Chapter 17

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Ross's POV:





Read at 2:45

Ross: Wow left on read again. Just like old times

LA Girl: Old times we have been texting for like a couple weeks now

Ross: Actually it's been a month officially today

LA Girl: Wow, you kept track of that

Ross: No I spent the night scrolling through our conversation to find when I first sent that text

LA Girl: Wow. That is even creepier

Ross: Don't you dare

LA Girl: Stalker alert

Ross: I'm hurt. I am not a stalker

LA Girl: Hm sure

Ross: So LA girl what you been up to

LA Girl: Oh you know LA things. You?

Ross: Work a lot of it lately.

LA Girl: Same, it's been crazy

Ross: I agree with you on that

LA Girl: Yay we agree

Ross: It's a miracle

LA Girl: Sure is, thought it never could happen

Ross: Honestly same

LA Girl: So you excited for the Summer

Ross: I mean yea. It's always summer in LA though, and I mean still got work

LA Girl: True, wait you said you were 21 right

Ross: Yes ma'am

LA Girl: So aren't you in college?

Well shit... I am aren't I? Well I should be but I did not go.

Ross: I did not go to college my job interfered with that a lot.

LA Girl: Wait seriously?

Ross: Yea seriously

LA Girl: Same

Ross: Huh?

LA Girl: I have not gone to college either

Ross: Really

LA Girl: Yea I took online high school and I have taken a couple online college classes but more focused on my career right now

Ross: Right got you, so you are 21 then

LA Girl: Maybe

Ross: I am going to go with you are

LA Girl: Who knows

Ross: *rolls eyes*

Ross: Great now I'm starting to do that

LA Girl: *evilly laughs*

Ross: No stop this nonsense

LA Girl: *insert laughing face*

Ross: How rude

LA Girl: Don't start again please

Ross: I feel like I break out into song a lot

LA Girl: Honestly me to, I feel a lot of our conversation start with song or continue because of song

Ross: True that is a fact right there

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