Prequel Chapter 45: Good Days

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Laura's POV:

I wrap a towel around me as I get out of the shower as I start to dry off as I tie it around me and start to comb my hair attempting to fix it as I see Ross standing behind me in the mirror with his towel around his waist as he looks at me through the mirror watching me.

"This reminds me so much of like when we were married" I say as he nods smiling wrapping his arms around me as I smile attempting to comb my hair with him wrapped around me.

"Us literally everywhere in the house together" He says as I smile nodding laying my head back in his chest probably getting his chest soaked again cause of my hair.

"I am never going to be able to get ready with you here am I" I ask as Ross shakes his head wrapping his arms around me tighter holding me close to him as I smile through the mirror seeing his eyes closed as he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Ross as much as I love this we have to get dressed" I say trying to squirm out of his arms but getting no luck as he has a death grip on me.

"Lauraaaaaaa" I hear him mumble in my ear as I groan..."That's not fair" I say as I hear him chuckle "What that I turn you on so easily" I hear the smirk in his voice as I turn my head to lock eyes with him as he presses our lips together as I smile as he turns me around in his arms still holding me as we once again make out not stopping anytime when I hear a door bell as we pull away and I look at him.

"Your getting it" I say as he groans "Why meeeeee"

"Cause you love me and will do it" I say as he groans.

"It's your house"

"And it will take you a lot shorter time to get ready than me now go" I say hearing the door bell again, as he groans glaring at me as he unwraps himself from me leaving the bathroom as I see his towel drop as I smile "Nice ass" I yell to him as he turns and looks at me smirking as I groan "Seriously" I say.

He laughs putting his boxers on and a pair of sweats he left here with his button up shirt...don't ask me why.... but I got three words for you He's a guy. I watch him button a couple of them and then walking out of the room closing the door as I go to my room putting on a bra and underwear and a pair of leggings and then grabbing one of the shirts he left here that says Rock and Roll on it as I put it on and then going back trying to dry my hair a bit and giving up putting it in a bun.

I yawn walking downstairs to see his whole family and Ratliff here in the living room on the couches with an annoyed he's so cute when he wants to just be with me all by himself.

"Hey guys" I say as they all look at me smiling as Rydel runs to me picking me up and spinning me around as I laugh.

"AHHHHH ONE STEP CLOSER TO YOU BEING MY SISTER IN LAW AGAIN" She yells as I laugh as she soon puts me down.

"Is it possible you weigh less than last time I did that" I laugh "I am not that light" I say as I feel arms around me picking me up and a laugh "You defiantly are that light" I roll my eyes turning around to see Rocky as he sets me down as I get pulled into a hug by Mark and Stormie.

"Oh sweetie he better not make us wait like 4 years to propose again" I laugh as I see Ross roll his eyes sticking his tongue out at his mom.

"Ross Shor Lynch" I hear Stormie say as Ross gulps "Ooooo Rossy is in trouble" Ryland says and looks at me "I bet Laura can deal with you Laura" I blush as Ross rolls his eyes "Haha so funny Ryland, I have not heard you say that before" He says walking over to me pulling out of his parents grasp and into his arms.

"Ahem Ross share her" Stormie says as I laugh and Ross groans.

"She's my girlfriend"

"And she's my second daughter" Stormie says pulling me back into a hug as Ross groans "This is not fair" He says as I laugh looking at him mouthing "Sorry" he sighs as soon the rest of the Lynch's and Ratliff give me a hug and we sit down as Ross pulls me into his lap as I smile leaning against him.

"Okay Ross can you please tell me what you were thinking putting those clothes on" I hear Rydel say as I laugh "That's what I was thinking" I say looking at him as he groans "Seriously it's not my fault Laura made me come let you guys in" Ross says as I laugh "You could of put on a normal shirt and not some button up dress shirt though, you have plenty of them here" I say as he rolls his eyes and looks at me "Isn't that my shirt" I laugh and nod as he smiles wrapping his arms around me tighter, as I smile finding myself cuddle to his chest forgetting we had an audience, as I hear awe's as I smile into his chest not wanting to lift my head up loving being so close to him.

"Congrats on best TV actress Laura" I hear Rydel say as I smile lifting my head a bit turning to face her smiling "Thanks Delly" I say.

"Your Raura hug before you went to get the award was so cute" Rydel says as I look at her "They filmed that" I ask as she nods "And when Ross went up for his, showing your guys previous position" Riker says smirking at us realizing that Ross had his arm around me and his hand on my thigh.

"Shoot seriously" Ross says.

"Oh yea we were having a laugh attack" Rocky says as Ross and I laugh.

"And Ross you got Male Hottie" I hear his dad say as Ross nods "Yup sure did, now Laura can't say I am not hot anymore" Ross says as I laugh laying in his chest.

"Guess I can't" I say as Ross smiles down at me. And that's how it went for the next couple hours just hanging out with Ross's family chilling having a good time.

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