Chapter 68

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Ross's POV:

After a fun filled singing car ride I finally pull into the parking lot parking the car as Laura looks at me smiling.

"Awe Ross, your such a romantic" Laura says as I roll my eyes "Come on let's go" I say as she smiles as we get out of the car interlocking our hands once again as we walk along the trail to the Hollywood sign once again as we get to the exact spot we had our first kiss as we stand there, my arm wrapping around her as her head lays against my arm.

"The view is still amazing" I hear Laura say as I smile nodding looking out at LA "It really is" I say. "Thanks for bringing us back here" I hear Laura whisper as I smile down at her kissing her head "No need to thank me" I say against her hair soon parting my lips from her hair holding her in my arms right where I like her.

"1 More Week" I say looking at Laura as she looks up at me with a smile.

"1 more week till we are touring the world together" I say again as she smiles "And your siblings and Rat" She adds on as I smile "Yea them to" I say causing her to laugh. She looks up at my eyes "I still can't believe that one miss-sent text started all of this" I smile at her nodding "Started an amazing friendship which maybe one day will lead to something a lot more" I say as she smiles "I Think we both know it is going to lead to something a lot more" She says as I smile "Yea but for now, I'm happy us being best friends" Laura says as I smile nodding "I agree, just know when the time comes I will ask, and it will be amazing" I say as she smiles "I can't wait for that time to come"


"No Superman totally" Laura says as I shake my head "But Iron Man" I say as Laura shakes her head "But just look at him, he just seems like a guy who would save you no matter what" She says as I roll my eyes "What about me, I'm superman right" Laura laughs "Sureeee" She says as I glare at her "Meanie" Laura laughs.

We left the Hollywood sign after a bit and now are back at her house in her backyard laying on the grass cuddled up to each other as we look up at the stars.

"I feel like were living a romance movie right now" I hear her say as I chuckle "Why"

"I don't know it just seems like the movies"

"Awe you think are story is a love story" I say as she turns her head and looks at me rolling her eyes "Of course you take that out of what I said" I laugh "So what if it's cliché, it's adorable" I say as she laughs "We have so many cliché moments" She says as I look at her "Oh yea name me one" I say as she laughs "When you got mad at me thinking I was using you and we kissed in the rain in the back of woods by the lake" She says as I look at her "Shit, you are so right" I say as she laughs "I know, you don't have to tell me" I roll my eyes "Haha your so funny" She giggles turning her body so her head is laying on my stomach as she looks up at me.

"This sounds like a good song" I say randomly as she looks at me "What does"

"I don't know I feel most of our conversations turn into songs anyways" I say as she laughs "Like Cali Girls" She says as I laugh nodding "Exactly, my Cali Girl" She laughs and smiles at me, when I hear my phone go off.

"You going to answer it" She asks as I shake my head "It's Laura time, right now. Andre can wait if it's him" She giggles "You should make sure Ross" I groan and move Laura a bit grabbing my phone from my pocket "And it's Rydel probably freaking out wanting to know the date details" I say ignoring the call putting my phone in the grass as I smile at Laura.

"What if it's important" I look at her "Are you trying to get rid of me" I ask as she giggles squirming and holding me "No I just don't want you to get in trouble" She says as I smile at her "Don't worry Rydel will be just fine" I say as I hear my phone go again as I ignore it continuing to talk to Laura when I hear my voice come on again as Cali Girls starts playing from Laura's phone.

"I swear if that's Rydel I am going to hurt her" I say as Laura giggles grabbing her phone and looking at it then me with a laugh "It's Rydel" I roll my eyes "I'm about to throw both phones into your pool" Laura laughs and looks at me "I'm answering it, what if something is wrong"

"That's what 911 is for" I say groaning as Laura slaps me giggling "Rosssss" I laugh as she answers the phone as I hear Rydel's voice shout through the phone.

"OH MY GOD YOU TO KISSED." Laura and I glance at each other confused.

"Wait how did you know that Rydel" Laura asks confused as I soon hear.

"LAURA PICTURES OF YOU AND ROSS KISSING ARE ALL OVER THE INTERNET" Laura's eyes widen as my mouth drops as I hear her heart rate speed up a ton as we look at each other.

"Oh my god Rydel how" Laura asks looking at me worried.

"I don't know there must of been paparazzi at the concert, and plus good on Ross taking you to the Hollywood sign" Laura looks at me "Did you tell Rydel about the Hollywood sign" I shake my head "No Laura there are like 100 more of you guys at the Hollywood sign as well" I hear her say through the phone as Laura and I look at each other as I gulp.

"Thanks Rydel for telling us" I say into the phone "Yea no problem. So I take the date went good" She asks as I smile at Laura "Very good" I say as Laura blushes laying her head back on my chest "Listen Rydel I will call you tomorrow alright, and we will figure this out" I say as Rydel sighs "Andre, and Kristen are going to freak out" She says as I hear Laura sigh.

"We will figure it out Delly"

"Alright talk to you tomorrow Ross"

"See ya Delly"

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