Is that a crossover?

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I just want to have a fluffy thing with Peter and Dick because I love them and I want the best for them

Peter Parker, AKA Spider-Man, had struck up an odd friendship. It wasn't with a God. It wasn't with a previous assassin. It was with someone from a completely different dimension. They'd met when they came into his dimension on accident. Eventually, after a lucky break, they were able to send them home. This person was Robin but Peter knew him as Dick. When they sent him back home, Peter gave him a box that would allow him to travel back to their dimension, in case he fancied meeting back up. Peter had a similar device that allowed him to travel to Dick's dimension and out at will. He never really thought about travelling to the other's dimension until a particularly boring weekend. All The Avengers were away on a mission he couldn't join, Aunt May was working most of the time, Ned was at his Grandmas and MJ was busy. He was at his desk, finishing up his homework as it was the only thing he could do when he just so happened to glance at the inter-dimensional device. He grinned to himself and picked it up. "I'm sure he won't mind me dropping by," he muttered to himself. Maybe he could meet his friends and family. Dick made it obvious just how much he loved them. They were probably worth knowing. He fiddled with the switches, making sure it was properly tuned and he didn't end up in some other place. As he did this, he wondered if he should wear his suit. They could go on a mission together. If his dimension was just as chaotic as Peter's then he probably should bring it.

Now kitted out in his Spider-man uniform, Peter pressed the button and was sent to Dick's dimension. He squeezed his eyes shut and kept his breath even. He'd never travelled inter-dimensionally. Up until meeting Tony he hadn't even been on an aeroplane. His stomach flipped and churned as he travelled through. It was like going on a rollercoaster that kept going down at a high speed. Suddenly, the feeling stopped. He opened one eye and looked around. It looked like he was inside of a Mountain, judging by the walls and ceiling being made up of rocks. In front of him was a square of pure light. Near the square of light were big circles carved into the walls. The insides were grey and mechanical parts. He turned around to get a better look at the place and saw a long hallway. Down it was a few doors, some with posters on for what he thought were either bands or tv shows. They looked like the bedroom doors at The Avenger's compound. Maybe Dick lived here. "Hello?" he called out. He didn't get a response. Dick was probably out on a mission so he decided to look around whilst he waited. He explored the light pad first. When he stepped into the middle, a holographic keyboard popped up in front of him. Tony had something similar in his lab. Interested, he typed in Dick's hero name to see what would happen. It came up with a short bio, nothing about his personal name or life. He raised an eyebrow at that. Did these people know who he was? On his status, it said he was currently returning from a mission. Peter sighed. He was definitely going to have to waste some time.

After reading over the bio, he quickly became bored with it and turned his attention to the hallway. He didn't want to mess with the big circles. They could be an exit and he didn't fancy getting lost in an environment he didn't know. He wandered down the hallway and looked at the doors. Each had a name on and were sometimes decorated with whatever the person liked. Connor seemed like a simple person, he didn't have anything on his door. Next the hell do you say that name? M'gann? Was that a name? Either way, their door was covered head to toe in bright colourful posters from magazines. He wondered how old they were since the magazines were called Kids Weekly and Teens Mag. Was there someone younger than Dick knocking around? The next door was Artemis'. Plain, simple, aside from a lightning bolt symbol. He would've thought their thing was archery or something considering their name was Artemis. Perhaps he was too presumptuous. The next was Wally's. Oh, that was his boyfriend! Peter looked forward to meeting him. Apparently, they were similar. They were sure to get along. His door had the same lightning bolt sticker on which made him think Artemis didn't put it on their door themselves. Robin's room was next. He read that right. Robin. He would've thought his actual name would be on it. The door had a few memes on it about Batman. Peter didn't get them but he guessed they were funny in their own context. Finally was Kaldur's door. Quirky name. His door was plain. Further down the hall was a big room full of different objects. They looked like junk, things that you'd get a particularly terrible yard sale.

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