5th Day of Christmas

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Heavily influenced by My R, enjoy this angsty thing that has...two endings?!? It's your fault if you read the mega sad one





Edited 06/02/2024: format changes and additions to the story

The wind bit at Nightwing's skin as he sat on the edge. The edge of what you make ask? The edge of everything he supposed. More specifically and literally, he was on the edge of a blindingly high building. It had been a spot he was always eyeing up when he swung across the city but never dared to scale for fear of the call of the void. He could only resist it for so long and he couldn't be blamed for listening to its haunting song. He was planning on ending it all right there. Keyword being planning. 

A vibrating noise caught his attention. Had someone noticed him sitting on the rooftop? Were they going to reason with him? Perhaps this was what he needed. Someone to snatch him back from the dizzying height. Hesitantly, he pulled out his phone and answered the call. 

"Nightwing speaking," he answered. He knew how to play jolly. He'd been doing it long enough. 

"Can you come over?" a whimpering Tim asked. Now how could he say no to that voice? It would only be selfish if he flung himself off the building instead of helping the younger with whatever was going on. He jumped up from the ledge, leaving his plans behind. He cared about his family too much, more than he cared for himself which usually did more bad than good. He deserved to do something that would make Tim happy. Even if it interrupted his goal. 

"Sure Timbo, no problem. How about you tell me what's bothering you whilst I make my way over there?" he answered. 

"It's Steph! I tried so hard to make our relationship work and she still dumped me!" Tim answered. "I just don't know what to do anymore." 

Clearly, he was upset by the situation but the vigilante could only find a bitter taste in his mouth. Girlfriend troubles were what had this kid down? He never got tricked into being with someone parading as his girlfriend and losing his entire friendship group over it. He doubted Tim's friends would even care that they broke up, just tell him that it sucks and they're there for him. Why did he call him with this? It wasn't like the pair were a perfect couple either. They argued 24/7, broke up every other week and Tim crossed her boundaries more than once without a care.

"You've got to be kidding me. Are you upset that you couldn't get what you wanted? You're lucky you never got robbed of anything over a mistake," he snarled.

There was silence between them. Tim because he didn't expect his brother to be so short with him and Nightwing because he snapped at someone who called him for help. After a moment to recover, he immediately apologized. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, it's just been a long night. I'll be there in a minute."

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now