Bruce's Path

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Yeah, I didn't think through making the second to last story have two separate endings... Anyways welcome to the new book and let's get into that sweet sweet angst 


EDIT 2 05/02/2024: I've added a few lines to this one as well as changing the format

Bruce thought for a moment. Without Tim, his mission was riskier and he could use the extra support. The perfect stand-in was right there and he could do with the catch-up. He needed to get something off his chest that he hadn't been able to tackle whilst his ward was in self-imposed isolation.

"You can come with me tonight, Tim needs time to bond with the others," he answered. 

"Sounds good to me. Do you have my spare suit?" Tim scoffed at the notion.

"This is Bruce we're talking about. He probably has twenty spares and twenty more modified versions of your suit in progress," he joked. He was half-serious though. It was no secret that Bruce had spares for anything and everything, his nature as someone who planned for every possibility no matter the percentage of likelihood. Tim had a sneaking suspicion that he still had spares of Dick's old Robin suit just in case the older decided to go back to his old mantle when it next became free. 

"Don't you have a sleepover to get to?" Bruce asked, giving his partner a pointed glare. The glare meant nothing to the teenager who happily shrugged it off. When it was directed to you enough, it lost zest. 

"We should catch up sometime. Saturday good?" Tim asked Dick, ignoring his mentor's aggravation. 

"I think I can squeeze in some time with my little brother," the older replied. He made sure to mess up Tim's slicked-back hair as he spoke. He was the big brother after all. 

"We're only like four years apart." Dick laughed at the weak defence. "Talk to you later?"

"Bet on it."

After seeing Tim off, the pair did a quick overview of the case before suiting up and jumping into the Batmobile. The case itself was simple. Drug ring busts always were when they didn't involve the rogues. 

It felt unreal to be back in the Batmobile after so long. Nightwing had kept separate from his former mentor long before Wally died, not wanting to slip back into Batman's shadow even with a new title and city of his own. There was something comforting about the Batmobile. He knew that when he got beat up or just had a hard night in general, sitting in the car meant he was going home to a warm bed and hugs if the occasion called for it. It was always there, it didn't look the same but it was always there. Waiting to bring him home or being the feeling of home he longed for. 

"So how's life been?" Nightwing eventually asked. They'd been sat in silence thanks to his daydreaming and he knew that Batman would use that against him at some point in the evening if he didn't strike up a conversation. He could no longer zone out without causing someone to worry about where his mind ended up.

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