Chapter 39

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Ross's POV:

I'm waiting in the living room strumming Laura's guitar messing around when.

"How you like it" I hear her say as I turn my head my mouth dropping as I look at her.... She's in my flipping jersey and then leggings...

"You look fucking adorable" I manage to get out as she smiles coming to my side sitting very close to me which I am not complaining about.

"It's a bit big" I smile at her "It looks hotter that way" I say as she gives me a really look as I smile at her.

"I am not letting you leave my sights, there are a ton of flirty guys at the rink" I say.

"Oh like you" She says as I roll my eyes "But you loveeeeee it" I say as she rolls her eyes "You know you do, you can't deny it"

"Oh whatever Lynch"

"Alright says the one who has a Lynch Jersey on right now" She blushes as I smile at her "Your so adorable, it's not fair" I say as she giggles.

"Come on Im hungry I want food" She says standing up as I smile putting the guitar down and jumping up with her.

"I am so down"


"Now that we have fed the beast, should we go to my house" I say as Laura rolls her eyes "Shut up" I laugh "Just kidding" I say as she turns away from me looking out the window.

"Really are we doing this right now" I say as she ignores me. I stop at the red light and smirk putting my hand on her thigh as I feel her jump a bit as she glances at her leg and then at me as I smirk.

"Not going to work" She says looking back out the window as I roll my eyes keeping my hand there continuing to drive as I smirk to myself tightening my grip as I feel her shift a bit as she looks at me groaning "This is not fair" She says as I laugh "I win" I smirk proudly as she rolls her eyes "Hm we will see about that" She says as I smile continuing to my house keeping my hand their on her thigh.

I soon pull into my driveway as I sadly have to remove my hand from her thigh as we get out of the car as going through the living room when I hear a squeal


"RYDEL SHUT THE HELL UP THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD DOES NOT NEED TO HEAR YOU" I hear Riker yell coming in the room with his arm around Savannah. I hear Laura laugh.

"Hey Sav"

"Hey Ross, and Ross's girlfriend"

"She's not my-"

"YES SHE IS SAV" Rydel yells as I roll my eyes.

"This is Laura. Laura this is Savannah Riker's girlfriend" I say as they smile saying her and giving each other a hug.

"Is Marano coming to the rink with us" I hear Rocky say coming into the room.

"Yup, hints why she is wearing my jersey" I say as I see Laura smile.

"Sick" Rocky replies putting down his bag of gear.

"Go get your stuff lover boy" Riker says as I roll my eyes and look at Laura "Be right back" I say as she nods, as I run out to the garage to get my bag of stuff.

I walk back into the house to hear talking as I see Laura talking with Sav and Rydel.

"Come on pleaseeeee, you have that look of like totally in love right now" Rydel says as I wait a second wondering what there talking about.

"Rydel I am not in love" I hear Laura say.

"I agree with Rydel, your face is just lighting up something defiantly happend between you and Lynch" I see Laura roll her eyes but can't help but have a smile on her face as Rydel squeals "I knew you guys would get together"

"Were not together" Laura says.

"But you wish you were"

"Rydellllll" Laura groans as I decide to cut in.

"Rydellllll" I mock Laura as she looks at me fast.

"Why we groaning Rydellllll" I ask

"Cause Laura won't admit she loves-"

"Love pineapple cause I don't" Laura says glaring at Rydel hitting her as Rydel rolls her eyes "Oh so we calling him Pineapple now"

"Shut it" Laura says nudging her.

"I'm driving with you Laura" I say as Laura nods "Okay" She replies.

"Awe Rossy wants to drive with his girlfriend" I roll my eyes "She does not know how to get there" I defend myself.

"Okay then Ryland can go with her" I glare at Rydel as she laughs "Aweeee you love her, your getting married"

I roll my eyes "We are leaving" I say grabbing Laura's hand as we walk out of the house.

"SEE YOU THERE ROSSY" Riker yells "OKAY" I yell back. I put the bag in the backseat of Laura's car and then get in the drivers seat her waiting in the passenger as she messes with the radio. I pull out of the driveway and head to the rink.

"Want to jam to some music" She asks as I smile "Is that even a question"


After a very singing filled car ride I park the car as we get out heading into the rink.

"Let's get you some skates shall we" Laura nods as we go to the counter getting Laura a size like 3 skates

"Your foot is so small" I say as she groans "I am a small individual okay" She says as I laugh nodding.

"You want to wait on the bleachers till the other get here" I say as Laura nods as we head up to the bleachers, she going first of course giving me a flipping perfect view of her ass... Damnet Laura. She goes all the way to the top.. of course longer to look at it.... Frack this...

We soon get to the top sitting down as she looks around, and at the ice as I see guys already out messing around on the ice.

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