Prequel Chapter 2: Interviews

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January 16, 2026

@LauraMarano-Ahhhhh! Guyssssss. The season 1 finale of the Disney Show 'Single Problems' just aired. I am so thankful for everyone of you who has turned in to watch this crazy journey that @mailmtichell and I's characters went through! And Thank you so much we got a season 2 and let's just say... Maia and I might be finding some love interests.

"The world is going to flip" Maia whispers in my ear as I jump slapping her "God you scared me" I say as she laughs along with our other castmates.

"Rip. Raura." I hear Ryan who plays my son on the show say as I roll my eyes "Shut up Ryan" He laughs as I hear our director Chris start talking.

"Oh and by the way Laura and Ryan you are going on Good Morning America tomorrow to talk Season 2 and other things" My jaw drops "WOW. Geez thanks for the warning" I say as Chris laughs "Sorry I kind of forgot"

"What if I was busy" I say as everyone looks at me.

"What I have a life people" I say

"Sureee you do"

I roll my eyes "Just because she is hung up on her EX does not mean she does not have a life" I hear Ryan say as I glare at him "I am going to hurt you one of these times" I say as he laughs. Ryan is 15 years old and plays my 12 year old son on the show. Also my character is only like 30 yet she acts 21 which I absolutely love. The show is honestly so fun and the kids are incredible, the whole cast is awesome, I love them all so much.


Ross's POV:

I wake up to Rydel jumping on my bed, since I kind of live in her and Ratliff's house right now.

"What do you want" I say annoyed as she smiles "Come on just come downstairs" She says as I groan getting up as she runs out of the room and I put on sweats and a sweatshirt as I walk down to see her on the couch as I sit down.

"What do you want..." I get cut off by the TV.

"And we are here today with the biggest Parent, child goals on the Disney Channel. Everyone please welcome Laura Marano and Ryan Brees." My mouth drops as the camera points to them... damn Laura looks good... I mean... oh who am I kidding she looks fucking amazing.

Laura and Ryan smile waving at the camera.

"Hey guys" Laura smiles saying cheerfully.

"So first of all congrats on Season 1, this show has been one of the biggest since probably not to bring up bad memories but..."

"But since Austin and Ally. #Auslly" I hear the Ryan kid say as Laura rolls her eyes and nods.

"Yea it's awesome that this show is reaching the success that Austin and Ally did." She says smiling.

"Now you were on that a while ago now" the interviewer says as Laura nods. "Yea it's been wow actually 2 years I think. Dang" she says.

"Time flies when she spends it with me" Ryan says as Laura laughs at him.

"So tell us about your characters."

"Okay so I play a single mom along with Maia Mitchell. Maia and I's characters have been best friends since young and grew up together and ended up dating identical twins, unfortunately those twins died in a plane crash leaving Maia and I's characters with 2 kids each. So I have Ryan here who he will tell you about and then the younger girl played by Sofia." Laura says with a smile.

"And then my character is 12 and obviously my mom is Laura's character and I am the bad kid. I always get myself my sister and the other two in all loads of trouble. But at the end of the day they still love me" Ryan says as Laura laughs "Ehh, I don't know about that" Ryan laughs.

"Ryan you are how old"

"I am 15 so I am pretty close to 12"

"He acts like he's 12, actually more like 5" Laura adds in as Ryan rolls his eyes "She is mean, I am telling you" He says as Laura laughs... god I love that laugh... she seems so happy....

"So season 2 you got it congrats" Laura and Ryan smile high fiving each other.

"Let's go. We are so excited about it" Ryan says as Laura nods.

"So when do you start"

"Well we got the scripts about 2 weeks ago and have been reading through them we start filming I think next month" Laura says as they nod.

"Can you hint anything I know on twitter Laura you said some possible love interests for you and Maia" My mouth drops... no not love interests.please no.

I see Laura smile and nod.

"Yea so season 1 was the span of like a year and it's been about 3 years in total since there husbands died so yea they might start seeing other guys" Laura says with a smile.

"And Disney has evolved a bit since the Austin and Ally days, there are a lot more romantic gestures going on now" The interviewer says as Laura nods.

"Yea which I think is good, because this is on the XD channel so it is to an older audience more which is good. I like that they are branching out to more teenagers but also keeping the kid roots" Laura replies.

"So could there potentially be a kiss then" The interviewer asks as Laura shrugs "I don't knowwwwwww. Guess you have to find out" She says at the camera with a smile... No... no kissing... please no kissing....

"In my opinion the only way we can have a kiss scene is if Austin and Ally Moon show up" I hear Ryan say as I see Laura hit his arm as he laughs.

"I see someone is an Auslly shipper"

Ryan nods "I grew up watching Austin and Ally, so yea you could say that and a Rauraaaaaaa one" He says smirking as Laura glares at him.

"What's Raura" Laura asks smirking as Ryan rolls his eyes.... She asked what's Raura... I really fucked everything up between us.... every last bit of it

"She's kidding she knows what it is." Ryan says... I like this Ryan guy.

"I need a Muzzle for this kid. Anyone got a muzzle" Laura replies as he groans.

"Do you see what I have to deal with. She's so mean. Like honestly she is like my mom literally" Ryan says as Laura laughs. "I am defiantly not your mom" She says as Ryan laughs.

"So Ryan what is it like working with Laura"

Ryan smiles "In all honestly it's awesome. She really is such a fun person to be with, and spend every day with literally, along with the rest of the cast and Maia. Like Laura and Maia will just take me and the other kids on the show on like field trips to Mc Donald's. Like the phrase Disney Family really is true here" He says smiling

"Awwwww. Ryan has never been so nice before" Laura says as Ryan rolls his eyes "Don't get use to it"

"Trust me I won't" Laura mutters

"And this is why you guys are like parent child goals right here" the interviewer says as Laura and Ryan laugh.

"#goals" they say high fiving and bursting out laughing.

"Okay well that was Laura Marano and Ryan Brees. Check out this clip from the pilot episode of there show" I hear the interviewer say as I hear Laura do a voice over as I watch clips from the show. Soon it ends as Rydel looks at me and I look at her.

"Your eyes were on Laura the whole time" She says as I nod.

"I need to watch that show" I say.

"Let's binge watch it on Netflix" She says as I smile turning on Netflix and getting ready to watch a whole show my ex-wife stars in...

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