Chapter 61

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Ross's POV:

Laura went off to call the movie producer about it a little bit ago as I see her finally come back and sit down smiling, that's a good sign.

"Well what's going on" Vanessa asks as Laura smiles "They are doing all my scenes first and if they need me to redo something or finish something then I will just come during days off from the tour, they already had called Kristen about scheduling and everything" Laura says with a smile.

"Thank god" I say as Laura smiles at me.

"Your going to be so busy, between tour and the movie" Vanessa says as Laura sighs nodding "Yea I know, but it's so worth it" Laura says smiling. Looks like I am going to be going over to her house at 2 am to hang out with her... since she will be so busy during the day.

"Ross you did a DCOM Right" I hear Vanessa ask as I nod "Yea Teen Beach Movie" I say smiling as she nods "Right the surfer, biker thing right" I nod at her "And co star was the best Aussie in the world"

"I think we are thinking of two different co stars" I say laughing "Maia is defiantly not that" I say through a laugh as Vanessa rolls her eyes "Maia is the best"

"Eh she's a mom she babies me around like I'm a little kid"

"I wonder why" I hear Laura say as I glare at her "I don't need your sarcasm missy" Laura laughs as I look at Vanessa.

"How do you know Maia anyways"

"Switched at Birth, The Fosters set was like next door to the Switched at Birth one" I nod at her "Oh right you were on Switched at Birth" I say as she nods "Yup sure was"

"Good job, It was good at least the parts I saw with Rydel were pretty good"

"Thanks Ross" I nod at her sending a smile as we continue to talk enjoying dinner, and I am starting to feel like Laura's family is really accepting me well more of her dad accepting me finally since her sister and mom ship us....


We get into Laura's car after saying bye to her parents as Laura smiles at me.

"I say that went really good" She says as I smile nodding "Yea I do to, I feel like your dad has warmed up to me more" I say as she nods "Thankfully" She says as I look at her "So when did you audition for this movie" I ask as Laura smiles "About a month ago I think" She says.

"And you did not tell me" I say sadly as she looks at me "Oh Ross I'm sorry I did not tell you, it was like a last second thing and stressful and I guess I just felt like I did not do good so I did not want to tell many people" She says as I look over at her interlocking our fingers.

"It's okay. I'm not mad" I say as she looks at me sending me a smile.

"We probably should get you home" She says as I sigh "I don't wanna though" I Say as she looks at me "Ross you spend more time with me then your own family" She says giggling as I look at her "I have spent the last 18 years with them, plus I will be stuck on a tour bus with them for a year" I say as she looks at me "Your going to be stuck on a tour bus with me for a year to" I look at her "Yea but your not my siblings" I say as she looks at me "What does that mean"

"It means I don't hate you ever other minute" She laughs rolling her eyes.

Laura gives me a suspicious look "Right, Thanks I think" I laugh as I start the car heading back to her house.

"Your coming back to my house aren't ya" She says as I look at her "Well my car is still at your house so..." I trail off as she turns red from embarrassment as I smile at her "Your so cute" I say as she looks out the window ignoring my gaze.

"Laura" I say as she still does not look at me.

"Talk to meeeeee" I groan as she sighs and turns to look at me.

"Hi" I say as she giggles "Hey"


Laura's POV:
How is it possible that Ross literally just left, like he just pulled out of my drive way and I already miss him... Like how? I literally have been with him since 2 am yesterday and I miss him... I sigh locking up the house and then going up to my bed laying in it and turning on Harry Potter.

I soon hear my phone beep as I reach over for it and smile seeing a text from him.

Colorado: Just wanted to let you know I am home

I smile at the text, something about it just makes me so happy

Laura: *Thumbs up* Good job you can drive

Colorado: Wow.

Laura: Jk

Colorado: Oh so your saying I can't drive now

Colorado: Your mean

Laura: Really

Colorado: Don't Really me, your the one who started it

Laura: I'm going to bed

Colorado: What no! It's only 11

Laura: So we have rehearsals and I also have a meeting with my director

Colorado: Oooo you do

Laura: Yup. It should be great, I get the script and have to memorize most of it

Colorado: Yikes, that's no fun

Laura: Yea, but I should be fine

Laura: I hope

Colorado: I bet you will do great

Laura: Thanks Ross

Colorado: So wait what is the movie even about

Laura: A girl who's trying to win prom queen and well things go really bad for her starting with her hair, and then it keeps getting worse plus absolutely failing her drivers test and other things, it's going to be great

Colorado: Haha sounds awesome

Colorado: You know I will be watching it the first time it hits Disney

Laura: Awe. <3

I smile continuing to text him until I eventually fall asleep.

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