew and it was most likely just fans taking pictures that news companies got there hands on really fast" Kristen says as we sigh.

"I thought we made it clear you guys can not date" Kristen says, as I look at Ross and mouth "I'm sorry" as he looks at me confused.

"I know Kristen were sorry it was a heat of the moment thing" I say feeling bad saying it as Ross looks at me sadly as I look at him "I'm kidding" I mouth as he sighs nodding as I use my free hand interlocking it with his hand.

"Laura it does not matter if it was heat of the moment it happend and now everyone thinks you guys are together" She says as I sigh.

"Well were not" I say "It does not matter no one is going to believe you after those pictures surfaced Laura" I look at Ross "Kristen would it really be that bad if we dated" I ask as Ross's face lights up as he looks at me.

"Laura we told you..."

I cut her off "I know what you told us but I don't see us breaking up, and if we were to then we will promise to stay friends and not let it affect the tour" I say as Ross has a huge smile on his face.

I hear a sigh come from the other end of the phone.

"We will call you back Laura. Kristen and I are going to talk" I hear Andre say as I Smile wide "Alright Andre sounds good" I say as we end the call as I feel Ross grab me pulling me to him smiling "Oh my god Laura" He says smiling "We might be good to date" He says a huge smile on his face as I smile back "I know" I say.

"You think they are going to agree to let us date" I ask as Ross smiles "I think Andre will get Kristen to agree to it, besides I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend eventually if they did allow it or did not allow it" I look at him smiling "Aweee Ross"

He rolls his eyes "Shh stop it" I smile "Your such a bad boy" He rolls his eyes "Oh shut up. Oh by the way next Thursday the night before Tour we are throwing our annual going on Tour party. My siblings, Rat and then like some of our other friends, and family, and I was wondering if you wanted to come and like your parents, and Vanessa and if she wants she can bring Logan" I smile at Ross "Sounds like a lot of fun, I will be there. I will talk to my parents and Nessa and ask them" I reply as he smiles "Awesome"

I smile when I hear my phone ring as I look to see it's Kristen as I look at Ross as he looks at me squeezing my free hand "It's going to be okay" He says as I answer the phone looking at him as I soon hear...

"If you to break up I will be very mad"

"AHHHHH THANKS KRISTEN" I yell breaking her ear drums, Andres' and probable Ross's as well, and most likely my neighbors but I don't care.

"Yea, yea I will see you tomorrow Laura, and Ross" Ross and I smile at each other "See ya Kristen" We say as I end the call throwing my phone on the grass as Ross and I smile at each other.

"Well let's look this is happening sooner rather than later" I smile at him as he smiles at me "I can't wait"

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