"a good erotic novel"

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Christelightlavo asked for this a while ago 

Dick was a hot topic. He always had been ever since his adoption. However, as he grew up the media changed from damning his very existence among the higher-ups of Gotham to fawning over him. Every other article was about how he was wearing this scandalous outfit that all the ladies loved or how he was the hottest guy to come out of Gotham. Seeing this, he had a conversation with Bruce. "C'mon B, every other guy and girl and no binary person is drooling over me and you could do with a little popularity boost considering you hardly attend any of the galas anymore," Dick pointed out.

"I don't even how we could incorporate you as a fashion logo," the older sighed, trying to get some paperwork done as his eldest hovered around him. "Neither do I want you sexualized any more than you already are. It's weird."

"It's great more like. I'm finally out of the phase where everyone hates me for being a circus kid," he responded.

"And into the phase where they predict how many sex moves you can do on account of your flexibility," Bruce sighed. He was quite shocked when he saw the article so much so that he threw the magazine in the fire. Unfortunately, the idea was burned into his brain and was somehow more traumatizing than a torture session with Joker. "I'm sure a few people in the league liked it," he replied tauntingly.

"Don't remind me." He glanced up from his papers to meet Dick's eyes. He was doing the puppy eyes. The undeniable puppy eyes. Those suckers were his secret weapon. He huffed and looked back down. "Fine. You can be a model for some of our campaigns but don't come to me when people complain it's favoritism."

"It's not favoritism, it's fan service."

That's how Dick ended up on nearly every billboard for Gotham Industries. Every so often he'd come into the office when they needed to go over which pictures they wanted for new posters. Whenever he did come in, there was a stir in the office that was impossible to ignore. To be fair, the hottest bachelor in Gotham was being put right in front of them. "God, what I wouldn't give for just a night with him," Linda from accounting mentioned. Her husband, Greg from marketing, wasn't much to look at when compared to Dick. She sipped her coffee as she not so subtly peeked into the meeting room. It was made up of all glass and was easily viewable from the staff kitchen. Half the women and two guys all decided they needed a coffee at the same time as the meeting. It was a complete coincidence of course. They'd never ditch their work to take a look at all the pictures that were being used or scrapped. The scrapped ones were normally much better than the used ones but Bruce was Dick's dad so the riskier photos were destined for the editing floor. "Did you see the interview he did? Apparently he's down for anyone," Terry mentioned. 

"Isn't he dating Nightwing? Maxine's friend's dad's coworker saw the hero crawling into his bedroom window," Rihanna questioned. 

"Uh no way. Last I heard he had a thing with that flashy dude," Will argued. 

"It's Kid Flash," Linda told him. "Anyway, it's all unconfirmed. Just look at those arms."

"I know right. He could crush me with those suckers any day."

"Jesus Terry. This is why you can't get past the second date," Jess commented. Their eyes must've been burning holes in Dick as he suddenly glanced towards the breakroom. He smirked at the little crowd he'd gathered so he gave them a cheeky wink before getting back to business. "Holy shit, I think my heart stopped," Rihanna giggled, trying to fan away her deep blush. 

"I wish he was still a stripper. I'd spend my wages on him every night of the week," Will fawned. They all let out a longing sigh at the idea. If only the media had picked up on his previous career earlier. They could just imagine the seedy night club he'd work in. He was a college kid at the time so maybe they could've got a little extra if they paid for it. "You think he did porn?"

"Terry you can't ask that!" Jess scolded. She waited a few seconds. "Maybe."

They continued to chatter about the billionaire's ward until the meeting was over. It'd been a quick meeting so they could get away with staying to watch the entire thing. Dick walked out the room with a killer smile. One that made them want him even more. He had something in his hand that he shoved into his pocket before walking out the room. He glanced over to the group of workers before sauntering over. "Mind if I get a glass of water? That meeting has me parched," he greeted. Linda scrambled to get him a glass and shakily filled it up, handing it over with an awkward smile. He took it with a small thank you and drank half of it. His eyes were looking off to his father figure in the meeting room. Once Bruce had turned around, he stopped drinking and took out what he'd put in his pocket. It was a photo of himself from the meeting. He was shirtless, his six-pack and perfectly defined muscles being showed off. He wore a sexy smirk and looked straight off the cover of a good erotic novel. "Bruce didn't want this getting out but I think it looks rather good, no?" The group nodded, their faces heating up at just being able to envision what was underneath his professional white shirt. "So I was thinking there could be an 'accidental' leak. I'm sure one of you can handle that right?" They nodded so he gave them the photo and walked away, giving them a little wave goodbye as he did. 

"Someone must've spiked this coffee because that was unreal," Will stated once the man was out of earshot.

"You're telling me."

Then, as if this day could get any odder, Bruce walked out the meeting room and straight over to the group whilst they were all getting a look at the photo and commenting on how sensual it was. He plucked the photo out of Jess's hand and inspected. "Uh, Mr. Wayne it's not what it looks like we were just uhm-"

"Although I'm sure I don't pay you to drool over my ward it seems you are so I suggest that you get back to work before you suddenly find yourself out of a job," he stated firmly, ripping the photo in half and tossing it in the nearby bin. 

"Yes Mr. Wayne," they chirped hurriedly running to their desks. He watched them go with a glare and pulled out his phone. 

"Nice try," he typed.

"I don't know what you're talking about ;)"

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now