The Cave

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No, it's not about Plato's Cave analogy 

Wait til the end to see my answer to something I was tagged in by phantasyfan since this was a lil short 

Mind link - "Yeet"

The heroes passed through the cave system, carefully crawling through tight spaces and making note of any escape routes. Their mission was to find one of Klarion's crystals that had long been stashed away but could be extremely powerful if used. Batman thought they should take it just in case he ever came back for it. "When can we have a mission at some beach or something?" Artemis complained, wiping her dirty hands on her leggings. 

"I wouldn't risk asking, Bats can be terribly petty sometimes. He'd probably send us to a beach that gets hit by hurricanes every five minutes," Robin replied. Nothing was ever easy. Even walking through this cave was dangerous. It frequently flash-flooded during the winter season and it just so happened that they were searching for the crystal during the said season. "Sounds like something he would do," she muttered. 

"Look on the bright side, there is no creepy crawlies down here since it constantly floods," Robin reminded her.

"Yeah, all we have to worry about is the sudden flooding," Superboy deadpanned.

"I didn't say it was a big bright side." They continued until they got to a large room. "We shouldn't linger here," he added. The only way out was the way they came and one that wasn't big enough for them all to fit through. In the event of a flood, they wouldn't be able to stay dry. "The crystal could be around here, we have no choice but to linger," Aqualad argued. The younger frowned, not fancying their chances. 

"Keep your breather's on hand then."

As they looked around, a rumble shook through the room. Within an instant, a strong gush of water hit them and filled the room almost all the way. Those who needed them, put their breathing devices in their mouths. Miss Martian set up a mind link to keep them in contact with one another. Their torches were the only light source but the water minimised their light due to how dirty it was. "Everyone okay?" she asked worriedly. 

"Arty and I are good," Kid Flash replied.

"I've got sights on Aqualad," Superboy stated. There was a beat of silence. "Where's Robin?"

"I can't tell. I don't see you guys anywhere," he answered. Aqualad swam down to grab a flashlight and shone it around the room. There was no sign of the hero. That couldn't be. He had to be somewhere, there weren't many places he could've gone. "Did you get sent back through the system?"

"I was on the other side of the room, I couldn't have." He looked around, trying to find the light from their flashlights but there was nothing. No light. No sound except for the sound of bubbles coming out of his breather. "Only you could go missing in this place," Kid Flash commented. 

"Must be my superpower," he responded.

Wherever Robin was, it was dark but the water had a green tint to it. He hummed. Maybe the crystal was through here? He could've just stumbled upon it so he took the chance. "I think I found something, I'm gonna check it out," he announced, swimming towards the source of the green. 

"Robin, don't. You'll get even more turned around," Aqualad reasoned. He ignored him however and continued through the narrow passages. 

"Good thing I'm not wearing a cape," he thought, forgetting the others could hear him. 

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now