Prequel Chapter 51: Haters

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Laura's POV:

"Ross please open the door" I say for the 50th time as I still don't get a response from him. I look at Rydel as she looks at me worried.

"Why won't he answer" I groan and knocking on the door.

"Ross please just tell me that you are alive right now" I say acting desperate at this point as I still hear no response....

"Guys this is serious Rat can you take the door off" I ask as Ratliff nods "Yea let me get a screwdriver" He says as I nod as Ratliff leaves as Rydel looks at me worried "What if he is doing something like bad" I hear her say as I don't even want to think like that.

"Don't say that, I refuse to believe that" I say as Rydel sighs as I soon see Ratliff come back.

"Ross Rat is going to take the door off if you don't open it right now" I say again still getting nothing as I look at Ratliff.

"Go ahead then" I say as he nods sighing "Frick" I hear him mumble.

"What, what's wrong" I ask worried as he sighs "I have to be inside the room or the door has to be opened" He says as I groan banging my head against the wall "Are you being serious right now" I say as he sighs "I wish I wasn't"

"Ughhhh. Ross open the damn door already" I say madly now as I still get no response. "Ross please let me in" I say again looking at the door worrying my ass off now that he is doing something he will regret.

"Ross please let someone talk to you" I hear Rydel say getting no response. I sigh as I walk away as I hear.

"Laura where are you going" I ignore Rydel walking out of the house to my car I am about to close the door when Rydel stops me.

"Laura what are you doing"

"Leaving" I say as she looks at me.

"Laura please you need to talk to him" She says as I look at her "He won't fucking talk to me Rydel, I can't force him to talk to me" I say annoyed as she looks at me sadly "Rydel I'm sorry I'm getting mad it's just irritating" I sigh running my hand through my hair.

"It's okay Laura but he needs you even if he does not want to admit he needs you right now" I hear her say as I sigh "What do you want me to do, I can't get into the room" I say sighing "Keep trying please Laura, what if he tries to do what he almost did at the Hollywood sign again" I sigh and look at her getting out of the car and up to the room again sighing "Ross please let me in, I just want to know your okay, please Ross" I say once again getting no response...

I look at Rydel as she sighs as I quickly run to her room looking around finding a pin as she looks at me confused and then realizes "Smart thinking" I nod going back to the room and play with the lock on the door and eventually I hear a click as I smile turning the door knob seeing Ross laying on the bed on his phone.....He looks up at me tears in his eyes as he looks so sleep drained. I go over to him fast and getting on the bed and getting on top of him wrapping my arms around him laying on him not letting him go as he just sits there and let's it happen.

After some time I lift my head up and look at him.

"Ross what's going on please you can talk to me" I say.

"They all hate me" I hear him say as I look at him confused.

"Who hates you" I ask confused as he looks at me.

"Everyone, all your fans, and the like whole public" I hear him say as my mouth drops....that's why he was reading his phone so much, he was reading hate...and that's why he was being so secretive.

"Ross don't listen to them, they know nothing about how amazing you are" I say as he shakes his head "I don't fucking deserve you Laura, I never did and never will" I hear him say my heart breaking.

"Ross don't say that please" I say as he looks at me "I'm just a cheating, fat, dick" I hear him say as I shake my head "Ross first of all you are not fat at all. Secondly you know I don't think you cheated Ross, she kissed you, drugged you, and then you were drunk, I know you did not purposely do it to hurt me Ross" I say as he looks at me "Your just saying that"

"No I'm not Ross, everything those people are saying is false okay don't listen to them Ross" I say as he shakes his head "They are right" He says

"Ross please don't think that, you were so good with dealing with hate before what changed" I ask as he looks at me "The fact that I don't deserve you Laura, I don't deserve your love, none of it-"

"Ross stop saying that please your so amazing, hot, caring, kind, smart, athletic, not fat at all, funny, and you mean everything to me" I say as Ross makes eye contact with me for the first time "Why are you tearing up" he asks "because it hurts so much that you are believing these people right now Ross, they are just some stupid haters behind a computer, Ross you are so much better than them, I don't see them being on Disney's most popular TV show, or getting Male Hottie rewards or being as successful as you are Ross. I don't see them starring in movies as teenagers and becoming something so amazing. Ross there jealous of your fame and the our love because our love is so special Ross, I will always be here for you no matter what you just got to let me in and tell me what's going on. Ross I'll be here whether you like it or not. I'm never leaving you, so you better get use to me here" I say as he looks at me wrapping his arms around me as I smile laying my head on his shoulder as for the first time in over 4 days I find myself falling asleep in the guy I love arms....

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