Chapter 54

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Laura's POV:

We have been practicing for about an hour now and I have not had to do anything yet so it's been pretty chill. Unfortunately Ross is in every scene so we can not talk, and even during breaks he does not talk to me he is just with Maia....

He did not text me back last night either, I guess he was just to busy with his cast... or Maia... to talk to me..

"Alright so after Grace sings her part Ross you are going to hop on the little ledge and there will be someone that kisses your cheek" Ross nods and looks over at Maia who is not in this number either who is on her phone.

"Yo Mitchell come and kiss my cheek" Maia rolls her eyes "Seriously"

"Yes Seriously" Ross replies as she groans standing up walking over to him and looking at Chris "Do I seriously have to" Chris nods as Maia rolls her eyes kissing his heart just shattered....

"There done" She says turning around and walking back to her seat as Ross grabs her hand pulling her back and rolling his eyes at her "Not now dumbo in the scene for Crusin for a Brusin"

"Ohhhhhh I'm dumb"

"Yea I know but If I knew you would just agree to kissing my cheek like that I would of asked it a lot more times" Maia rolls her eyes as my heart breaks more...

"God Lynch you are such a flirt"

Ross smiles "I'm not saying I'm not"

"Wait Chris I can't I am going to be changing for the next dance number, I won't have enough time to change to an outfit for that scene and then run backstage and change for the next number"

"Oh shoot your right Maia" Chris replies

"Wow Maia is just pulling every excuse" Ross says as Maia laughs "Just have Laura do it" Maia responds and look my way as I pretend to be looking elsewhere.

"Hey Laura" I look over at Maia walking over pretending to not know what's going on.

"Yea what's up"

"You need to kiss Lynch for Crusin for a Brusin" She says as I look at Ross as he sends me a smile.

"His cheek let's make this clear and not give your managers a heart attack at the to of you kissing" Chris says as I nod and Maia laughs.

"Why would them kissing give their managers a heart attack" She asks.

"They think that if we date we would break up and ruin the tour"

Maia laughs "Your already going to ruin the tour so I mean" Maia says trailing off as Ross glares at her pushing her away "I demand a new co star"

"I am not your co star anymore"

"Yea well I want a new co worker"

"Your so mean to me" Maia says as Ross rolls his eyes "Alright bye Mitchell, unlike you some of us have to practice"

"Yea I am already perfect I don't need practice"

"Wow" Ross says as Maia laughs

"Have fun kissing him Laura, trust me it's horrible" Maia says smirking at Ross as he groans pushing her again "Get out of here Mitchell"

Maia laughs "Oh I will" Maia says walking away back to Rydel as they start talking.

"Alright Laura have you seen the movie" I nod, Ross and I watched it a couple weeks ago.

"Great then you know how the Crusin for a Brusin cheek kiss went right"

"I mean yea kind of"

"Alright just sit on the ledge with Grace and Ross will come just lean over kiss his cheek and bam your done"

"No fair she gets the easy job" Ross says as Chris laughs "Alright Lynch, John you ready" John smiles nodding as I look at him as he looks at me sending me a smile.

"Alright let's do this then..."

I soon hear Ross's part.

"Alright, I went to the drive-in and what did I see?"

Ross runs over and sits down next to me.

"A hundred little betties all staring at me!"

He sings looking at me.

"I was cruising, for some lovin'!" He sings as I lean over kissing his cheek as he sends a smile jumping up and continuing his dance... I get off the part I am supposed to be at going and sitting down since that's all I have to do as Rydel smiles at me.

"Awe fans are going to flip" I laugh "Shut up, I just kissed his cheek" I say as she laughs "Yea there still gonna flip" She replies as I roll my eyes and direct my attention to them dancing as my eyes don't land on my blonde headed friend but instead John... got to admit he's hot. I smile watching him dance and then dance along with Ross.

"John's great isn't he" I hear an Australian say as I turn to look at Maia and nod. "Yea he dances well" I say as Maia shrug "Yea that to"

"Your so lucky you got to work with fricking Garret, John and Ross on set like seriously Maia" Maia laughs "Yea it was a good view" She says as they laugh.

"And there were a ton of other guys on set as well" Rydel says as Maia nods "Yea it was a pretty good set, I miss it honestly, even Ross" I hear Maia say as Rydel laughs "I'm surprised you even came back to America after working with him"

"Yea me to" Maia says as they laugh. God I am jealous over Ross and Maia's non existent romance but then again they seem so close...


"Yo Mitchell your turn to hang with Lynch" I hear John say as Maia groans "Already I just got out of being with him" She groans as he laughs "Have fun" She sighs "I won't" She says as he laughs, and Maia gets up walking over by Ross. John smiles at me and sits down.

"We never really got to formally meet, I'm John"

I smile at him "I'm Laura"

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