High as a kite but ready to fight pt 2

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Since y'all said yes to the continuation, here ya go

I like drinking orange juice after I've brushed my teeth, it tastes better so if you wanna fight me then fight me


"Get some rest. Alfred will take care of you whilst Tim and I figure out a way to help."

"Don't bother yourselves. I'll be fine."

"Of course you will be Chum. Always are."

Soon after, Alfred joined them and took over the caregiver role in order for Bruce to work on some way to help his son. He pulled out the needle he's taken from the crime scene and took a sample of the reminisce of what was in his system. If he could get a pure sample of it, his job would be a lot easier. "Is there anything I can do?" Tim asked hopefully. He'd wanted to stay with Dick but he thought it better to help Bruce in his endeavour. Maybe that would speed the process up and Dick would be fine by tea time. He could explain how he beat all those guys without backup whilst they watched TV together and act like this part never happened. "You can go over to Dick's apartment and get his computer. We need all the information we can get. I doubt this will tell me much since the sample is so small. I doubt they'll have clean needles either," Bruce responded. He nodded and went straight to the zeta tubes. Bruce turned to his attention back to his sample and waited impatiently for the results. He tapped his finger on the desk to the tune of some song Dick had been humming the last time he was in the Batcave. He couldn't place the name of the song. Knowing his ward he probably made it up himself without a second thought. A bing brought him from his memory and he looked at the results. There wasn't much to conclude. The drugs used were minimal but that could be due to the small amount of the sample. He read through them and concluded a course of antibiotics would do for now. If whatever was in the needle didn't kill Dick, tetanus would. He walked back to the med bay where Alfred was setting up an IV he'd preemptively use. "Any news Master Bruce?" he asked.

"None that can tell me exactly what he's been given. It looks like a mixture of things. Set him up with some antibiotics and keep an eye on his vitals. It would be too easy if it only took that," Bruce responded sceptically.

"I wish blood was blue. It would be much prettier," Dick stated passingly. Droplets of sweat on his forehead were now noticeable from the other side of the room which could only mean bad news. He knew this was a fever you can't sweat out. "That's nice Master Dick," Alfred responded in that passing tone parents used when they didn't really hear what their kid said and just hoped it wasn't something ominous. "Yeah, it is nice."

Deciding he couldn't take much more of Dick's maddened rambling, Bruce went back to his computer. He could try to look up the concoction on the system but he doubted it would be there. He'd become very familiar with both recreational and weaponised drugs and the description didn't match anything he knew. Even so, it was worth the old college try. He sat back and watched the system do its work. It would flash up a name, compare, then say match or no match. If there wasn't a match, it would move to the next one. If there was a match then it would beep repeatedly to grab everyone's attention. Dick once changed it to the sound of him singing in the shower, audio he'd captured when he was ten. Tim still teased him for it. He supposed there were downsides to his ninja training, this being one of them. Speaking, or writing, of Tim, the Zetatube lit up and he came running in with a laptop under his arm. "I have good and bad news," he stated, quickly setting up his station near the Batcomputer. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now