Distress Signal

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This is so dumb 

Red Hood didn't particularly like answering distress signals. They were a hassle and normally ended up with him being forced into being a shoulder to cry on. He hated the whole emotional support side. Sure he could stitch someone back up no problem. Blood didn't bother him. It may as well be water when he saw it pooling on the ground from some open wound or other. Though, it could be jarring if it was coming thick and fast out of someone he tried not to care about. Key word being tried. People always found a way to worm their ways into his heart no matter how many walls he built up.

The night was bitterly cold as he leaned against a wall, lighting up a cigarette whilst the peace remained. That moment of bliss was interrupted by the shrill beeping of some box Batman had shoved in his hands on their last visit with the order to keep it on him at all times. Although he wouldn't take orders from the man, he knew when to follow an order as a suggestion. He pulled it out his coat pocket and flipped the lid. There was a small screen displaying his current location and a red dot about two blocks away. His eyebrows knotted as he studied the dot. "Goldie?" he questioned. Nightwing hardly ever asked for help, let alone set off his distress signal. He swung a foot over his motorbike and headed over. He'd probably triggered it without even noticing. He was lucky Red Hood was free to let him know it was going off.

It only took a matter of minutes to arrive at the location and, after hiding his bike behind a few dumpsters, he entered the building. His gun was cocked and loaded, ready for anyone and anything stupid enough to try to attack him. It didn't take him long to notice a burst of shrill laughter coming from inside. Something about it didn't sit well with him. Sure Nightwing cackled but it was nothing like this. "Goldie?" he called into the darkness. The laughter got louder. He remained cautious as he walked over to turn the lights on. Buzzing and humming drowned out the hysteric laughter for a few seconds but it soon returned to being the dominant sound. "Where the fuck are you?" he muttered, searching the area around him. After a couple of tries, he noticed a curled-up figure where the laughter was coming from. The face was exposed, a contorted grin plastered on it whilst tears trickled down their cheeks. He'd know that face anywhere. Nightwing was clutching at his stomach, trying with all his might to suck in a breath whenever he could but he'd never get enough. "Maybe I should call someone else? I can't deal with insane you," Red Hood stated, slowly trying to find the exit again. Nightwing shook his head frantically and pointed a few feet ahead of him. There was a tube laying on the ground which he had his heart on. Red Hood ran to pick it up and returned it to the older.

Once the pass-over was made, he realized what had gone on. The tube was an antidote for Joker venom which made you laugh hysterically until you eventually suffocated. Nightwing popped off the cap and plunged the needle into his thigh. Agonizing seconds passed by until the laughter finally died out. He gulped down as much oxygen as he could, Red Hood watching him rather helplessly. Was he supposed to get involved? "What the fuck do you mean "I should call someone else"? I sent out a distress signal! I was in distress!" Nightwing yelled once his lungs felt satisfied with the offerings of air. Before he got the chance to defend himself against the infuriated acrobat, there was a loud smash. They turned to see Robin standing triumphantly as shards of glass lay at the bottom of his feet. "I'm here to save you, Grayson," he announced.

"I'm fine now Rob-" The back doors to the building slammed open to reveal Red Robin carrying a medical kit half the size of himself. 

"Injury status now!" They were just about to explain the situation further when Batman himself came running onto the scene. 

"Who attacked you?"

"Oh so now you all turn up," Red Hood commented in an exasperated tone. He threw his hands up in the air to add to the drama. 

"You still came to get me, you know what that means?" Nightwing replied, his tone suspiciously playful. Red Hood shook his head. "You wuv me." He snatched the younger up in a hug, earning small laughs from the others. 

"I will fucking strangle you."

i'm like so tired 

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