Prequel Chapter 42: Hollywood Surprises

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Ross's POV:

We just got out of the Teen Choice Awards as I decided to take us somewhere special show for a third time how amazing this day is to Raura....

I have been trying to make sure to avoid the subject of what today's date is all day long. I am pretty sure Laura has been wondering if I knew I can just see it in her eyes, and trust me I know what today is.... 8 years ago today I asked her to be my girlfriend and 4 years ago I asked her to marry me on this day.... Those were two amazing days....and hopefully I can make this day super special once again for both of us....


Laura's POV:

Ross and I just got into his car as I set the awards in the trunk. He soon pulls out of the place starting to drive as I look at him confused.

"We are going the wrong way to both of our houses" I say looking at him confused as he nods. "I know" I look at him confused "You better not be kidnapping me" I say as he looks at me "Really Laura" I laugh as he continues driving when I soon feel a hand on my thigh as I jump a bit to see Ross smile "I love how sensitive to my touch you are" He says as I growl.

"You would literally jump 50 feet if a random guy did that to you, but I would kill him before he could so then again it would not happen" I hear him say as I smile at him "Your so cute" I say as he smiles at me continuing to drive, as I look around to see we are going up the hills as I look at him "Ross are we going where I think we are going" I ask as he smiles at me "I don't know are we" He says as I look at him as I can't help but wonder if he realizes what today is...

He has to right? He literally has to know, there is no way he does not know what today is....Right? I mean he asked me to be his girlfriend, and to marry him on this day like 4 years apart but still... he has to know...

Ross continues to drive as I smile knowing we are going to the Hollywood sign....

"We are going where I thought we were" I say as I see him nod as he parks the car he runs to my side opening the door as I smile at him "Such a gentlemen" I say with a laugh as he smiles as we start to walk along the path we have walked along so many times in the past years. I soon hear music playing as I look at him confused as we soon turn as I look at the sight my mouth dropping...not only the LA skyline at like 10 o clock at night with the full moon but also I see lights and a table set up with candles, and of course food as I see Ross's siblings and Ryland all in Raura sweatshirts and with their instruments as they are playing the chords to Do it Again.

I look at Ross smiling at him "Ross" I say as he smiles leading us to the table over looking LA as he holds out the chair for me but I shake my head sitting him down as he looks at me confused as I sit in his lap as his eyes widen as he smiles at me wrapping his arms around my waist

I lay back in Ross's chest as I smile at him "Your so amazing" I say as he smiles "You are the most perfect, amazing beautiful, adorkable, human being" I hear him whisper as I smile at him.

"Here I got chocolate covered strawberries" I hear him say as I smile "You really know how to wow a girl don't you" He laughs nodding reaching and grabbing one poking my cheek with it as I roll my eyes "Never mind you loser" I say as he laughs "Open up missy" I laugh opening my mouth as he puts it in as I smile "Mhmm" He laughs eating one himself and smiling "fhhfjdfneryhisi" I laugh after I swallow mine as I look at him "Speak in English please" I say as he smiles swallowing his. "It's really good" He says as I laugh "Thanks for the translation" He nods and smiles at me.

"I found this cool bakery and bought this chocolate yesterday and I tried a sample and it was so good like here" He says as I laugh at how cute he is as he grabs a piece handing it to me as I eat it and widen my eyes and look at him "Oh my god Ross this is oh my god" I say reaching over and grabbing more as he laughs "I know that was my exact reaction" He says grabbing some "Don't you eat it all missy" I laugh "It's way to good it's a race to who gets more" I say as he laughs as we start grabbing the whole tray sticking it in our mouths laughing as we eat it.

"God we are ridiculous" I say as he laughs "I know but I would not have it any other way" He says as I smile at him laying my head in the crock of his neck cuddling to him as his arms wrap around me holding me tightly.

"Ross this is incredible" I say looking up at him as he looks out in the distance smiling. "I'm glad" I hear him say as he glances down at me with a smile kissing my forehead.

"I was wondering if you knew what today was" I say as he smiles "I was thinking about it all day" He says as I smile "I was trying so hard to avoid the topic, so you would not get suspicious of anything" I smile at him "Well you got me, I really thought you forgot" He shakes his head "I could never forget about what this day this is Laura" I smile at him as we cuddle looking out on the LA view as we talk about random things as I finally know hundred and ten percent that there is no way I could live without him....

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