Prequel Chapter 62: The End

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Laura's POV:

I took 3 tests as I walk out and see Maia sitting on the bed on her phone as she looks at me.

"How long we have to wait" She asks as I look at her "And that's why we read the box" I say as she rolls her eyes "And I think like it said 3-5 minutes" I say as she nods "How many you take"

"3" She nods "He loves you no matter what happens if it's positive he still will love you Laur" I hear her say as I sigh "But we are in our prime Maia, we are 25 and Ross's career just started up again at full speed, we probably are getting season 3, and Ross and I both will be on tour during the late pregnancy" I say as she looks at me.

"You guys are back together after getting divorced I think you will be just fine" I glare at her "This is different Maia that was us just loving each other to much to let go-"

"Exactly he loves you way to much to let you go Laura, and besides Ross wants kids to, and you know this" I hear her say as I sigh.

"And come on it's not like your 17 your 25 and both of you have such successful careers you guys could probably end your careers today and never have to work again if you put your guys money together, I mean how much you guys make from that World Tour" I look at her and nod.

"I know money won't be a problem, trust me I know that, but Ross is so excided to start his career, this defiantly if he takes it the right way would stop him from probably going on tour and just ending it" I say sighing as she looks at me.

"Laura everything is going to be okay plus we don't even know if you are" I hear her say as I sigh "It's been 6 minutes" I say as she nods as we walk into the bathroom and looking at them my mouth dropping, as I look at Maia and she looks at me.

"Okay don't panic that's only one" She says as I pick up the next one and look at her "Okay 2/3 so far" She says worried as I look at her "you look at the last one"

"Ew you peed on it hell no" I glare at her "Fine jeez" She says and looks at it "Well I got good news" I look at her with hope as she sighs "If you were hoping for 3 out of 3 positive" My mouth drops as I look at her as I feel her arms wrap around me fast as I find my head fall on her shoulder.

"Shhh it's going to be okay" I hear her say as I cry "I need to know for real we have to go to the doctors now" I say worried as she looks at me.

"Seriously right now" I glare at her as she sighs "Fine" I hear her groan as I grab the tests as we walk out of the bathroom as I put them in my purse so Ross does not see if he wakes up as we head downstairs fast and heading out of the house as we drive to the doctors.


"Your pregnant congratulations" I hear the doctor say my mouth dropping, even if I already figured I was....I am pregnant....I look at Maia as she looks at me giving me it's going to be okay eyes.

"H-H-How Far" I manage to get out.

"A Little over a month" I nod at the nurse as she smiles at me "Would you like pictures" I nod "Be right back then" She says as I nod, watching her leave the room as Maia looks at me.

"Everything is going to be okay don't panic"

"DON'T PANIC, MAIA I AM PREGNANT DON'T TELL ME NOT TO PANIC" I yell as she gulps looking at me.

"It could be worse"

"Oh how could it possibly get worse" I say.

"You could of gotten pregnant before you and Ross split at least your together now" She says as I glare at her "I hate you" I say as she rolls her eyes "Laura he loves you and is going to love this baby inside of you as well" She says as I look at her.

"I'm scared Maia," I say as she looks at me her eyes softening.

"It's going to be okay Laur" She says as the doctor comes in handing me a folder "You can come back in about a month" I nod as Maia and I soon leave getting into the car as she starts driving back to Ross and I's house now, soon we pull in as she looks at me.

"Want me to come in" I shake my head "I'm not telling him"

"Laura you have to"

"Not yet Maia"


"Please I need to figure out a good time," I say as she glares at me.

"Tell him now" I sigh and look at her.

"Laura your just going to keep pushing it back and soon enough it's going to be months," She says as I sigh.

"You got this," she says as I sigh nodding saying bye to her and then getting out of the car heading into the house not seeing Ross on the couch any longer as I walk up to our room to see him laying on the bed scrolling through Twitter as he looks up at me.

"You were gone forever, what took so long" I hear him growl as I look at him "Went longer than expected," I said nervously as he looks at me.

"You okay you sound nervous," He asks as I shake my head.

"I'm fine. It's just a lot going on right now" I say as he nods "Sure is, now get over here and kiss me" He says as I giggle walking to the bed getting on it as he presses his lips to me as he pulls away and looks at me.

"What's wrong, what's going on," He asks as I look up at him.

"Nothing," I say avoiding his gaze as he puts his hand under my chin and turning me to face him.

"You're avoiding my gaze you lie when you do that, what's up," He says again as I gulp and look at him... What the hell do I say...I can't tell him...I don't want to tell him...I can't.....I have to though...ugh Laura just tell him. 

"One sec," I say as I grab the test and picture of the baby as I hand them to him as he looks up at me with all kinds of emotions as I bite my lip.

"I'm pregnant Ross. We are going to be parents," I say nervous as he looks at me shocked but lets out a huge smile picking me up and getting off the bed spinning me around. 

"Oh my god Laura this is amazing," He says smiling as I look at him. 

"Really your not mad," I ask as he shakes his head "No way Laura, I'm so happy," He says as I smile at him. 

"And just think this all started because of one simple text," He says as I smile at him. 

"Guess you could say we Fell In Love Through Texting

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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