cry me a river

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Jenny_Mythical_Witch requested this and I'm a slut for emotional Dick Grayson so I had to do it

I didn't think I'd get this out so soon so thank Holy Cross for switching my classes and making me depressed enough to write angst

Fun Fact: Haemolacria is an actual condition where people cry blood but it's normally due to an infection or a tear in the tear duct. If you're finding the crying blood thing too abnormal then just imagine he has either of them



Bruce sighed as he heard the sound of sniffling coming from Dick's room. The boy had been close to crying when he came home and he knew it wouldn't be long until he let the tears loose. He'd never seen Dick cry before but he could tell when he was about to. Before he could assure him crying was alright and perfectly natural, the young acrobat would already be halfway up the stairs. He leaned on the wall and thought to himself. What was he supposed to do? Barging into his room wasn't going to do anything to help if anything it would make things worse, but he didn't want to leave him to cry. Was parenting supposed to be this hard? Maybe he was just bad at it. His parents always knew what to do to cheer him up. Perhaps there was a biological element to it that he didn't know about. A primal knowledge for how to deal with the children you looked after. His hand went to knock on the door but faltered. Dick wanted privacy when he cried and he really should have his privacy respected but he sounded so upset. He didn't want him to be upset. Alfred passed Bruce as he lingered by the door, raising an eyebrow at the sight. "Is there a problem Master Bruce?" he asked.

"It's Dick. He's crying and I don't know if I should go in or not," he responded, looking at the door and longing to be inside the room to somehow comfort the small boy inside. 

"Had you been debating this when he first came, I would've said for you to leave him alone. However, you've developed a relationship with him now. I wouldn't doubt that he wished to have your presence with him but doesn't want to ask," Alfred told him with a slight smile. Bruce was thankful for that. He needed to hear it. 

"Thank you, Alfred."

Once Bruce felt ready, he knocked on the door. "Hey chum, can I come in?" he asked. There was a pregnant pause between the pair. Was he going to be rejected? Were they there yet? There wasn't any objection to him coming in so he opened the door. Dick was sat on the bed, facing away from him. Around him lay a spattering of crumpled up tissues with a tinge "Are you alright?" Bruce asked worriedly. Why were the tissues red? He hesitated to move to where he could see Dick's face. He hadn't noticed any bleeding when Dick came home and he'd been able to get a good look at him before he rushed upstairs. There weren't any thuds either so he couldn't have fallen over and hurt himself. Again, there wasn't much of a reply. A few whimpers escaped Dick's mouth but that was hardly an answer to his question. "Dick?" he asked, prompting a reply. He moved closer to the boy and it seemed he finally caught his attention. Dick whipped around and Bruce gasped harshly.

Blood trickled down the boy's face in place of where tears should be. He flinched at Bruce's gasp and turned back around, crying harder. Quickly, his guardian composed himself and rushed to be by his side. "Dick, you're crying blood?" he said. He thought if he stated the obvious he'd be able to shake off the shock but it didn't work. This wasn't the sight he thought would greet him when he was waiting outside the room pondering on whether to enter or not. "You weren't supposed to see," Dick replied. He turned away from the older again when he got close and hid his face in his hands. Bruce cursed himself for being so shocked but he couldn't help it. It was honestly terrifying and he really hoped the image didn't haunt him tonight. "I'm just a freak," Dick cried.

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