Alternate ending to something I wrote ages ago that was really bad

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so FandomTrash257 requested an alternate ending and I was down because holy shit that chapter from my first book was just so bad. I honestly don't like looking at my work from that book because it's just a big ol bad


So I'm just gonna rewrite a part of the story because I can do better and people won't remember this story from my first book

Damian was in the foulest of moods that day and was ready to burst at any moment. In his hand he was almost ripping a stress ball in half due to his frustrations over...well he didn't really know what it was over. It was just everything in general that had him so frustrated. Unfortunately, Dick didn't know about his foul mood since he'd only just got back from Bludhaven when Bruce tasked him with talking to Damian about missing class for reasons other than being Robin. "Damian we need to talk," Dick announced, walking into Damian's room. He'd previously knocked on the door but had no reply. Considering the nature of the conversation, he decided that privacy should be put aside. "I don't want to talk," Damian snapped. He glared at the wall in front of him, daydreaming about ramming swords through some mystery person. A face wasn't necessary when he was thinking about what would give him true catharsis. "Well we've got to. B tells me that you've been skipping classes." Damian rolled his eyes then turned to face the older.

"I skip the classes because I don't want to be there. It's boring." He hoped the reply would be enough to get the man out of his room yet Dick lingered in the doorway as he thought over what he should say next. "You can't just skip classes because you feel like it. You need an education," he insisted. "I get that class is really boring compared to being a hero but you need the knowledge to progress in your personal life." The speech was ripped straight from a lecture Bruce gave him years ago but he hoped it would have some affect on Damian.

Already done with this conversation and the entire day, Damian ripped the stress ball in half and gave Dick a look that could kill. "Grayson, you're not even real family so get out," he barked. The older raised an eyebrow at him followed by the cock of his head. 

"What do you mean? Of course I'm real family." 

"No you aren't. You aren't Father's real son. You are just a popularity booster that became more problematic with time. If you hadn't found out about Father's life as Batman, you would've been dumped off at some orphanage like the burden you are," the teenager explained in a deadly serious tone. He had no idea what his words would do. He just said it in the heat of the moment with no real clue as to how it could affect the older. If only he knew. Dick coughed awkwardly to cover up the sound of him choking on tears. "Just go to class," he said, his voice weak. Damian waved him off without a care and returned to imagining a faceless individual being ripped apart by swords. He was right. He was always right. The consequences of his actions never crossed his mind.

Dick speed-walked to his room and shut the door behind him. His breathing picked up as he pressed his back against the oak door. He needed to shut out the world for just a minute so he could catch himself. Damian didn't mean it right? He was probably just ratty from long patrols and didn't even think about what he was saying. But what if him not thinking allowed him to share his true feelings? Dick always knew he was a burden. Even though everyone tried to tell him he wasn't, he just knew he was. He had to be. Bruce had to balance work life, vigilantism and raising him for years. How was he repaid? With years of sleepless nights because he couldn't sleep and for him to just runoff. Dick was a bad kid. He'd always known it. Always there to bring the mood down with his nightmares and baggage. He wasn't needed. He shouldn't be there. Dick felt tears trickle down his cheeks as he thought about it all. He needed a better escape. Crying wouldn't be enough to have a moment of silence from the terrible thoughts that plagued him. Maybe if he only did it a little it'd be fine. He didn't have to go too far with it. But he promised Bruce he'd never do it again after he was caught. Even so, he was already a disappointment so why should he try to uphold that promise? Bruce already expected him to fail, he supposed. Plus, he didn't need to know. It could be Dick's little secret. He could just keep it quiet and just go far enough to let off some steam. He'd have to thank Damian later for being so blunt with him. He didn't need lies. Lies that said he wasn't a burden and that he was worth something. Pfft. Who knew he needed a kid to tell him the truth? He pushed himself and walked over to the bathroom. Just a little bit. Nothing more.

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