Prequel Chapter 13: #IloveyouRoss

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May 2, 2026

Laura's POV:

I hear my door slam open as I get scared when I see Riker there.

"Riker what the hell! You could not of just-"

He cuts me off grabbing my TV remote and flipping channels to the news and coming to the bed by me and hitting play

"Ross Lynch a singer, actor, dancer has reportedly tried to kill himself about a week ago. Many screenshots were sent to News places all over the world of a tweet he sent out. Till his Ex-Wife Laura Marano sent him a very interesting tweet back in all caps telling him to not do something stupid and to check his texts. Did Laura Marano his Ex save this guys life. On twitter people have been going crazy saying Ross is probably depressed and is worthless I mean just look at some of these tweets at him"

@someonesname- Ross Lynch is literally the worst human on the Earth. For him to what he did to someone like Laura makes no since. He's worthless, fat, ugly, and deserves nothing that he has. Laura should of dumped him a long time ago, and thank god she had the decency to dump him 2 years ago, I'd hate for her to go through more heartbreak with that jackass and excuse of a human.

I continue reading through the tweets tears coming to my eyes... how could people say this stuff about him.... I look at Riker as he looks at me.

"Turn it off I can't listen anymore" I say through tears as Riker flips it off rubbing my back as I end up crying into his chest.... I can't believe this...

"How is Ross" I ask scared as Riker sighs.

"He's devastated, but is starting to say that it's true Laura. He think everything these people are saying is true." I look up at him shaking my head "God this has to stop Riker. I know all of us are not ready to lose Ross, and with this continuing..." I say trailing off continuing to cry as Riker nods rubbing my back...

"I have to stop this" I say again as Riker looks at me "How"

"Tweet something out. Make them stop this is ridiculous Riker" I say pulling out of the hug and going to my phone "Oh my god that is horrible" I say as he sighs "You saw number 1 trending"

"God people are horrible seriously #Rossisacheater is the number 1 trending thing right now. God people need help" I say madly as I look at my phone.

"I don't even know how to word this without sounding absolutely like I hate my fans for doing this but like I kind of do, this is ridiculous"

Riker nods sighing "Rydel needs me, Ross is trying to break more things" I sigh and look at him "Keep him safe Rike."

"I will Laur see ya soon" I nod as he gives me a hug and leaves the house, as I watch him speed away down the street... oh boy...

About 10 minutes later I finally hit Tweet.... oh boy....

@LauraMarano- I was left crying in Ross's brother Riker's arms about 15 minutes ago when Riker came running into my house and showing me the news report on Ross. I can't believe that my so called 'fans' and so many other people would start this. Guys don't you think Ross has heard enough shit from his family, and friends for what he did to me. Don't you think he feels so fricking bad, because I know he feels horrible about the whole thing. And yes it's a horrible thing he cheated but you guys are not making it any better for him or me. Now I have to worry about if Ross is going to be here in a couple minutes, because he is starting to think what you guys are saying is true. Guys as upset I am at him for doing what he did to me I still love him and I always will, no matter what. Him and I went through thick and thin together, and it literally is breaking my heart more to see him like this, so insecure about himself than when he did what he did 2 years ago...So please anyone reading this please stop this nonsense and tell others to as well. Ross is an amazing guy he really is, and no human deserves what he is getting thrown at him right now, this is not hate this is just all out stupid and should not be happening to him. So please, stop this, maybe not for him but for me... Thanks -L.M. #IloveyouRoss @rosslynch


"You watching the news" I hear Rydel say through the phone. It has been about an hour since I sent that tweet out and let's just say it got a lot of attention.

"Yup sure am" I reply listening to the reporter as Rydel does as well through the phone.

After about a little under an hour ago Laura Marano sent out a heartbreaking tweet about all the hate happening to Ross Lynch in the past couple hours. In this tweet Marano really poured her heart out and you can tell there are still a lot of feelings there between these to internet, and Disney stars. After Laura's tweet has gone viral getting over 500k likes and a million retweets making it if not the biggest tweet ever other people family and friends have been using the #Iloveyouross tag and it is now trending number 3 that tag here are some of the more famous family and friends that have used the tag.

@Maiamitchell- Ross was always such a fun and outgoing kid, but also really shy sometimes and now that I think of it he was a bit insecure just a little but after all of this, I am scared for Ross, that he will do something he regrets. So please stop all this hate on him. #IloveyouRoss

@rikerlynch- To have your brothers Ex-wife break down crying on you after finding out what has been happening to ross really shows that anyone can forgive him and you guys should not be hating on him at all. You guys don't know the whole story at all, you have no idea what went down between Ross and Laura between those 2 weeks after that picture was released. You guys have no idea what happend all you know is he cheated a couple times...So stop, stop saying he was hooking up with Courtney because that is not the case and Courtney fricking told us the truth all of it in Court that day that Ross and Laura were getting divorced. So all of you haters need to stop jumping on the band wagon and stop hating on him. If Laura the girl who he cheated on is breaking down crying over this I think all of you can find room in your heart to forgive him. #IloveyouRoss

@rydellynch- Ross is not just my brother but also a best friend to me, and to see him like this it hurts so much. Guys he knows how bad he messed up trust me he knows and regrets it so much, but you guys saying this to him is not making anything better, it's making everything so much worse and honestly is probably brining Ross and Laura even closer together now since Laura is the only person in this world to be able to calm Ross down. So guys please nobody deserves this hate including Ross. So please would you all just stop already #IloveyouRoss

There are many more tweets just like this protecting Ross and trying to make the hate stop, but it is still coming in and we are all hoping Ross is okay and him and everyone around him can recover from a hit like this.

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