Chapter 33

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Ross's POV:

I see Jace look at me and laugh a bit at my reaction to her calling him Marano...

"Laura did you ever tell Ross that we are cousins" He asks as my mouth drops as Laura looks at me "That's what all this is about. Oh my god. Your Jealous" I play with my hand as she looks at me getting off of Jace and walking over to me grabbing my hand "Come on Lynch let's talk" She says as we walk off to a corner of the place where this is no one else.

"Were you jealous of Jace" She asks as I look at her playing with my hand as she looks at me.

"Ross, Jace and I are cousins, I thought I told you that" She says as I shake my head at her as she smiles wrapping her arms around my neck.

"And that's why you chose Meredith over me to get me jealous" I look at her shyly nodding as she sighs.

"You really hurt me" She says my heart breaking as I quickly wrap my arms around her.

"Laur I was being so stupid when I said Meredith over you, like you said I was being jealous and I let it get to me and just wanted you to feel it to. I am so fricking sorry. I feel so bad Laura. I would never do that to you. I mean we are Timeless" I say as I see a smile form on her face as she looks at me.

"Ross I don't want to get hurt" She says as I look at her feeling awful...

"I would never hurt you Laura, never ever purposely hurt you, maybe by being a stupid kid who wants to try to get the other person jealous, but I would never hurt you in the way Adam did Laura. I am nothing like that I promise you" I say as we look at each other it being silent for a little.

"Your not completely forgiven but your on the path to forgiveness" She says as I smile "Thank God" I say "I could not stand you being mad at me" I say.

"Um I never said you were completely forgiven" She says as I shrug "Well I'm somewhat forgiven then, and that's enough for me" I see her smile at me "Your so cute" I hear her say as I smile.

"I never smile as much as I smile when I'm with you, you make me smile so much" I say causing her to smile blushing a bit.


"Yes really" I say as she smiles unwrapping her arms from my neck grabbing my arm "Come on Lynch let's dance" I smile as we walk out on the dance floor starting to randomly dance around having a great time... God I am falling for this girl..... more by the second...I can't fall for her though.... I'm going on tour, she's goin on tour... Our schedules are so busy, we would never have time for each other...I can't fall for Laura Marano no matter what....


"Let's slow it down shall we" I hear the DJ guy say as I glance at Laura and she glances at me as 'All of Me' comes on. I smile taking the chance and wrapping my arms around her as hers go around my neck as we smile at each other swaying back and forth.



"On a scale of like 1-10. 1 being you are not mad at all and 10 being you want to send a nuclear missile to kill me, how mad are you at me" I ask as she laughs smiling at me.

"That's classified information Lynch" I groan as she laughs stepping closer to me as she smiles "But if you must know it's not a high number" I smile.

"Good cause I really did not want to be hit by a nuke" I hear her laugh as she smiles at me.

"Your so cute" I hear her say as I smile "And your adorkable"

We continue swaying back and forth to the song in peace and silence I think both of us enjoying the moment, and never wanting it to end.

I start to mouth the lyrics as Laura smiles at me blushing a bit causing me to smile more.

We continue dancing for a bit longer when I hear a "Lauraaaaaaa"

Laura smiles as I soon see a little kid right next to us smiling at Laura. Laura smiles unwrapping her arms from me as she picks the little guy up smiling.

"Lachlan Oh my god I missed you little guy" The kid smiles wrapping his arms around her really tight probably cutting off her circulation.

"Me to Laura" He smiles hugging her as he soon looks at me confused.

"Who's that" He asks as Laura smiles "This is Ross little guy. And Ross this is Lachlan my littlest cousin" She says as I smile at him "Nice to meet you little man" He smiles "You to" He then giggles "Are you Laura's boyfriend" He asks with a smile on his face as I know I blush hearing Laura's and boyfriend in the same sentence as I shake my head and glance at Laura "No Laura and I are just friends"

"Then why were you dancing like how my parents are" He asks as Laura and I glance at each other.

"Were close friends bud" Laura responds as I nod staying silent.

"Come on Laura let's dance" He says as Laura smiles and glances at me "You good by your self" I nod "Yea I'll be fine" I reply as she nods putting Lachlan down as they start 'dancing' but more like messing around.

I walk to the wall as I smile watching Laura dance with him, she's so good with kids... she's going to be a great mom one day.

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