Hi this is long and angsty

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Aromantic_Satan requested this one and I fully delivered since this is over 4000 words


On the day of them setting off for their mission, Robin was on his best behaviour. He made sure to maintain the ten-second rule and try to make conversation as lively as possible to make them more comfortable with him. They honestly found it a little creepy but aired on the side of caution by not telling him. Who knows, if they said the wrong thing to him he might just turn on them when they least expect it. Miss Martian had tried to dissuade them from thinking that way but found even herself was a little too tempted to follow that belief. They got on the Bio-ship with a simple intelligence mission. A building was set up almost overnight with no personnel hired in the area yet it worked at all hours. Whoever was running it didn't want outsiders inside and that made it incredibly suspicious. What company would just start-up just outside of Gotham and not even think about hiring locals? A company that didn't mean well. "So does anyone have any theories on this place?" Robin asked awkwardly. He was trying his best to make conversation but he was really struggling. All he needed was for someone to throw him a bone but they were all much too antsy to do so. There was a long silence before he decided to fill it. "Uh, Batman and I thought it could be connected to erm, Bane or maybe Lex considering he's been planning to expand into Gotham. That's just our opinion though," he added, mumbling the end sentence. He looked around for any confirmation, getting the odd nod in agreement, then cast his eyes to the floor. That went down like a lead balloon. "You're not gonna get all Talony right?" Kid Flash asked. He hadn't intended for it to come out so insensitive but he didn't do anything to fix it either. Robin's mouth went dry as he choked on the breath he was drawing in. "Uh no. I don't intend to." The ginger hummed and looked away, making him shrivel in on himself. He knew they were suspicious of him but he didn't think it went this far. Maybe he should've just stayed at home. "Good. We shouldn't have a problem then."

"Yeah, guess not."

They landed soon after that conversation ended and Robin remained silent. He thought it was for the best considering they didn't trust him. One wrong move and he could be taken off the team. "Miss Martian and Superboy take the east. Artemis and Kid Flash take the west whilst I take the south. We remain covert unless we're caught," Aqualad ordered. "Any questions?"

"Yeah, what about me?" Robin asked. He tried not to overthink why he'd been left out of the lineup but it proved rather difficult. The older looked down with him, suddenly remembering there was a sixth member of their little team. Robin hoped he was just used to only planning for five. "Oh, you'll take the north then. Miss Martian, set up the mind link." Robin watched as they all nodded in unison, their eyes darting between each other. 

"You left me out again," he said, now getting a little frustrated. She must've known he was there. He spoke not moments ago! Were they trying to make him uncomfortable? They could be trying to push him off the team. "Sorry, Robin but it's better off you stay on comms. If you do go full Talon, so to speak, you could jeopardise the link," she explained. He narrowed his eyes at her. That sounded a lot like he was a liability. He couldn't believe them. Their whole thing was acceptance but here they were just pushing him onto the sidelines. "Whatever. Not like I needed you lot in my head anyway," Robin muttered. He scuffed the ground with his combat boots, digging a hole with his heel as they talked in their minds. This was ridiculous. "I'm not sticking around just to be ignored. I'll circle back in an hour," he stated. He did what he did best and disappeared into the shadows without a trace.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now