Another long boi

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Lizzielou17 request that was requested some time ago plz forgive me for taking so long

At least it was over 4000 words to make up for it


Dick was glad to escape the boring old classroom. Maths could be fun but when you finished the work ten minutes into the lesson when it was supposed to last the whole lesson, it got boring very quickly. He was let out early due to this so he decided to wait on the stairs for his older brother, Jason. There weren't many people on the streets at this time since most schools weren't finished for the day yet. He said goodbye to a few other students that had been let out of their lessons and perched himself on the stone walls near the stairs. He didn't want to be in the way of other students. He kicked the air with his legs, humming a tune to himself as he waited. As he did, a man approached him. He had grey hair, like Alfred's, and wore everyday slacks. He didn't look too out of the ordinary but there was something about him that made Dick feel uneasy. Maybe it was the ghastly scar running from his eyebrow to his cheekbone, going over his eye. He felt a little guilty that he was judging the man on his scar but it was pretty freaky. Almost familiar too. "Hello sir," he greeted politely.

"Good afternoon. You look rather lonely on this wall."

"Oh, I'm just waiting for my brother. He's still in class but he should be here soon."

"It's Dick isn't it?" He nodded unsurely. He wasn't quite used to everyone knowing who he was yet. It felt weird but he supposed it wasn't something to worry about. "Tell me, Dick, have your family ever told you about a man called Slade?"

"I can't say they have. Is he famous?" Dick wondered if he was Slade and just wanted someone to remember him. Maybe he was a washed-up old actor who lost work after he got that scar. That would explain the odd familiarity. He could be from one of Damian's martial art movies that he watched strictly for educational purposes and not because he thought they were cool. "Quite so. Do me a favour and don't scream? It makes this a whole lot harder than it needs to be." He pulled out a white napkin and that, as well as his comment, caused Dick to jump off the wall. Unfortunately, the man grabbed his arm and brought him back to the wall. He pushed him against it and got a handful of his raven hair, keeping control of his head whilst he pressed the napkin against the boy's nose and mouth. Tears welled in Dick's eyes as he tried to scream loud enough for someone to hear him but nobody noticed. The streets were empty. There were no cars strolling by. Any other students had already disappeared down back alleys. He stared up at the man, immediately terrified by his lack of expression. It was so cold and unfeeling. What was going to happen to him? "That's it, Dick. Just breathe it in." Eventually, his eyes went out of focus and his eyelids fell closed. His body went limp and the old man released his grip on the boy's hair. "There's a good boy."

"Dick!" Jason yelled from the stairs. His lesson had been finished early thanks to his teacher getting sick halfway through. He dashed to snatch back his brother from Slade's clutches but the man had already stuffed the younger in the trunk of his car. The car screeched off with his baby brother inside. He screamed for someone, anyone, to help him but no help came. His classmates gave him an odd look, not seeing what had happened to put him in such a state. He attempted to run after the car as he shouted and yelled for someone to stop it. His eyes watered as his breathing became rapid from almost blind panic. He hadn't even thought to call his dad until the car was out of sight and there was no hope of catching up with it. Shakily, he plucked his phone from his pocket and panickedly called Bruce. "Jason where are-"

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