Chapter 12

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Ross's POV:

I hear my phone go off like 10 times... what the hell. I look over at the clock to see it's midnight. I hear it go off again as I groan, seriously what the hell does this person want. I reach over and grab it my eyes deceiving me I swear when I see who it is.

LA Girl: Heyyyyyyyyyy

LA Girl: Whats upppppppppppppp

LA Girl: I'm Elsa

LA Girl: Actually Olaf

LA Girl: Maybe even Ana

LA Girl: Or the mean prince dude that no one remembers the name of

I roll my eyes as there are like 20 more of these that is completely random... damn she totally is drunk. Dang who knew LA girl was one to get drunk, which probably means she is around 20 and she seems like the kind of person who would not break the law, meaning hopefully if I am right she is 21 or older.

I hear the phone ring as I look at it my heart picking up as I see the name... LA Girl... she's drunk, should I answer... what do I do, I want to hear what she sounds like...

I press answer as I hear loud music and a ton of talking... yup defiantly drunk...

"Come on we need to get you home" I hear someone say as I hear a "Nooooooooo" who I assume is La Girl, she has a nice voice.

"Not no come on we are going home right now" the other person says as I hear movement and shuffling sounds as I soon hear.

"Damn I have never seen her so drunk"

"This is horrible, we are never taking her to a bar again got it Jace"

"Yea, yea calm down. I will take her home"

"Thanks Jace, I will call you in the morning find out how she is"

Who the hell is this Jace guy... and why can't the girl take her home... why does he have to.

I hear more shuffling and soon it sounds like a car door closing and then soon one opening and closing again.

"Shit Damnet Laura" I hear him.... so Laura is her name....

"Uh hello" My heart rate picks up as now that guy is on the phone with me. Shit what do I do now.

"Hi" I reply... idiot...

"Hey sorry Laura's drunk must of called you by accident" He says.

"Yea it's fine don't worry about it" I say trying to act completely normal when I now know what her name actually is.

"Alright Uh bye then" I hear a Pause "Colorado damn she has some weird contact names" He says "Yea bye" I say as the call ends and I lay back in my bed and smile to myself Laura... it's a beautiful name.. this should be fun to mess with her now... now that I know her name.


Laura's POV:

I wake up feeling my head about to explode as I groan opening my eyes and seeing Jace sitting at my desk on his phone.

"Ahhhhhhh" I groan as he looks at me.

"Damn Marano you were bad last night" I glare at him "Get me Advil or some thing" He nods getting up to my bathroom to get me medication. God that is the last time I am drinking ever.

He soon comes back and hands it to me and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"How you feeling"

"Like shit"

He laughs "That's what happens when you drink"

"Shut your yap"

"Whatever oh by the way you drunk texted and called some person named Colorado" My mouth drops as I look at him "YOU ENEDED IT RIGHT AWAY RIGHT"

He shakes his head looking at me confused "No was I suppose to"

"That was the guy I was talking to you about"

"Like the weirdo creep dude"

I nod at him as he laughs "Eh he seemed nice"


"I mean I told him you were drunk so that's why he was getting weird ass messages and a phone call"


"Calm down Laur, he seemed like a nice dude"

"Did he sound old"

"No" He laughs "He sounded completely normal"

"My god I can't believe out of the million of numbers I have in my phone I go to his"

Jace laughs "Your drunk texts to him are hilarious by the way, I bet he got a thrill out of that"

"Oh god how bad"

"You called yourself like every Disney character known to man"


"Well I got to go Cuz to take Nessa to the Switched at Birth set but I will call you later" Cuz is what we normally call each other since we are cousins but don't ever feel like saying cousin so we just shorten it to Cuz. I smile at him nodding. "Bye Cuz" He smiles hugging me and then getting up and leaving as I groan laying in my bed. I can't believe out of everyone I drunk text Colorado. What are the fricking chances I do that, like seriously him...

I hear my phone go off as I groan... perfect fricking timing...

Colorado: How's your hangover?

Laura: Horrible

Colorado: Did not know you weren't innocent

Laura: I am innocent that was a one time thing god my head is killing me

Colorado: So why were you at a bar anyways then

Laura: Just hanging out chilling

Colorado: Hmm right. So Laura how are you


Colorado: *smirks*

Colorado: I know your reading these

Colorado: I see the read thing popping up Laura I'm not stupid

Colorado: Well now I really know your name is Laura

Laura: Curse whoever said my name

Colorado: It was that guy that took you home

Laura: God I am going to kill him, damn he just left to

Colorado: Yea to bad. So he stayed over?

Laura: Yea why?

Colorado: What I was just asking, no reason

Laura: Hmm sure alright I got to go

Colorado: What why

Laura: Hangover my friend

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