Needles vs Honesty Pt 2

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We all should stan Barbemeli for dealing with me during my stressed and sad phase before exams 


Edited 13/02/2024: format changed and some additions

"Call me if anything happens. I trust you'll take care of him." The older brothers nodded and then watched him leave for patrol. At least they got a somewhat chilled night.

Dick fell asleep quickly thanks to using up all his energy both trying and failing to stop himself from throwing up. His brothers brought their things to occupy their attention when they weren't watching him. After all, they were just watching him sleep for an hour at a time and none of them had the attention span nor the want to stare at the equivalent of paint drying. 

"I don't see why we all had to stay here," Damian complained. His voice was hushed to not wake Dick, even though he'd been so tired he'd sleep through a fire alarm and an earthquake combined. He was a light sleeper but always slept deeper when he was sick as though his body was desperately trying to catch up on all the rest it had previously lost.

"It's a precaution. There should be at least one of us awake just in case," Tim responded. He glanced back at Jason who was curled up in a chair and out like a light, daring to snore obnoxiously. No wonder Bruce chose to have them all stay at home. 

"It's not fair. I'm meant to be investigating cases. I'm not a babysitter."

"Funny because you're sounding a lot like a baby in need of a sitter right now," Tim teased. He rolled his eyes with a tut.

All was quiet for a while until it got to Jason's shift. He was almost as hyperactive as Dick and watching him sleep in a semi-dark room wasn't going to keep him quiet for long or keep him awake despite his nap.

"Why do you think he's so freaked out by hospitals and needles?" he asked.

"Not every fear has something behind it. Maybe he's just freaked out by them in general," Tim reasoned. It was a valuable point. Sometimes people just get freaked out by certain things like how people had fears of clowns and thunderstorms. Things they have no reason to be afraid of since they never experienced a traumatizing event involving said fear. 

"No irrational fear can be that strong. If this had been something severe, he may not have had that chance to come clean," Damian argued. Of course, he had to contradict Tim at every turn. If he didn't there was something horribly wrong and they were all on the brink of death. 

"This is Dick we're talking about. He's the most extra kid in the world when it comes to hiding things. He'd hide being decapitated if he could," Jason reasoned. He wouldn't put it past the acrobat to take an irrational fear to the extreme as long as it made even a lick of sense to him and nobody else. However, that didn't stop him from thinking of alternative theories. "Here's my theory, he was part of a secret government trial which gave him pow-"

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