Finally some good fucking fluff

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I can't find the comment asking for David and Dick fluff but here you go that person (comment and I'll tag ya for this idea)


For hours Dick had been working his ass off and there was plenty more to go until he finished drawing up his next sort-of-evil-in-regards-of-law-enforcement-but-not-that-bad-in-the-eyes-of-the-public plan. He rolled his neck and gained an unsatisfying click. After being scrunched up over a desk for so long all he wanted to do was get up and stretch but that would knock him out of the strategic mood. Getting up risked leaving the planning headspace. He continued writing whilst he grabbed his cup of coffee only to find it was freezing cold. He debated on drinking it or not and fell on the decision to just chug it. He drained the cup with a disgusted shiver and grimaced. Coffee tasted gross as all hell when you expected it to be hot only to find it cold which was weird considering he loved both hot coffee and iced coffee. Was it how it was made or was it just the disappointment that made it gross? That was one for Google to answer. Dick was about to type it in when he shook his head. He was letting his passing thoughts get the better of him. A break could allow him to reset and come back with fresh eyes or it could give him the perfect motivation for procrastinating on the topic. Now he was being indecisive. He groaned dramatically and threw his hands up in the air. How could he plan under these conditions? 

"You're tired," David stated, glancing up from his phone. He was presumably looking through his commissions for hits and got distracted by the other's groaning. 

"I'm not tired," Dick snapped back. The ginger looked him up and down, not saying a word. "I'm not!"

"Then tell me what you've written down." Dick looked down and squinted at his notes. They were undecipherable and he used to do ciphers for fun all the time. He figured some of the words had to be connectives but that's all he could get. They probably weren't of any use anyway. He groaned again and slammed his head on the desk in defeat. After rolling his eyes at the dramatics, David walked over and pushed him back off the table. "Last time you slept?" he asked. The acrobat tried to think but all he could think about was whether pink was a shade of red or a colour on its own. "Judging by your lack of long-winded response it was a long time ago," David concluded. He helped Dick up and began leading him to the bedroom. 

"Not now, I need to be able to sit down today." He rolled his eyes with a tut.

"There's a more obvious use for a bedroom Dick," he stated. Hopefully, there was some part of his boyfriend that would figure out what he meant. That hope was shot down by the intense look of confusion he received. "Sleep. You're getting some sleep," he clarified in an obvious tone. Dick huffed and pulled at his hand, mumbling about having to get things done. "You can either willingly go to bed or I can knock you out, your choice." David didn't make his voice harsh in an attempt to show this was his very round the houses way of saying he was worried about his significant other's health. He wasn't a man of very many words and of those words there were even fewer that articulated his more sensitive side. Luckily though, his partner understood what he was trying to say. "I'll rest if you rest too. Don't think I missed those bags under your eyes, mister," Dick replied, reaching up and cupping his face. The ginger rolled his eyes again, this time with a ghost of a smile, and nodded. 

"If that's what'll make you sleep." He continued to lead him to the bedroom, mentioning to any passers-by not to bother them for the next hour. Their employees weren't unused to their "alone time" so they just nodded, one being brave enough to wink cheekily. He was scowled at by David and decided to swiftly speed walk away from the situation whilst his legs still worked.

Their bedroom was rather homey considering their professions. There were pictures of them from their travels together and milestones in their relationship. Everything in the room was some shade of blue since that was the main colour of Dick's gang. He also just liked the colour. There was a clear difference on each side of the room. Dick's side had his pajamas crumpled up in a pile and his bedside cabinet was full of different painkillers. It was also more decorated. He had the infamous Flying Graysons poster hung up as well as a few newspaper clippings from cases he'd worked on in the past and was still particularly proud of even if he wasn't a hero anymore. David's side was very plain. His clothes were put away neatly and his bedside cabinet was plain except for a framed photo of Dick from one of their more tame dates. There was only one dead body in shot. On the wall, he had a few antique swords he was fond of and in the cabinet, draws were enough daggers to wipe out a small cafe. "Found any hits yet?" Dick asked, pulling off his clothes and exchanging them for his wrinkled pajamas. 

"One in Morroco. All expenses paid if I get it done in three days," David answered, locking the door behind them. The habit had once been unnerving but now it was somewhat comforting. It was a sign of him wanting to protect Dick though the weapons previously listed rendered the locked door pointless. The moment someone who wasn't supposed to be in there even peaked into the room they'd already be on the floor with a dagger sticking out of their neck. "Sounds like we could have some fun there," Dick offered, searching for the remote for the TV. He couldn't fall asleep without something in the background. The sound of them breathing and nothing else just made him feel weird. "It would be very risky to leave our terf unprotected," David responded. He pulled off his clothes just as Dick found the remote. 

"I'm sure we could get one of our boys to stick around. Nobody needs to know that the two of us are drinking cocktails in another country," he offered. 

"Not in this climate. Penguin still wants payback for that stunt you pulled with our new trainees," the taller argued.

They both climbed into the bed and snuggled up without second-guessing it. It only felt natural to relax when they were touching one another. David had his arm wrapped around Dick's shoulder's, keeping him close to his scarred chest. "You're such a worrywart. It wouldn't kill us to have a little getaway together. It's been at least a year since our last trip and we used to go every two months! I'm borreeedd," Dick whined. He put on his best puppy eyes to try and convince him but they weren't half as effective as usual due to his tired features. "Once we're secure then you can come along. Until then you need to stay here." He huffed and turned his attention to the TV. "Don't be mad, Boss."

"I'm not mad, I'm tired and irritated. There is a huge difference," he snapped. David kissed him on the forehead, instantly making him soften and think through the other's argument more clearly. "I suppose you're right but next time you get a hit in a nice place, I'm coming. I've got to make sure you've not found another twunk."


"Mind of a twink, body of a hunk."

"You have too much time on your hands." Dick stuck out his tongue with a smile then yawned adorably. He settled on a show to watch and relaxed completely into the other's touch. David moved his bangs out of his eyes and twisted his small black curls around his index finger. "You're my only twunk," he muttered. The smaller chuckled and closed his eyes. 

"I love you too."

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now