6th day of Christmas

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God_help_me asked for the younguns to find out about the oldies so have some sorta sad wholesome nostalgia 

Shoutout time for PNGonzalez! She has a lot of stories so you're bound to find something you love and her comments on my stories always make me laugh

"Guys, look what I just found!" Bart announced. It was just him and the rest of the new Young Justice team today. In all honesty, he'd been a little bored with just them. There was nothing more than a teen drama with them but with the older members, there was such intensity in everything they did he was always kept on his toes. Due to this lack of interest, Bart had been looking through the computers the old team used to use and found a gold mine of content to look through. There were pictures and videos from when the team was just formed. They'd always wondered what they'd been like back then. None of them really talked about it. Probably because things were so different now that they didn't like to dwell on the past. It only reminded them of the bad things in the present. The new team funneled into the room with curiosity and gathered behind him. "What're we looking at?" Jaime inquired. Right now the computer was just a screen of different files, some videos, and other pictures. 

"You, my friend, are looking at a time capsule of our older teammates," Bart explained. A rush of new excitement went through the group, each going to grab a chair so they could sit around the computer. "Well c'mon, show us!" Cassie demanded with a giggle of glee. She loved things like this. Up until now, she'd only heard stories from Wonder Woman that were often vague and didn't give her a good picture of what went on. Bart clicked on the first file which happened to be a video.

It began with sniggering, a mixture of Artemis' and M'gann's, with the camera pointed at their feet. Whoever was holding the camera raised it and used it to peer into the living room of the Mountain. On the couch was Dick. The white contacts of his mask closed and his cape draped over his shoulders. "Do you think he's properly asleep yet?" Artemis asked, trying to keep her voice a whisper. 

"He's not moved in a while so he should be," M'gann replied. The sound of whipped cream being squirted could be heard in the background and the team immediately knew this was a prank video. It was pretty well known that Dick was unprankable. He had a sixth sense for the stuff. But maybe when he was younger he didn't and this was rare footage of a prank working out. The camera person snuck into the room and placed the camera on the table at an angle where they could see Dick and Artemis behind the couch. Her hand was piled up with whipped cream. She reeled back and as the top of the whipped cream pile was about to touch Dick's cheek, he grabbed her wrist and made her slap herself. "Nice try but I'm trained by the Bats," he proclaimed, his eyes still closed. Artemis frowned and licked the cream off her lips as M'gann giggled in the background. The camera was picked up and turned off.

"Aww, Dick was so cute as a kid," Cassie cooed. The boys rolled their eyes at her. They were more impressed by his skills. He'd have to teach them how to do that. It would make their pranks a lot more interesting. The next thing Bart clicked on was a photo. It looked like it was from a beach day and included all the team in their civilian form. They noted that Dick still disguised himself. "Is that just a Batfam tradition?" Bart teased.

"That's confidential," Tim replied, adjusting his own sunglasses. They were the exact ones from the photo and had been worn by each Robin. It hadn't meant to be a tradition but it just happened. "They all looked so happy back then," Cassie commented. Wally had his arm wrapped around his best friend's neck, scruffing up his hair as Dick desperately held onto his sunglasses to stop them from falling off. They were both grinning and must've made Zatanna laugh too as she was covering her mouth. Connor managed a smirk for the photo and had Artemis and M'gann on his shoulders. The girls were laughing and Kaldur looked at them fondly with rabbit ears thanks to Raquel standing beside him. All of them were perfectly innocent to what would become of their team. "This must've been after the New Year since Dick and Z look pretty friendly," Garfield suggested.

"They're still pretty friendly," Jaime corrected.

"Dick's pretty friendly with everyone," La'gaan muttered.

The next one the speedster clicked on was another prank video. This time the culprit was Wally and the victim was Artemis. She was reading her book, unaware of what was going on, and she had her earphones in which made her an unsuspecting victim. Wally winked at the camera and they assumed the cameraman was Dick. In his hand was a big pretend spider that looked almost real if it weren't for it not moving. "Artemis look out!" Wally shouted before throwing the spider at her. She shot up with a scream and the pretend spider fell onto the floor. She stomped on it with her combat boots as the boys laughed. Now they were sure it was Dick behind the camera due to his very distinct cackle. After the fifth stomp, Artemis came to the realization that the spider wasn't real. She glared at Wally who's laugh suddenly turned awkward. "Uh, I think it's time we head out," the ginger stated. He ran towards the camera and the rest of the footage was a blur mixed with laughs before it turned off. 

"I wish I could've spent more time with Wally. He seemed really fun," Bart said with a frown. Other heroes have commented on how alike they both were. He just wished he could've found that out first hand rather than through second-hand memories. Jaime put a hand on his shoulder with a comforting smile. "I'm sure he would've loved that."

They quickly moved on to the photos following. One was from Halloween where all the team was dressed up in what seemed to be couples costumes. Wally and Artemis were Spiderman and MJ, M'gann and Connor were the infamous Frankenstein couple, Kaldur and Raquel were Aang and Katara whilst Zatanna and Dick were..."Are they in drag?" Bart giggled He was dressed as Mina Harker and Zatanna was Dracula. They'd put a lot of effort into their costumes that were clear and, if they hadn't known what they looked like before, they wouldn't have questioned it. "Who knew they were all such dorks as kids?" Tim added. 

"Like you're any better. You dressed up as the eighth doctor last Halloween," Jaime pointed out.

"Touche." The next photo was from M'gann's birthday party. They were all so bright and happy even though it would be hell to clean all the silly string that decorated the room. "They had so much fun back then," Cassie said. She hoped they could be like that again but ever since all this business with double agents and losing Wally, that seemed a world away. She supposed it would take a miracle for that to happen. "This next one is at Christmas. They mustn't have cared too much about taking photos," Jaime suggested. The video had no sound but it was a sequence of the team standing under mistletoe and kissing one another. It seemed so carefree. Connor kissed Kaldur without a problem, Wally kissed Dick dramatically and the clip cut away just as they laughed about it. Even M'gann kissed THE Batman. "We should do that this year."

"We all know that just so you can kiss M'gann," Garfield teased the fish-themed hero. He sat back with a huff, folding his arms unhappily.

They went through each video and photo until there were no more left. All of it made them nostalgic for a time they were never there for. It must've been so great being on the team back then. Before all the drama and real-world problems. It looked like their only problem was being caught for the pranks they played on one another. As they finished the last video, M'gann spotted them all gathered around the computer. "What're you up to?" she asked with a friendly smile. 

"Oh we just found some old files from when you were a teenager," Garfield responded. She raised a confused eyebrow and floated over to the computer. 

"I didn't know these even existed. Dick must've put them on the system," she said. Her eyes glanced over a few yet that was enough to bring tears to her eyes. 

"M'gann, you're crying. Are you alright?" Cassie inquired worriedly. The Martian nodded with a watery smile.

"It's just been a while since we were all that happy; seeing the pictures it just....makes me want those times back," she answered.

"Do you think we'll be like that at some point?" Bart asked.

"You guys already are. In some ways your better than we were. Either way, don't compare yourselves to us. We got a lot wrong," M'gann explained. She wiped the rest of the tears from her eyes with a chuckle. "I suppose you'll think the same when you train the next version of the team but you're doing great now."

"Thanks, we appreciate it."

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now