Prequel Chapter 56: Fun Mornings

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Laura's POV:

I wake up panicking for a second as I look to see it's 9 am.... Great 3 hours. I look to see Ross asleep as I am confused... I must of fallen asleep on the car ride back home.

I realize Ross's hands are around my bare back as I realize I'm just in my bra and underwear.... and I see spandex and a sports bra on the floor....awww he totally tried to change me and couldn't.

I smile as I get on top of him kissing all over his face as I soon press my lips to his as I feel him kiss back right away his arms wrapping around me and going to my bra strap as I pull away from him.

"No you don't" I say as he groans and looks at me "I tried to change you..." He trails off and sighs "It did not go well" He says sighing as I laugh "Your so cute" I say kissing him again as he smiles at me.

"Come on we have to get ready" I say as he nods "I texted Riker to drop me off my suit hopefully he did" Ross says as I nod rolling off of him standing up with him as he looks at me "Yea there was no way I was going to change you without waking you up and fucking you" He says muttering as I laugh going to the closet and getting the blue brides mate dress since it's purple and blue colored themed as I see Ross walk out of the room. I grab new underwear and bra and the dress putting it on the bed as I go to the bathroom and getting into the shower when I see the door open and a naked Ross there....

"Hi" he says with a smirk as I look at him "We seriously can't mess around Ross" I say as he sighs nodding as he splashes me with water as I glare at him.

"Really" He laughs stealing a kiss from me as I look at him as he smiles at me.

"I love you" I hear him say as I can't help but smile wrapping my arms around him and kissing him as I feel him kiss back as he backs me up to the wall continuing to kiss me the water hitting his back not even touching me as he mumbles "Look whos messing around now" I hear him mumble "Eh we can just rush a bit" I say as I hear him laugh mumbling "Bad girl Marano I like it" He says as I giggle as we make out in the shower....not really actually taking a shower....


I wrap a towel around me drying off as Ross dies himself off as well wrapping the towel around him starting to brush his teeth as I join him. I see him messing with his hair groaning "Just wait I will help you" I say as he smiles at me walking out of the bathroom as I finish combing my hair, and then walk out of the bathroom to my bedroom to see Ross buttoning his pants as I see him shirtless with his hair all messy and wet....god he's so hot.

"You going to stare at me or get ready" I hear him say smirking as I blush a bit as he smiles at me. I smirk dropping my towel as he looks at me "That's so not fair" He groans coming to me as I laugh "Ross seriously we can't" I say as he groans as I start to get dressed and soon put the dress on and turning around as I feel Ross's hands on my back as he zips the zipper up as I turn around and he looks at me "Gorgeous I say" He says as I smile at him looking at him "As much as I would love you like that you need to put on the rest of the suit" I say looking at my shirtless boyfriend.

He laughs and grabs his button up white shirt putting it on as I smile buttoning it up for him as I feel him smiling down at me.

I finish buttoning it up "I am doing my make up then we can fix that hair of yours" I say as he nods putting on the blazer part of the suit as I look at him. 'Damn Lynch" I mumble as he laughs. "Damn Marano" he says back as I smile walking to the bathroom doing my make up again this time having like 45 minutes to do it.

I soon finish as I walk out of the bathroom to see Ross laying on the bed on his phone as he looks up at me and smiles as I walk over to him and point to the edge of the bed as he sets his phone down and going to the edge as I stand in between his legs fixing his hair. I feel his eyes on me as I concentrate on his hair.

"Blue always looked good on you but damn it looks good today" I hear him say as I smile down at him and then go back to fixing his hair "Black looks so hot on you" I say as I see him smile wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him if that was even possible.

"Mhmm" Ross moans as I continue fixing his hair soon finishing wrapping my arms around his neck as he smiles at me.

"Look I'm taller" I say looking down at him as he laughs.

"Barely and I am sitting down" I hear him say "I still am" I say as he laughs "I'll let you just have this" He says as I smile pecking his lips "Thanks" I say as he smiles.

"Okay we got to go actually though" I say as he groans "Seriously" I nod getting out of his grasp grabbing my things as he grabs his as we head down the stairs and out of the house into Ross's car as he starts driving to the venue.

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