Chapter 49

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Ross's POV:

Laura smiles at me as I continue to walk along the path.

"Stay at my place tonight" I hear her say looking at me as I smile at her. "I'd love to" I reply as I see her smile as she lets her head fall back on my shoulder as it starts to rain even harder as I pick up the pace a bit more as I start to hear Laura coughing...

"Babe you okay" I ask as I hear her cough again "I don't feel so well" I hear her say as I now start running back damn this weather. "Don't worry I will try to get us out of here as fast as I can" I Say as I start full on running now trying not to fall but Laura is light as a feather thank the lord.

I soon see the end of the forest as I run along the park trail seeing Laura's car.

"Where's your keys" I ask as she hands them to me right away... she normally fights me on driving..... she really must not be feeling good....

I quickly unlock the car and put her in the passenger seat and then I get in the drivers seat starting the car and turning on the heat as Laura is shivering...

"Those wet clothes are not going to help" I say shivering myself as she just nods cuddling her head against the seat going into a little ball....

"Damnet you look so fucking adorable" I mumble as she opens her eyes and smiling at me a bit.

"Come on let's get you home" I say as I start the car soon starting to drive back to her house as I glance over at her to see her cuddled to the seat facing me in a ball as she looks at me. I give her a smile bringing one of my hands to her rubbing her leg as I feel her hand interlock with my hand I had on her leg. I smile at her as she gives me an innocent smile.

"You just hijacked my hand" I say looking back at the road as I hear a laugh come from Laura.

"Ooops" I hear her say as I just smile and continuing to drive us back to her house.

Soon I see her house as I smile pulling into her driveway and then going into her garage seeing it's still raining super bad. I pull in and get out closing the garage and then going to Laura's side opening the door to see her not move at all. Poor baby...

I turn her around and pick her up putting her in my arms her legs immediately going around my waist as her hands go around my neck and her head falling on my shoulder.

I walk into the house locking the garage door and heading up to her room.

"You have to change Laura" I say as she just nods coughing and sneezing more frequently now. I set her on the ground as she slowly walks to her dresser and then look at me.

"What about you, I am not letting you sleep in those wet clothes Ross" She says as I smile, she cares about me so much.

"I'll be fin-"

"No you won't Ross, your literally shivering" I sigh as I try to stop but can't, I really did actually get cold.

"Ross you can't wear those clothes" She says again as she goes to her dresser digging through it pulling out sweatpants "Try these on" She says as I nod taking them pulling down the soaking wet pants I have on right now as I hear a squeal as I look at Laura.

"I did not mean right here dumbass"

I roll my eyes at her putting on the sweats she gave me but only getting them up a little before I can't pull them up anymore, I hear Laura burst out laughing as she looks at me and leans against her dresser laughing.

"Oh my god" She laughs as I shake my head "And this is your biggest pair"

She laughs nodding "My god girl your so short" I say

"Okay shut up and take those off you look ridiculous" She says as I laugh and them smirk at her "Take them off" She glares at me "Your such a guy"

I laugh pulling them down after a couple of attempts... they were very tight on me. Laura sighs and looks at me "Well I'm out of ideas"

"What about Jace's fun box" I ask as she sighs "That got hijacked"

I laugh at her wording "Alright then looks like I'm either in the soaking wet clothes or in just my boxers" I say as she sighs "I don't want you to be in those super wet clothes" She says as I smirk taking off my shirt eventually... damn that thing was like glued to me.

Laura's eyes widen as she looks at me. I smirk as she is staring.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I say as she blushes and looks away from me.

"Meanie" She mumbles as I laugh.

"You can take a shower if you want in the other bathroom I am going to, or you can watch TV I don't care" I nod at her "Thanks Laur" She nods as she walks into her bathroom on suite as I go to the other bathroom and enjoying a nice and warm shower.

After a nice shower I put my boxers back on and head out to hear Laura's shower still going as I go downstairs and sit on the couch grabbing a blanket and turning on the TV watching Hockey.

I smile to myself realizing how close Laura and I have become and close we are about to get with spending everyday together and not only working together but just being able to hang out. We are going to have a ton of time to hang out together before concerts, after concerts, and the many days off when we don't have a show and our just traveling to the next location, man I can't wait... it's going to be so much fun.

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