Is that an alternative version of that crossover?

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Another_chapter gave me this idea too

In the words of David Tennant "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff" so that's how this happened.

Also, it's probably not incredibly accurate but fuck it, it's fanfic, a fictional character who was bitten by a radioactive spider and now has powers just travelled to a different dimension in order to meet an acrobat who turned into a crime-fighter at the age of nine so don't complain about it being inaccurate

Did I make angst? Yes. Did I ruin this prompt that was supposed to be fun? Yes. Do I like it anyway? Oh hell yeah

Peter closed his eyes as he began to travel through dimensions. When he opened his eyes, he was in Mount Justice. He smiled to himself and started looking around. He immediately bumped into a man dressed in a dark cowl and cloak. His chest had a bat symbol on. It almost looked familiar. He thought back to when Dick first went through the portal to go home. Bat. The person wearing it was presumably a man. Bat. Man. "Oh, you're Batman!" Peter exclaimed, figuring it out. Batman gave him an odd look. He supposed his name was well known in this dimension so guessing it right away wasn't that impressive. "Who are you?" Batman demanded. His hand moved to his yellow belt, unbuttoning one of his pockets. Whatever was in it wasn't exactly good news. "Uh, sorry. Bad start," he said before sticking out his hand for the other to shake. "Hi, I'm Peter. Dick and I are friends. I thought I'd visit him. Is he here?" He didn't understand why Batman looked so confused by his statement. Maybe Dick didn't tell him about what happened when he traveled to a different dimension. "You're friends? With Dick? As in Dick aka Robin?"

"Yeah!" Batman looked him up and down then shrugged to himself. He mumbled something about new heroes popping up every five minutes. Peter didn't ask what that meant. In all honesty, Batman was quite intimidating. At least his hand had moved from the ominous pocket. "Dick! One of your friends is here!" Batman bellowed down the hall. "He'll be here in a minute. The mentors are leaving for a mission, but I suppose you can stay behind with him," he added, walking off somewhere.

A few minutes later, a small boy trotted into the room. He was wearing a bright green and red suit. A domino mask covered his eyes and his hair was a fluffy mess. Peter wondered who the boy could be. Dick was young when they met but it seemed in this dimension they made a habit out of recruiting children. People in his own dimension should've gone a little easier on Tony if they could get away with recruiting people even younger than Peter in this place. "Who are you?" the boy inquired. Funny, he sort of sounded like Dick. Just younger. The longer Peter looked, the more he looked like his friend. 

"I'm Peter. Is Dick coming?" The boy cackled lightly and gave him an odd look. 

"Well, I'm here." Oh, there were probably two Dicks in this dimension.

"I mean Robin," he clarified. The look got even odder.

"I am Robin."

Time stood still. No. This kid couldn't be Robin. He couldn't be Dick. Dick was thirteen. He was small, yes, but not that small. Yet the longer he looked at the boy in front of him, the more he realized that this indeed was his friend. Or will be his friend. "How old are you?" he asked, trying to figure out what went wrong.

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