There he goes

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Surprise long ass fic!! Y'all are gettin treated today

Thank you to my discord for spitballing ideas with me

"It looks cold out there, are you sure you'll be fine with your regular suit?" Cyborg commented, half focusing on the video game he was playing with Beast Boy. It was two-player but the objective wasn't to kill one another so he could spare Robin some of his attention. The teen shook his head. "I've patrolled in colder in a lot less," he replied.

"Doesn't mean you should forego extra layers now," Raven mentioned from behind her book. Starfire nodded in support. He rolled his eyes which went unnoticed thanks to his domino mask and did a last-minute check of all his gear. "I'll be fine, it's not like I'm going to take a midnight dip in a lake." They hummed in concern, making him huff. "I'll change into my thermals if it will keep you happy but nothing more."

"You will thank us later," Starfire called after him as he begrudgingly returned to his room to get changed. 

"Yeah yeah," he muttered.

After getting changed into warmer clothes, Robin disappeared off into the night. The Titans remained unhappy despite his wardrobe change. There were talks of a snow storm tonight and they'd rather not deal with a grumpy teenager who got a cold from staying out in the cold all night without the proper clothes. After they finished the last level on their game, Cyborg suggested they go out to keep an eye on Robin. He was capable of looking after himself, yes, but being capable and being good at something are two very different things. You may be capable of having a shower every day and eating healthy but that doesn't mean you're any good at it. The team knew the difference very well after having Robin as their leader for a little over a year. Keeping this in mind, Cyborg's suggestion was taken on board and they wrapped up then went out to make sure Robin didn't die of hypothermia.

Robin was chasing a criminal as the snowstorm really set in. He frowned at the man turned into a silhouette, then a dot, then completely gone. Unfortunately, unlike Robin, the man wasn't wearing vibrant colours to keep him disappearing into the snow. By the time he was gone, the storm was at an unbearable level. The snowflakes that Robin would've marveled at as a kid now cut and bit at his exposed skin. The intense cold that he would've enjoyed from inside his warm bed now knocked all the breath out of him, making it harder to keep running. He needed a break but he worried pausing would leave him disorientated in the horrible weather. His uniform, although thermal, was no longer keeping him as warm as much as he would like. A chill was running through him and thanks to his inability to give up on apprehending the criminal, it was only getting worse as he continued to run. He wished his body could produce as much heat as he was losing. He hated being cold. That's why he had a long cape as a kid. Sure he was wearing shorts but it would be criminal to hide those thighs. After enough teasing and cold patrols, he compromised with leggings to show them off. He shook his head, trying to keep his focus on the task at hand. He couldn't afford to get turned around in this weather. Then he heard it.


He stopped and looked at what he was running on. Since when had he been running on ice? No more than five minutes ago he was running on solid ground. He carefully kicked his foot to move the snow around to make sure he was actually running on ice. Indeed, he could make out the dark water trapped beneath the frozen top layer. Okay, that wasn't too bad. Maybe the crack was on the bank behind him rather than the one in front. If he just got to the other side, he'd be fine. He could find a bridge or just call the others to come to pick him up. He internally groaned that he'd have to give up on finding the criminal for now. If he didn't know he was running on ice then there was no telling what else he might do unknowingly. Knowing his luck he'd run off a cliff.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now