Two stories for the price of one

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Dick walked out of his bedroom, still half asleep, then noticed the floorboards creaking. Since he hadn't moved, he began looking for the disturbance that caused it. He found Bruce and Selina sneaking trying to sneak back into Bruce's bedroom. Selina was wearing a cocktail dress and had her high heels in one hand and her jacket in the other. Bruce was wearing his robe and looked bright right. They made eye contact with the confused thirteen-year-old. "You said he would be asleep," she whisper-yelled to Bruce.

"He normally is on Fridays."

"Today is Saturday," she reminded him.

"Did you guys have a sleepover or something?" Dick asked innocently. The pair glanced at one another. "What's with you guys? Cat got your tongue?"

"Something like that," Selina answered, winking at Bruce. He blushed harshly giving her a light nudge. 

"I haven't given him the talk yet so not a word." She nodded. "We were having a sleepover and now Selina is gonna go home," Bruce said, addressing his bewildered ward. Dick shrugged to himself, dismissing how odd they were acting and descended the steps to head for the kitchen. "That was a close one," Selina sighed. "Good things he's oblivious outside of work."

Like every Saturday, Dick went to meet with Young Justice. He couldn't get the odd occurrence out of his head. Maybe it was just something adults did or something he just didn't understand. "Penny for your thoughts?" Wally asked, noticing Dick's thinking face. It was like a frown but his eyebrows were tightly knitted together. 

"Something that happened this morning. There's something odd about but I can't tell what it was," he replied.

"What happened?" M'gann asked after eavesdropping on the conversation.

"Well, Bats and Catwoman came out of his room this morning and started muttering to each other. I asked if they had a sleepover but they didn't really answer. Then he said something about not having the talk with me yet. I don't really get what happened," he explained. In the kitchen, Artemis spat out her drink and laughed. 

"Dude they had sex!" she shouted. Wally was also laughing whilst M'gann shook her head at both of them. 

"You're so immature." She glanced down to Dick who was now typing a number into his phone. "What're you doing?"

"Getting my therapist back."

Request by Another_chapter Talon!Dick with Reverse Batfam

Today was Dick's first day of school. Ever. He wasn't nervous but he wasn't excited either. Like most of the time, he remained unfeeling to new events. His adoptive family put this down to his talon training forcing him to disassociate from his feelings. Jason went to the same school as him and was tasked with keeping an eye over the new addition to the group. They'd spent all morning trying to cover up the yellow lines that traced his veins and putting in blue contacts to hide his bright yellow eyes. The last thing they needed was someone connecting Dick to what Talons looked like. The Court of Owls was already biting at their ankles to get their fighter back.

As they approached the school, their eldest brother and Bruce waved them off. Tim was busy working a case as always so couldn't join. "Remember, do not talk about your past. If anyone asks anything about it you change the subject," Damian reminded him.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now