Prequel Chapter 11-Texting

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April 30, 2026

Laura's POV:

It's been a week since Ross came to set that day, and also tried to kill himself...I have not talked to him since we dropped him off that day, which the car ride was completely silent until he was out of the car, then Maia started to mess with him. I know I should text him I just don't want to.... I can't fall for him again.... I can't put myself in a position to get heart broken again... I just can't....And I know that if I continue to talk and hangout with Ross I will.... I have to shut him out but at the same time make sure he does not kill himself....God why is life like this...why did he have to kiss Courtney.... I mean he did give me his all speech on it which was as follows... I may of memorized it.... as I think about it like everyday

We literally kissed 3 times... one of those she only kissed me.... the second time Ross was being stupid thinking Courtney was me... and the third time him apparently trying to tell me about what happened but he was drunk and made a mistake...

The first time I guess is okay, but he should of told me right then and there... and then for him to meet up with her again and not fucking tell me... and then to kiss her back....and then why the hell would he meet up with her again if he was trying to tell me... why would he not just tell me and ignore her.... and I get he was drunk but still... he should never of been with her in the first place.... I will never forget about this... it hurts so much he would do this.... he should of told me from the start but he went back to her twice! And did not bother to tell me... it hurts so hurts that he would not come to me first that he decided to go back to her first.... it hurts like hell...

I hear my phone ring as I sigh and see it's Rydel.


"Laura, please talk to Ross." I hear her say fast.

"What do you mean-"

"I mean he won't come out of his room or talk to anyone. Ratliff just puts food outside the door for him and I guess he's been eating it" I hear her say as I sigh.

"Rydel I can't be-"

"I know Laura and we will try to figure this out but we need him to talk first and the only way that is happening if you talk to him" I sigh..

"Fine I will text him" I say, as I can literally feel her smile through the phone.

"Thank you Laura"


We end the call as I sigh and click on Ross as I sigh...

Laura: Hey Colorado Boy

I send him as I sigh about to do something else when I hear my phone go off and see Ross reply... that was way to damn fast....

Ross: Hi Cali Girl

Laura: What's up?

Ross: Nothing at all

Laura: Fun

Ross: I know right. What about you?

Laura: Working on my next album, and practicing my lines for a new movie I am trying out for

Ross: Damn, so why are you texting me, you seem very busy

Frick... he caught me....

Laura: I am tired and need a break

Ross: So you text me?

This guy....

Laura: Do you not want me to text you, because I can get back to work

Ross: What NO! I like talking to you. It's just you have not in a week now, I thought you were done with me again.

I sigh... I mean I kind of want to be done with you... or I never will get over you....

Laura: Sorry like you said I am super busy with everything with filming on Disney, and trying out for the new movie, and then new music.

Ross: Damn your so busy, why are you doing this to yourself

Laura: I love it, and well I do what I love, and don't stop

Ross: Yea I know all the nights you told me to 'fuck yourself' since you were to busy for me

Oh my god, he did not just go there....

Laura: Don't take it personally Ross, you know I love to keep my self busy

Ross: But I kept you busy as well *smirks*

And he officially went there....

Laura: Ross

Laura: Stop

Laura: Right

Laura: Fucking

Laura: Now

Ross: Hehe sowwwwwwy

Ross: The opportunity was just so perfect

Laura: Of course it was *rolls eyes*

Ross: Why do I feel like we are 21 all over again

Laura: Cause we are texting like how we did back when we were 21

Ross: I miss those days.

Laura: Me to...

Ross: Oh how I wish we could go back to the night at the Hollywood sign, and do it all again, our first kiss, when we admitted our feelings, everything, but this time me not fuck everything up

I read the text and feel myself get emotional... stop it Laura... see this is my damn problem.... I still love him and I swear if I talk to him I will just crack and bam we will be dating again.... and then I put myself in position for heartbreak again....

Ross: Oh no here we go. Left on Read again

Ross: You just love leaving me on read don't you

Laura: Yea I do

Laura: Sorry I

Laura: Well I

Laura: Your text

Laura: And I

Laura: You know what forget it

Ross: Sorry I should not of said that

Laura: Anyways

Ross: Anyways what

Laura: I don't know I was hoping you would say something

Ross: I don't know what to say

Laura: Me neither

Ross: Sooooo

Laura: Sooooooo

Ross: Sooooooooooo

Laura: Soooooooooooooo

Ross: Soooooooooooooooooo

Laura: Stop I am getting emotional

Ross: Why? What's Wrong?

Ross: Are you okay?

Laura: Yea calm down. It's just I remember when we sent so many so's to each other before we knew who the other person was

Ross: Haha yea.

Ross: Good old days

Laura: For sure

Laura: Listen I got to get back to work, Kristen Is flipping out on me for not having songs done.

Ross: Aww. Okay.

Ross: Maybe we could one day try to write another one, if you are desperate

Laura: Haha. If you get a call at midnight right before my album releases you will know why

Ross: I can't wait

Laura: See ya Colorado

Ross: Bye Cali girl

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