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So Another_chapter gave me an idea for this when they commented about how the media treats Dick

With this story, I tried to highlight how the media treats some people and its effects so I tried to be as careful as a could with a topic like this. I'm not a dude on the outside so I don't know if this is how they would feel but I tried my best drawing from the experiences of those who have spoken out about the media's treatment of celebrities. I don't wish to offend anyone with what I've written or draw away from that the attention seems to be more on women than men and if anyone does think I have handled this topic poorly please do DM as it wasn't my intention


"Hey does my nose look big to you?"

"Maybe I should lose a few pounds."

"I guess I already hit my sell-by date."

"Oh everyone gets surgery nowadays, maybe I should too."

"No I didn't get fillers, who said that I did? Should I get them?"

"I don't really look like this do I?"

"A gala? I can't go on such short notice, I look awful."

Passing comments like these were becoming a lot more common now that the media had decided Dick was more of a sex symbol than a waste of space. Every other article in the gossip magazines was about how he looked. Nobody cared who he was. Why would they? He was simply a pretty face. Something to gawk at when you had nothing else to do. Something you wished to have all to yourself even though you know nothing about him. He wasn't a person. He was a body. One gossip column would call him perfect whilst another pointed out all the flaws. One would like his muscles whilst another said it was just fat. Sometimes he'd get asked to come to photoshoots. He'd go for the hell of it. He liked the attention and the buzz around him but he'd always regret it because there'd be thousands of people arguing about how he wasn't good looking enough to be in a magazine. Then there was picking up the final photos and hardly recognizing himself. He was photoshopped to high heaven. It pointed out everything that was wrong with him and he guessed he just had to accept that he wasn't good enough. Everyone noticed the look in his eye when he so much as glanced at himself in one of the articles. The subtle wince he'd do upon hearing someone ask did you see that article so and so did on you?

Barbara never got why people decided to latch onto him so harshly. He never did anything to them. He was nice to every one of those pieces of shit paparazzi guys with their cameras shoved right in his face. Never did he say hey leave me alone when he saw yet another full-length column on his imperfections. They acted like he was supposed to be perfect because he was in the public eye. No one was perfect yet they expected him to be. When he wasn't, he was demonized. Even as the daughter of the Commissioner who, let's face it, was dependent on vigilantes to protect his city, she didn't get this kind of press. Maybe because a Commissioner wasn't as important as the billionaire Gotham knew so well. She'd noticed her boyfriend slowly spiral but it wasn't that bad until one night. She was in the front room watching TV whilst Dick was doing the dishes. "Hey Babs, is there anything you would change about me?" he asked softly.

"Other than your instance to watch Tik Toks in bed when I'm trying to work?" she joked.

"I'm being serious," he replied. The ginger sat up a little with a concerned look.

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