Prequel Chapter 55: Fun Nights

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Ross's POV:

I left to go to the bathroom and I look to see Laura talking with a lot of girls...great, now I have to enter the dangerous girl territory....Wish me fricking a ton of luck.

I walk up to her as I see a couple of them look at me as I sneak behind her wrapping my arms around her waist and singing in her ear.

"There you are standing with all your friends

So I wait until you're alone again and the minutes feel like eternity"

I hear her giggle as she turns her head and looks at me.

"Of course you reference your own song" I smile at her nodding.

"Wait isn't that your ex" I hear one of the girls say.

"I mean yea" Laura says as I nod leaning my chin on her head.

"You have a pointy chin" She says as I put a confused face on as the girls laugh at my face.

"Did she just say I had a pointy chin" I ask as the girls as they nod laughing at me.

"That is a first" I say as Laura laughs. "You do" she says again.

"Okay then Laura whatever you say"

"Im being serious" she says turning around as I lift my apparent pointy chin from her head "Okay Laura" I say as she groans slapping me playfully "Stop doing that"

"Okay Laura"

"Shor stop"

"Okay Marie"

"Ugh you annoy me so much" She groans as I laugh "You love it" I say as she glares at me "You love me" I say again as she turns away from me "Laura" I say as she ignores me as I poke her, as she continues to ignore me. I poke her again and again as she groans "Stupid flies"

"Wow" I say as I hear the girls she was talking to laughing.

"You did not just call me a fly" I say

"I called you multiple annoying, pesky little flies" I hear her say as I roll my eyes "I'm leaving" I say smirking unwrapping my arms from her.

"Okay have fun trying to get home" I hear her say as I stop In my tracks turning back around to see her smirking at me.

"I did not think that through" I say as she laughs "No you did not"

"So maybe I am not leaving" I say as she laughs "Guess not".

"I'm starting to realize why people ship you guys together so much" I hear one of the girls say as Laura smiles "I'll talk to you guys later" I hear Laura say grabbing my hand as we walk off "You could of talked to them longer I don't mind" I say as she shakes her head pulling me to a backer part of the place.

"I feel like we are entering some shady parts-" I get cut off by her lips on mine as I smile kissing her back wrapping my arms around her pulling her close to me as I feel her smile through the kiss as we soon pull away and look at each other.

"What was that" I say breathless "I mean not that I am complaining" I say as she giggles "I don't know you just look so good" she says as I smile at her "Aww Laurie" she rolls her eyes glaring at me and moves her hands messing with my tie as she smiles up at me.

"Your so handsome" She says as I smile at her.

"And your beautiful as frick" I say as she smiles at me.

"As much as I would love to stay here like this with you we probably should head back" I sigh nodding as we interlock our hands as we walk back as Vanessa comes to us "Come on sit down were starting to eat" Laura nods as she leads me over to a table were I see her parents, Drew and a couple other people I don't recognize. Vanessa sits next to Drew as Laura sits next to Ness and I sit next to Laura.

The people I don't know are talking with Laura's parents as Laura looks at me smiling, as I smile at her, when I soon hear talking as I see Jace and Keira at the front of the room.


We just got back into Laura's parents car as we head home. Tonight was pretty fun besides my lack of knowledge of who like 95 percent of the people were.

I feel a head fall on my arm as I smile to see Laura's eyes closed as I smile and go on my phone during the ride home.

We just dropped off Vanessa and Drew as I hear.

"Ross you want us to drop you off at your house" I hear Ellen ask as I shake my head "No it's fine. Laura's place is fine" I say as she nods looking ahead as I look down at my sleeping girlfriend smiling as I look out the window looking at the stars as we drive by.


Ross's POV:

I wave bye to Laura's parents as I close the door to the house locking it and then carrying Laura up to her room laying her on the bed sighing....I don't want to wake her but she will wake up anyways sleeping in that dress.

I can do this I can change her without wanting to fuck her...right? Eh let's have a little hope.

I go to her dresser pulling out spandex and a sports bra and then walk back to Laura and carefully unzipping her dress as I pull it down her....fuck...nope this is not happening....

I groan closing my eyes.....

Oh sure because that is going to help, now I cant even see

Damn me for trying to be a good boyfriend

Ugh stupid brain

I open my eyes sighing as I pull her dress off putting it on the hanger and hanging it in the closet as I look at her....laying in bed in her bra and underwear....Fuckkkkk meeeeeeee

Frick this, I toss the sports bra and spandex on the ground and strip to my boxers myself and then get on the bed pulling the covers over both Laura and I and wrapping my arms around her pulling her to me laying her head on my chest as I soon fall asleep myself.

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