Prequel Chapter 30: First Day On Set Together

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May 30, 2026

Laura's POV:

I am sitting next to Ross as he goes over the lines for the scene that we will be filming together in a couple minutes as soon as Maia and Bradley finish a scene talking about the fight that Ava and Chloe got in.

I glance at Ross to see him in deep concentration reading the lines as I smile, he's so cute when he's so focused.... then again he's always cute....

I look down at the script glancing over the lines again as I think I got them down pretty good.

"There you are, I should of known you were by Ross" I hear Ryan say as I laugh a bit to see Ross still concentrated on his script. I smile he's so gosh darn cute.

"What's up Ry"

"I was wondering if you could pick me up tomorrow my parents are both going to be out of town and my sister just got out of town, for this college thing"

"Yea sure. My call time is like 9 am tomorrow though"

"Mine is 10 so were good" I nod "Alright I will be by at like 8 then" He smiles "Thanks Marano"

"Yup" I say as he walks away with Brandon the actor who plays Maia's son on the show as they run off doing who knows what they are doing.

"This brings me back to the Austin and Ally days" I hear Ross say as I smile over at him as he looks up at me.

"How so" I ask as he smiles "Us being on set together, me scrambling to remember my lines since I was to busy with you to memorize them" He says as I laugh "Yet somehow I managed to find time to learn the lines" I say as he rolls his eyes "Don't act like you did not practice them in hair and make up all the time" I laugh "Shhh, no one has to know" I say as he laughs smiling.

"I can't wait to be shipped with you all over again, on TV" I hear him say as I laugh "What is it Chloe and Mitchell" I say as he thinks "Hmmm, we will have to let fans decide a good one" He says as I smile nodding.

"By the way I have two songs written" I hear him say as I look at him shocked "Wait what when" I ask as he looks at me "I got some inspiration. One of them I wrote right after we broke up, but I never you know released it, and then the other I wrote after our Ellen Show performance" I nod at him "So there both like heart break songs then" I ask as he shrugs "I mean pretty much"


"What. I saw Lyrics form in my head and I used them, I think the songs sound good"

"Did you like record them already" I ask as he shakes his head "Not professionally but I will be very soon" I smile at him "That's great Ross" He nods smiling at me and humming a song as I smile at him quietly singing "Here comes that movie scene, The one you think is so cliché, That moment when we kissed, By the lake pouring rain, I ain't no superman, But I can change your world," I sing smiling at him as he smiles at me.

"You really did change my world" I say smiling at him as he looks at me "In a good way or bad way, because I feel like that could go either way" He says as I laugh. "In an amazing way Ross" I say as he smiles "You changed mine to" I smile as I hear "Laura Marano and Ross Lynch your up" I smile as we stand up.

"Maia take him to the front door for the set" Maia nods "Come on Ross" She says as he smiles at me and walks off as I go onto set.

"Should I sit on the couch and get up" I ask as Chris nods "Yup" I nod sitting on the couch pretending to be watching TV as I soon hear "Action"

I hear a knock on the door as I flip the TV off standing up and walking over to the door opening it my mouth dropping "Oh my god Mitch you were not supposed to be back for like 4 more days" I say smiling as Ross smiles at me "I thought I would surprise you" He says as I smile leaning and again having to stand on my tippy toes as I wrap my arms around Ross hugging him as I feel him hug me back as we soon pull away and smile "Well come in" I say through a smile as he nods closing the door as we walk to the couch sitting down.

"So how was the vacation" I ask.

"It was awesome Chlo but I missed you" He says as I smile "I missed you to" I say as he smiles "So I was thinking we still have not had that date and since I'm back, you want to go on that date tonight" I smile at him "I would love to" I say smiling as I hear "And cut"

"Damn Kevin and Heath were not kidding the chemistry between you is incredible" Chris says as Ross and I smile laughing.

"What can I say we make a good TV couple" Ross says wrapping his arm around me as I smile at him nodding.

"Okay get changed for the date, Laura take Ross to his dressing room, it's Niall's old one he cleaned it out so Ross you can move in" I nod as Ross and I stand up.

"You got 20 minutes kids, no funny business"


"Hey I have to say it" I roll my eyes as Ross laughs "I like this guy" I roll my eyes as I lead Ross to his room "There ya go" I say as he smiles "See you on set" I nod as he goes into his as I head to mine and going in putting on the outfit labeled date. Wow, who would of known, a TV date with Ross again.... man years later and we are still a TV couple...some things never change

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