the saving

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Jenny_Mythical_Witch come get y'alls juice


"He's Dick Grayson?" Bruce repeated once Jason returned from his patrol. Damian's jaw slacked in shock whilst Tim immediately felt an immediate sense of sympathy. Sure the kid punched him in the face but it would've been worse. He could've been killed. It would've been easier to be killed and out of the way. The kid had spared all of them when he could've and should've killed them. Now knowing that the Talon was Dick, he couldn't help but feel sorrowful that instead of coming to live with them as they had intended, he'd had to live there and become something he never should've been. "Yes and I'm meeting him on Saturday. I said we'd help. We are gonna help right?" Jason asked. He probably should've given them the heads up when they made the plans but he didn't have time. Dick had a tendency to run off so he couldn't spare a minute to get a vote on the issue. "It would be unfair of us to retract the hand of help we offered him," Damian stated, clearly all for helping the boy. 

"I knew that uncle of his was no good. I should've done something. He's already been with them for six months. God knows what they've done to him," Bruce rambled. The guilt was almost crushing him. He quickly went about collecting all the information they had on Talons and how they worked. He didn't want to slip up again and lose the boy. He wouldn't leave him to deal with it again. "Bruce, you couldn't have known it would end on this," Tim assured him. Bruce sighed but didn't really believe what his second eldest was saying. He couldn't. "And you're doing something about it now so it's okay. He's been there for six months but he can live with us for longer."

"Either way. We can't just take him and play happy families," Jason pointed out. Damian nodded. "When we met, there was a noise. The moment he heard it, he ran off and it didn't look like he had a choice in it," he added. "And he said something about a handler."

"I bet they're the one who makes the call. It must mean to return to base. Even if he wanted to escape, he'd have to come back once he heard it," Tim theorized. He tapped his chin as he came up with different ways to get around the problem. "Noise-cancelling headphones!" he exclaimed, snapping his fingers. "If all else fails we could tranquilize him."

"But let's hope it doesn't come to that," Damian mumbled. He'd rather not knock the kid out. 

"We'll see on Saturday."

They waited inside the clock tower impatiently. Each was looking out one of the four arches for any sign of the Talon. Admittedly, they were feeling very excited at finally having Dick in their home. Batman kept his room decorated just in case things didn't work out with his uncle. They'd filled it with a hand me downs and various circus memorabilia to make him feel at home. He hoped Dick liked it. Compared to wherever the Court had him stashed away, it would be a big step up. Two feet landed on the roof lightly and bright golden eyes met Red Hood's masked ones. He jumped back at the sudden sight of the Talon, which was returned by the other. "Jesus, you scared the life outta me," he complained. 

"That wasn't my intention," Dick responded. He climbed inside and inspected the room, recognizing the other three that he hadn't greeted yet. 

"You're looking more yellow," Robin pointed out in concern. The marks under his skin and his eyes were definitely fainter the last time they met. 

"I'm turning more Talon. Nearly stripped of everything," he replied, looking at his hands longingly. Their hearts shattered by that distant look. It begged for a simpler time when he was happy. "But that's where you come in. To help me, that is." He looked back up at them and held his hands behind his back. His posture was strained to look perfect, his expression stoic. "We'll give you asylum with Bruce Wayne. You'll be safe there."

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