My leg is in a cast and my friends are fighting

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Tried to have some fun with this one so sorry if any characters are ooc

Also, I'll be using TT Roy but he's the age he's in YJ which doesn't make a lick of sense but just go with it okay?

"I want everyone to know that I hate every single second of this," Robin complained. His leg was currently in a cast, resting on the table with a pillow beneath it. Beside him were crutches which were the only way he was able to stand up. He couldn't believe that his leg was broken. He'd be out of the game for ages and physio would be a mess. The Titans only had sympathy for their leader. He was going to be bored every day and he'd no doubtedly work himself silly trying to do as much work as he could to make up for the lack of his presence on the street. "We guessed," Beast Boy responded.  

"But we will take care of you the entire time to make it easier," Starfire added. She tried to look on the bright side of life but Robin just pouted. He was a fidgety kid at heart and sitting in front of a TV screen all day every day wasn't going to keep him occupied all day. He already craved practicing some kicks and punching the hell out of a punching bag. "Don't worry about it, I called my old team to help since you guys still have a city to take care of," he responded. 

"We don't want or need their help," Cyborg argued. The two teams got on like oil and water. The thought of them being the people Robin wanted to depend on was infuriating. Robin picked up on this the last time the two groups met but that didn't stop him from calling Young Justice. They would only worry about him and eventually turn up at the Tower at some point uninvited. "Well I want to see my other friends again so you're just gonna have to put up with them, and that goes for all of you," he replied. Just because his leg was broken didn't mean he wouldn't find some way to get them back for any ill behaviour. He'd given the same threat to the other team as well, hoping they wouldn't start something either. They probably would though. That would just be his luck.

Upon finding out about the other team, Young Justice just so happened to land on their roof. Whilst he still had time, he gave his team a stern look and tried to make himself look as intimidating as possible even though they could easily trap him on the couch by breaking his crutches. "Don't make me regret trusting you to be civil," he cautioned. They nodded but didn't seem like they were going to keep it calm. He just hoped they could last long enough for him to see his friends without the drama. "Fine," Beast Boy whined.

A door slid open behind them to reveal Young Justice. In an instant, Kid Flash was by his side with the rest close behind him. "Sorry about your leg, what happened?" he asked, frowning at the thick white cast covering his leg from shin to foot. 

"Beast Boy kinda broke it," Robin answered. He tried his best not to shoot the younger a glare for the situation he'd put him in. Maybe it would be a good learning experience. However, his old team couldn't hold back their glares. "It was an accident before you go accusing him of anything," he quickly added. "He was swinging on some old beams and they fell down. I just so happened to be under it at the time."

"I wish I was there, your leg would've been fine if I had," Kid Flash said candidly. He received a pointed look from the youngest of the two teams. 

"Yeah, you're gonna be out the game for at least six weeks," Artemis added. Starfire stepped in quickly after she made that statement.

"Actually, friend Raven can half that time through her magic," she announced. Miss Martian couldn't help but notice an aura of smugness come from the half-demon. He wouldn't need her powers if Beast Boy had been more careful. This would've never happened if he stayed on their team. They were clearly the superior team. "Don't you have some villain with a stupid gimmick to run after?" Artemis snapped, picking up on their smugness.

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