Prequel Chapter 18: Jump Scares

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Laura's POV:

We are about to end break as Ross and I just decided to stay here and sit on the couch since I was laughing so hard. I don't know how Ross did it but he made me go from a very sad time thinking about... well not being able to have kids.... to like me dying of laughter... he always cheered me up.... even if he did not try to.... I look over and see him taking pictures with fans, I smile as I see the smile on his face right now, and I can see he's actually happy right now.

I smile as I watch him pick up a little girls and putting her on his shoulders as we smile sticking his tongue out taking a picture and than taking a nice one... God I can't let myself feel these feelings towards him.... I can't let myself go back to him.... or can I? Would he really break my heart again....God this is all so confusing... This is my stupid part of me that loves him talking right now.... I need to listen to my other self that does not want my heart broken again...

"Okay Ross we are back on" I hear Ellen say taking me out of my thoughts as Ross gives a thumbs up taking one more picture and then coming over and sitting on the couch next to me and sending me a smile.


Ross's POV:

"And we are back with Ross Lynch and Laura Marano" We smile waving.

"So we got some questions from twitter for you guys from fans so let's do this" We nod as I see the first question appear.

@someonesname-What was your first impression of each other

I hear Laura laugh as I look at her "Oh god" I say as she laughs.

"Well so technically we texted each other first so my first impression of him was he was like an 80 year old stalker dude" Laura says as I laugh along with everyone else as Ellen looks at us.

"Seriously" Laura nods "Yup seriously.

"Ross what about you" Ellen asks as I think "I mean texting my first impression of Laura was adorkable" I say as Laura giggles smiling at me.

"Adorkable" Ellen asks as I nod "A dork, and adorable, put together is adorkable" I say as everyone laughs and Ellen smiles "Wow interesting"

I nod "Yea fun times" I say.

"Okay next question"

@someonesname- When did you first say I love you to each other

I smile as I think of the time in the New York hotel.

"Ross you want to take this one" Laura says as I nod "Yea. So it was actually a couple hours before the show where we announced that Raura was officially real, when we were in New York" I say.

"Okay next up is" Ellen says as we look at the question

@Someonesname- What is one thing that annoys you about the other

I laugh and look at Laura "Oh god" She mumbles as I laugh and point at her looking at the camera "This girl always steals the covers, I swear they are on me one second and when I wake up she literally has the whole blanket on her" I say as I hear a ton of laughter as Ellen laughs as Laura nods.

"Yea I tend to do that a lot" Laura says through a laugh.

"Do you get super cold or something" Ellen asks as Laura shrugs "I just do it, I don't know why"

"No you did it to just annoy me" I say as Laura laughs "No that's not true, apparently I did it when I was little to so ha" She says as I roll my eyes "She makes sure she purposely did it just to make me turn into a Ross Popsicle" I say as Laura laughs.

"So Laura is the cover stealer"

"Oh yes she is" I say


We have done like 10 more questions when....

"And last but not least-"

"ARRRRRRR" I hear a guy yell as I jump a bit as I hear "AHHHHHHHHHH" come from Laura as I feel someone on me as I laugh and look at my lap to see Laura on me her arms wrap around me as her head is buried into my chest.

"ROSSSS HE'S GOING TO KILL US" She yells as I break down laughing as I see Ellen in tears from laughing along with the crowd as I look at Laura.

"Laur it's okay" I say rubbing her back as she does not move from my arms as I smile down at her.... Laura Marano is in my lap right now cuddled to my chest her arms around me.....god Laura... you make this so hard not to want to kiss you right now....

"Well I say that this was the best reaction to scaring celebrities we ever got" Ellen says laughing as I nod "Was that like a guy dressed up as me" Ellen laughs nodding as I laugh.

"Of course Laura got scared because of that" I say as I hear Laura laugh into my chest as I smile at her.

"You good Laur" I say as she shakes her head "No I am not, you know I hate being scared" She says as I laugh nodding "She does hate being scared" I say as Ellen laughs "I heard that but I did not realize it was this bad" I laugh and look at Laura "Yea apparently it is this bad" I say as I look down to see Laura still on me holding me close as I smile at her loving having her in my arms again so much.... never wanting this to end.....

"Laura I am sorry I did not realize how scared you were going to get" Ellen says laughing as Laura groans and lifting her head up from my chest "Your mean" She says sadly as I smile at her....she's so damn cute...

"See I told you she's adorkable" I say as Laura smacks me as I laugh "Hey I am the one protecting you from being scared" I say as Laura groans glaring at me "Meanie butt"

"What how am I a meanie butt"

"You just are Lynch" She responds as I shrug "Yea I guess so" I say as Laura laughs.

"Shall we watch Laura's amazing reaction one more time"


Laura gets cut off by the video playing as she turns her head and watches it as she stays in my lap.

I watch Ellen talk and then see the guy come out of the box and then running away as I see I jumped a bit as Laura literally jumps 2 feet in the air and literally landing perfectly in my lap wrapping her arms around me and hiding in my chest as I watch myself smile down at her breaking into laughter.

"Wow that is amazing" Ellen says as the whole place is laughing at Laura's jump scare.

"Well everyone this was Ross Lynch and Laura Marano" Ellen says as I smile waving bye to the camera lifting Laura's hand up waving it for her as I hear Laura laugh.

The cameras soon go away as Ellen smiles at us "You guys are my favorite people to have on this show" She says as Laura and I laugh, soon Laura getting off of me as we head backstage.... I miss her on me so much already and she just got off of me.... Damn this is so hard not being with the person you love so much.

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